Friday, November 6, 2009

Can a Dentist pull 9 teeth w/a shot/didnt work/I cried hysterically/she yelled & made me sit on my hands?

I paid for fillings I didnt get too. I was refused pain meds=9 extractions!!! I was refused nitrous too. She pulled perfectly good teeth too!The nurse questioned it but got punished for it. I was writhing and begging to stop, she just got more rough! My nose was plugged from crying and I choked on alot of blood trying to breathe thru my mouth.She talked me into 4 fillings too...then she made me leave for an hour so she could go somewhere(I live 1.5 hours away from Office!) I could feel the roots beaking loose and hear the cracking of teeth. I begged for more shot...she did, then after 5 seconds...resumed/no time to take effect. I am private pay and I paid for the fillings she didnt even perform! can she get away with the torture she bestowed upon me? Then...the other dentist from the next room came running into my room and attacked me screaming and yelling in my face!As if I wasnt terrified enough...I felt like I was in the old west having 9 teeth yanked and feeling every crack!!!

Can a Dentist pull 9 teeth w/a shot/didnt work/I cried hysterically/she yelled %26amp; made me sit on my hands?
KittyKat get to a Lawyer ASAP.

And while your at it get someone to take photographs and go to your ER for pain medication and a report. Ask for a copy of this report.

Write everything that happens from now down. It makes it so much easier later on.

Keep all your documentation and before you forget write down EXCACTLY what happened and what was said/responses.

She MEDICALLY CAN NOT FOR YOUR SAFTERY AND HEALTH pull 9 teeth at once and without any anaesthetic. And it takes around 5 minutes for Lidocaine to start taking effect.

What she has done is hazardess and she is a Cowboy Dentist who has to be reported.

Has she given you any pain medication now to take for pain occuring after her extractions? Has she told you what to take for pain? Has she told you DO NOT TAKE ASPRIN OR PRODUCTS CONTAING ASPRIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES? It will cause massive uncontrolled bleeding.

How are you supposed to eat? You run the risk of dehydration and shock also. So you really need some medical care as she has not offered it.

Please go to the ER. This is not normal. Especially as you sound as if you are far from well.
Reply:I was shocked by it all..and thought I was being a baby so I didnt leave, I argued with her for pain meds, thats when other DDS attacked me(verbally and violently) I begged her to stop/wait till hurt so bad I can't sleep w/out nightmares. Report It

Reply:I bet her version is a bit different than yours though. The patients version always is different. Report It

Reply:If your story is true... big lawsuit for pulling good teeth.

Generally... the story doesn't sound believable though.
Reply:no, this is NOT normal. you should sue them for this!
Reply:My God, what a nightmare! Call your local medical association and report her for malpractice. Then call a lawyer. If all this is true, you have ample grounds for a lawsuit.
Reply:check with law er their should not of been that much pain, should at least put you asleep.
Reply:How do you know that she pulled perfectly good teeth? Are you a dental professional who knows how to diagnose, and then give advice on what course of treatment should be taken? Hearing cracking of teeth and some noise is common when having extractions performed. Are you sure that you were actually feeling the pain? Or do you think that you were freaking out because of what you heard? Many people have this experience where they think they are in pain, when in fact it is the noises that are really bothering them. If she was telling you to sit on your hands then this tells me that you were prob. grabbing at her hands, which I am sure contained some sharp, dangerous dental instrument. She was trying to protect you and herself from having the instrument slip and cutting you, or herself. The dentist should not have started treatment based your reaction. However once they have started treatment, say extracting a tooth, they have to at least finish that tooth. They can't let you go home with a half-extracted tooth. The pain would be a lot worse in the long run. I know that dental care is unpleasant and scary, however you screaming and carrying on is not going to help anybody. What about other patients that may have been there? You screaming could not have made them feel very good. If you had calmly explained that you were in pain, instead of wigging out than things may have gone differently. Being a Drama queen is not a way to get your-self heard. The dentist pulling perf. good teeth as you say makes no sense and is not to their benefit. Why? With how you acted, I am sure that any sane dentist would have stopped after one extraction. Why torture themselves with you screaming, and why torture you. Obviously these teeth needed to come out. For whatever reason. How old are you is my next question?
Reply:poor girl !

see your solicitor / lawer , see if the nurse will vouch for you , are you in australia , if yes email me offline at :

i know someone in news / current affairs that owes me a favour
Reply:The above answer from "perioligament" sounds comprehensive, but there has been a loss of communication here. I would contact your dentist and mention how you felt. Ask for an explanation. If you are not happy with that then seek a lawyer, but remember the lawyer always wins!
Reply:SHITTTTT! u could sue! go to a diff dentist and get their oppinion and dont go back to the other one! she sounds like a *****!!
Reply:I have been in the dental field and your story has BULLSHI* written all over it!

Sorry but the only part of it that I might believe is you needing another shot. I have NEVER EVER seen a dentist plug someones nose, leave them for an hour so they could go somewhere, or run into a room and attack a patient by screaming and yelling in their face.

If any of it were true, and you didn't get up and walk out immediatly, then your not too wise.


I was pulling a towel out of her mouth & a fang broke. Will it fall out & grow back likeher baby teeth?

No. If she's already full-grown and has lost her puppy teeth and her adult teeth have come in, that's it for her. Just like us.

I was pulling a towel out of her mouth %26amp; a fang broke. Will it fall out %26amp; grow back likeher baby teeth?
was it a baby tooth!!?!?!??! if it was then it will but if its not then i dont think it will. i would take her to the vet and see if it will get infectid or something.
Reply:nope. adult teeth won't fall out unless they are decayed or otherwise separated from their supportive structures.

If the insides of her tooth are exposed, it could be very painful and sensitive to temperature. You should bring her to the vet in the morning. For tonight, nothing too hot or too cold, and no more tug-of-war.
Reply:NO if itwas one of her perment teeth than no other will grow back in. You will need to get your dog to the vets and make sure the k9 tooth doesnt do any damage to her mouth or lip. They can smooth the tooth off so she doesnt hurt any other part of her mouth. They can also cap the remaing tooth if that is with in your pocketbook.
Reply:If this was an adult tooth no.

Make sure the whole tooth is out or the dog can develop an infection especially the eye tooth - phone the vet

If it was a baby tooth, it will grow back. if not, go see a vet.
Reply:Nope, just call her snaggletooth!
Reply:if is not her baby tooth .It will not grow back
Reply:Unfortunately no it won't fall out and grow can however take her to a vet dentist and have it fixed if you want..otherwise she'll be fine..
Reply:You're gonna have to take her to the Doggy Dentist.
Reply:It will fall out, out of his mouth. It can grow back and it will be its permanent tooth. It's just like humans.

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Is it better to pull extra teeth or use an expander?

I have been to a couple of different ortho's and some have told me they were going to use an expander and some say they want to pull my teeth. I currently have 8 teeth too many (including wisdom teeth) and am scared that if I pull the teeth it will change the shape of my face. Any suggestions? PLEASE HELP!!!

Is it better to pull extra teeth or use an expander?
Relax.. I speak from experience.. my daughter had four supernumerary teeth (extra) that were surgically removed, the extra teeth were screwing up the way her teeth were growing in,and now, 2 years later, she is still as beautiful, but without crooked teeth..... I would say have them pulled, good luck with it!!
Reply:Glad to be of help! Hope everything works out for you.. Report It

Reply:I had teeth pulled and only had to wear my braces a year and a half it would have taken much longer with an expander plus it is very hard to keep everything clean with braces and even harder with an expander. Having the teeth pulled was no big deal, although it is harder the older you are. However, an oral surgeon could do all of them under anesthesia and end your misery in 1 swipe. Besides the added priced of the expander will add up just as much and if you have medical insurance it would cover some of the anesthesia at the oral surgeon.
Reply:Here is why the orthodontic field has many solutions to the same problem when it comes to crowding.

Traditional orthodontics done in the 60's and 70's usually involved extractions of 4 permanent premolars. This treatment was rendered nearly 80% of the time, however, when orthodontists evaluated the treatment results, they found that the teeth were straight but many faces had the so-called dished-in look. This was because the front teeth were often retracted in order to close the space left by the extracted teeth. Orthodontists were not happy with these results and that led to the current expansion therapy of treatment. By expanding the arches orthodontist hope to maintain or improve facial fullness. It should be noted that not all extraction cases change facial profiles but generally speaking, most orthodontists try to fit all the permanent teeth into the arch by using expanders.

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If my wisdom teeth grew in and there is enough room in my mouth, should i still consider pulling them?

If your dentist sees no reason to pull them then by all means leave them alone. My wisdom teeth grew in on the right side of my mouth at the ripe young age of 31. My dentist saw no reason to pull them but he did put a seal over them to protect them from decay. Just be aware that you will have to take extra care to keep them clean. Best wishes to you!

If my wisdom teeth grew in and there is enough room in my mouth, should i still consider pulling them?
yes they can cause decay on the other teeth, unless you have a seriously large mouth
Reply:No, if you don't need to don't. My wife still has her's and does not need to have them pulled. she is 52. But of course a dentist's should be the one telling you if you need to have them pulled or not.
Reply:Yes, when you are older those puppies are going to rot, and can cause some serious pain. It also hurts two times as much getting those out instead of getting them out when your younger.
Reply:No You get them for a reason. Just make sure you reach back there and brush them good...
Reply:Wisdom teeth are weird teeth. They come in very weird sometimes and can cause problems so Yes I would recommend getting them out. We have been seeing more people with wisdom teeth and filling them sucks!

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Can the dentist pull old teeth out instead of new wisdom teeth? like two molars instead?

Since most people have had a cavity on their back teeth, why don't they pull out one of the old molars out so the "new" wisedom tooth can take it's place, since it will be like a brand new tooth taken the place of the old wholy tooth. Can't they do that?

Can the dentist pull old teeth out instead of new wisdom teeth? like two molars instead?
Good question wish I had found out before I had mine removed. Darn! Now I guess I will have to keep the rest of my teeth.

"Whats up Doc?"
Reply:The wisdom teeth are removed because they serve no function today. Also, wisdom teeth usually grow in such a way that they put too much pressure on existing gums and teeth.
Reply:some times the wisdom teeth are not straight, and will impact the other teeth, this can really hurt. but if they are comming in straight, then they might be able to use them.

each person is differant, you need to deciced with your dentist!
Reply:I right!!! but this not possible for all people, coz it depend on the situation of their teeth.
Reply:i like your ? it got me thinking, i imagine that because the wisdom teeth are sitting back further and will come in, in that space, so you will have gaps.

be interested to see what others have to say.
Reply:most wisdom teeth grow in wrong. If you were to have a good wisdom tooth so you pulled the molar you would have a gap between your teeth. If this was in the front that might be sexy but in the back it is just a place for gunck to collect.
Reply:Because teeth are not free moving on your jawbone, you just cant slide them around because the root system of the tooth is shaped to fit the particular part of the jaw it occupies, and also because there is a nerve that goes from the inside of the tooth to those around your tongue and central nervous system, and breaking it would kill the tooth. Teeth actually contain living tissue and nerves and they have roots that grip and sometimes even meld with your jawbone, once you are older. Also, these days a dental surgeon is capable of pulling a tooth that is damaged and replacing it with a permanent replacement tooth that is screwed into your jawbone.
Reply:my wisdom teeth were growing horisontally, and had to be removed.

removing other teeth would not have helped.
Reply:See a dentist!

For a very good article on wisdom teeth, visit:

Reply:Most wisdom teeth are pulled because there actually is'nt enough room %26amp; they come in crooked %26amp; can cause pain.As far as the wisdom tooth taking the place of the bad molar,it would envolve pretty serious surgery (removing part of the jaw bone,ect...)because it just can't be pushed that far with braces.

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Will accidentaly pulled milk tooth be replaced by permanent teeth?

2 days ago there was a terrible accident in my home, my 6 year old son pulled on clothing material that my 4 year old daughter was biting into while they were playing and the clothing came off with one of her upper front teeth. Will the removed teeth be replaced in about 2 years when she grows permanent teeth, what do I need to do to ensure she regains her perfect dentition?

Will accidentaly pulled milk tooth be replaced by permanent teeth?
Yes her tooth will some through again when it is time, but just to make sure you should go to the dentist if the tooth is not due for quite some time and they may put a spacer in that spot to make sure there will be enough room for the new one. chances are though they will just leave well enough alone.

What he's trying to say is a spacer.
Reply:usually permanent teeth start at age 8. if a tooth falls, the 2 pillar teeth (the teeth next to the fallen tooth) will come closer to each other and fill the spot not allowing the permanent tooth to make the eruption that age dentists install a device thaty will keep the 2 pillar teeth seperate. its like braces but for 2 teeth.!

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I just got my nose pierced and i was wondering if i can keep it in while i get my wisdom teeth pulled ???

i cant take my piercing out for a few more months and my mom signed me up to get my teeth pulled help please

I just got my nose pierced and i was wondering if i can keep it in while i get my wisdom teeth pulled ???
Y wudnt you...ur teeth r connected to ur gums ur gums r connected to ur jaw...i dont see nose in there at all :D
Reply:Yea, you can keep it in. Your teeth are not in your nose so it should be fine!
Reply:Have the dentist pull your nose ring out too. That way you could, you know, get a decent job someday.
Reply:Leaving it in should't be a problem.
Reply:why would you need to take it out??? that doesn't even make sense.
Reply:why would you have to take out your nose ring for them to pull your wisdom teeth? they don't have anything to do with each other. of course you can keep it in.
Reply:my dentist told me i didn't have to take it out no matter what i was getting done. And I have my tongue pierced
Reply:..why not?


have a nice day.
Reply:Although getting your wisdom pulled out will hurt i dont think that your peirced nose will effect it.
Reply:i dont see why you wouldent be able to but if they are going to have to take an x-ray they will have to have it removed
Reply:I think it would be fine, as long as they don't plan on doing xrays

and the person who commented on you not being able to get a job:

wake up, its 2007
Reply:It depends on the Doctor. They may let you keep it in. I had to take the bar bell out of my tongue for a cleaning. But when they pulled my wisdom teeth i could keep it in. But this is your nose. Even if they make you take it out, tell them you would like it put back in before you go home. It's not going to close up that fast. Plus you are in a sterile environment, it will be kept clean.
Reply:Yes, you have your teeth pulled out and keep your nose ring in. I did it, it was fine; there was no issue at all.
Reply:No, why the heck would you have to nose ring pulled out when your teeth will be pulled out?!!? Oh, but on the bright side you should also get your nose ring pulled out so one day you might live a decent life.
Reply:I somehow doubt it but your dentist will definitely tell you if it has to come out!

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Ok this is a strange one. I am looking for an affordable dentist to have all of my friend's teeth pulled.?

As I stated I am looking for a cheap place to get teeth pulled and dentures. I HAVE BEEN LOOKING IN Minnesota and Iowa. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ok this is a strange one. I am looking for an affordable dentist to have all of my friend's teeth pulled.?
Reply:there is a place in south carolina that pulls the teeth for $18. a tooth and dentures are from $250. up for both when having teeth pulled it's web site is sexton dental clinic . they will pull all at once and give you dentures the same day Report It

Reply:Does your friend know about this little plan you've cooked up? For all that no matter where you go it's not going to be cheap. Unless you find some guy in an alley to do it.
Reply:find a dental college, they usually do work on real patients for a severe discount. You just cant sue them if something goes bad. I had a tooth pulled in KC and the total bill was $45.
Reply:Get a discount plan to help cover the cost. I didn't have my teeth pulled, but my root canal was half price! Here is the company that I use.

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How long does it take for the huge "holes" in your mouth to heal over after having wisdom teeth pulled?

I had two wisdom teeth pulled 6 days ago and I am afraid to eat anything but mashed potatoes and pudding, in fear of the "holes" getting food stuck in them. Can anyone help me out. I tried to eat blackened salmon for dinner tonight but was afraid it would get stuck. I feel like I am starving myself. Only serious answers please.

How long does it take for the huge "holes" in your mouth to heal over after having wisdom teeth pulled?
After a week or two you should go ahead and start eating food regularly...the wholes are still going to be there for possibly 2-3 months depending, but they will gradually shrink away, but don't let the holes stop you from eating..the dentist should have given you something to keep the holes cleaned out while they are healing up.
Reply:I had mine pulled 25 years ago and I still have a whole in my bottom gum.
Reply:It takes a while for the holes to close up, but they shrink greatly within the next 2 weeks after surgery. You should be able to eat whole food by then (without worries) for sure.
Reply:i would contact your dentist asap!!! he/she should of given you instructions on what to eat and not to eat(or drink).

make that call! they are the only ones that can help you!

stay strong!
Reply:Yes, it's a bit daunting to see these huge gaps left. But believe it or not, I have never had any trouble eating. Just eat careful, avoid that side of the mouth if you can, no problem if you can't. I guess the Dentist has given you a mouth wash and instructions as to what to do. Before you realise it, the gaps will close up, if your a healthy specimen, then you shouldn't have any problems. Ring the Dentist if unsure. Enjoy your food!!!!
Reply:I wouldn't worry about food getting stuck in the 'holes'. When I was younger I had teeth pulled left and right because they were decalcified. I had tons of holes, and ate with gusto just like any other child would.

The two teeth on the top, in the back, (not wisdom teeth though, they didn't come it yet) are also decalcified I believe. They have holes in the side, by the cheek. Slightly different scenario, but similar effect. Food does get in there, but it also comes right out when I drink some water or gently brush my teeth.

If you are really worried mush up whatever you want to eat, and as you put it in your mouth, swish in some water, that way any particles will be flushed. Brush your gums gently with a toothbrush afterwards for added security.

I can't say how long the holes will take to heal, but I can't imagine it being more than a month or two, and even that is stretching it.
Reply:Don't worry, after about a week they are healed enough to chew a little bit, but still eat soft stuff for like a month. Don't starve yourself though. Don't you like soup?
Reply:My holes took about three months to close up. It all depends on how your body responds and how fast it is going to heal. I recommend that you eat soft foods that don't have much of a chance to get stuck and always gargle with biotene or somehting your oral surgeon recommends. Try to do that for a few weeks and then gradually start eating more solid foods. You may want to invest in some protein shakes like designer whey and drink those for a while. They saved me some misery. Good luck.
Reply:I had all 4 of mine taken out 4 years ago. I didn't have any swelling or anything (I was lucky!) and I was able to eat regular foods right away, nothing super hard until the day after. One of mine still has a little hole now. Nothing has ever gotten stuck in it though.
Reply:Don't swish water in the sockets, nothing is going to get stuck in the holes and it will come out when you gently brush your teeth and let the water bathe over the areas. You can' t hurt any thing. Six days is long enough for the holes to have the clots in place they need to fill the gap. Dont starve, just avoid chewing way back there for a while. Salmon is the Best choice. It will not get stuck. If you're freaking, ask the dentist, but I've gone through this. Nothing is going to get stuck. Just don't lose the clot and cause a dry socket by rinsing vigorously. Eat!
Reply:Just make sure you rinse your mouth with saltwater after eating to clean out any debris. Sometimes the holes never go away completely. I still have them on the top and it's been four years since I had mine out.

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Would pulling my tooth really be that bad?

This question has been asked any times but all of them didnt seem to fit my description. This is a baby tooth that doesnt want to come out. I've been having problems getting teeth to loosen so it's been hard to get them all out. RIght now one of my adult teeth is starting to come in (by starting I mean its visible when I smile, laugh ect). I was wondering If I would be wise to pull this out before my dentist appointment ( I would still be going to the dentist because I have other teeth that need to be pulled) because I dont want this adult tooth to come in and be crooked for the rest of my life.

Would pulling my tooth really be that bad?
If the dentist appointment is fairly soon, tell him your concerns and ask him to pull that one as well. If you're uncertain about whether or not he'll be willing to do that, call the office and ask.
Reply:let the dentist do and get some sedation
Reply:let the dentist do it =so you won't hurt the new tooth coming in
Reply:You should go to the dentist and let the dentist take care of it. If your appointment is a way off then make an appointment sooner. The baby tooth will affect the position of the adult tooth and trying to pull it yourself might damage the new tooth and the baby tooth might break off and then you will really have a problem.
Reply:If the baby tooth is already loose, go ahead and wiggle it might come out before you see the dentist. Otherwise, he'll take care of it for you.

My daughter had the same problem - the dentist took out the baby tooth and her permanent tooth slid right into the space after a few weeks - no braces needed.


Pulling A Tooth: Who Chooses When To Do It?

Back in January I went to the dentist because I had an infection around a tooth that was coming in BEHIND a tooth that's on the top right side of my mouth. We cleared the infection up and I was all good. Since then we have been dealing with fillings and stuff to get me ready to go an orthodonist because my mouth is so narrow. My dentist told me I could possibly lose one or both of the teeth that were bothering me. I went to the dentist on Monday and had three fillings done and asked him if he could pull it because I couldn't floss my top teeth due to the amount of pressure it was putting on the other ones. He said as long as it wasn't causing any pain he thought we should leave it alone so I said okay. He filled three cavities, one large one and two really small ones, and the big one has bothered me since. I don't know if I have an infection inside the tooth or not. The top tooth that I have been having problems with is being pushed by the tooth coming in and causing me pain.

Pulling A Tooth: Who Chooses When To Do It?
teeth don't push other teeth out. There might not be enough room for it to grow into your mouth, but even when teeth are angled foward and look like they're resting on the roots of another tooth, they do not create any pushing force, they just stay there and can't get out.

The pain you are getting would be coming from something else, possibly the really deep filling. I would still wait for the orthodontist opinion, because the orthodontist might have preferred that you pulled the opposite tooth to the one you want and it will compromise the treatment. Best to get a second opinion, The option will be either to fix the sore tooth and pull the impacted one, or pull the sore tooth and keep the impacted one. Unfortunately there is no rule for figuring out and you have to actually see the xrays and your mouth and the tooth to make the best decision... best leave it to the professionals.

However if the main reason you want something done so soon is because of pain, I'd agree that you should see your dentist soon, just don't push him into doing something, just let him try to fix the pain, then it won't matter whether you wait for the 2nd opinion or not.
Reply:teeth that have been recently filled will hurt for up tp two weeks afterward....don't pull healthy teeth you will need them later in life....
Reply:It is possible that your filling is a bit "high" meaning that you hit it before all other teeth. Your bite can exert 300 psi so imagine one tooth getting all of that instead of dispersed evenly in the mouth. Because it was previously adjusted and that relieved the pain, I would venture to guess that the larger filling is still a bit high. I also imagine that you grind or clinch your teeth which can exacerbate this situation. You must be able to floss your teeth and if your teeth are too tight for this, than your dentist really must do something to help. I do not agree with just pulling teeth - that is usually not the option. Good luck.
Reply:If you really want to have something taken out and the general dentist doesn't want to do it, then you'll be referred to an oral surgeon.

The dentist will probably write a note saying to the oral surgeon "Please evaluate tooth number X for extraction". Then the oral surgeon will evaluate it (because the surgeon isn't a mindless robot) and then decide whether or not it should be taken out. If you insist, even if it's viable to save, then it'll probably get pulled out. It's also possible the Oral Surgeon won't do it because it's a viable tooth.

This is difficult to answer accurately because we don't have x-rays and are just going by your descriptions. If your tooth that hurts is being caused by an adjacent tooth (hoping it's the wisdom tooth), then the removal of the adjacent tooth will make you feel better.

See the dentist, and good luck.


What are some foods that someone can eat if they just had all their top teeth pulled?

my fiance just had all his top teeth pulled and he has to wait a month before he gets his dentures so I am wondering what are some foods that he can eat besides pudding, yogurt, bananas, applesauce, and pureed foods?

What are some foods that someone can eat if they just had all their top teeth pulled?
Sugar Daddies.
Reply:Jello, yogurt, ice cream milk shakes
Reply:soup, jello, milkshakes, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes
Reply:anything soft, soups, potato, vedge, rice etc
Reply:When I got my wisdom teeth pulled I drank Ensure 3 times a day for about 5 weeks. They have several different flavors and at at about 250 calories each, I lost a lot of weight too.
Reply:I think all the foods have been covered by previous answers. Is the aversion (?) to pureed foods one of lack of taste? Remember that any food you would make normally and with the normal spice level that he is accustomed to can be pureed.

Also, Ethiopian food is delicious, easy to chew, and (most of it is) very soft. Look for a good restaurant near you.
Reply:Mashed Potatoes, Ice Cream....anything soft...
Reply:Ice cream or Jello. When I got my teeth pulled, thats what I ate. Ice cream is good because it numbs your mouth.


Can someone please tell me how much it usually is for all your wisdom teeth to be pulled??

I just got told that I am going to have to go and get all for of my wisdom teeth pulled. Does anyone know how much this would cost with or without insurance?

Can someone please tell me how much it usually is for all your wisdom teeth to be pulled??
It probably really depends on the area you live in.

I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled back "home" (PA) when they first came in. Had a really great dentist who all my family went to. He gave a cash discount if you didn't have insurance. I had them all pulled 1 at a time (4 visits because my son was 3 months old at the time). For all 4 teeth threw him... it cost me about $375 cash 2 were impacted.

Fast forward 7 years. We moved to Houston Tx... I had another wisdom tooth grow in (and 1 more since I know what to watch for now for another one! *crosses fingers*. This one erupted 1/2 way underneither my back molar. Haveing both those teeth removed (it shattered the bottom of the molar before I realized what was happening) it cost me almost $600 in cash!

With insurance it would depend on the plan you have what the cost would be along with the dentist you see. Most dental insurances pay 50-80% up to a limit per year. If you are talking more about a "dental discount plan" most of those will have you pay 80-90% of the actual cost.

Also if you have all of them done at one time by an oral surgeon while being put to sleep, from what I understand you can be looking at clost to $1000 for them all to be taken out at once.
Reply:That all depends on the oral surgeon. It can cost up to $1000-$2000 depending on whether they are impacted or not. If you don't have Insurance my family has a very low cost discount benefit program and it only cost's under $20 a month for Dental, plus we get free Vision, Pharmacy and Chiropractor care for free!! We end up saving up to 80% on most procedures done plus there are no limits or paperwork to fill out and they also cover anything comsetic.


Would i be healed enough to take a driving test three days after i got my wisdom teeth pulled out?

I just made an appiontment to get my wisdom teeth pulled but unfortunately i just realized that my driver's lisense test is monday, and the appointment is on friday. would i be better enough to take it then and perform well? or should i change one of the dates?

also, i am going on vacation two weeks after i get them pulled, i would be better enough to completely enjoy myself and eat whatever i wanted, right?

Would i be healed enough to take a driving test three days after i got my wisdom teeth pulled out?
You'll be fine. The dentist will numb you up really good. That should make you comfy for a few hours after the extraction. By that time, you should have filled your pain med prescription. You'll need that Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night. Sunday you should start to be able to function with no pain meds and by Monday, you'll be fine.
Reply:You should probably be ok. Unless you're on some medication that makes you loopy. Reschedule one if you'd be more comfortable.
Reply:go for it....
Reply:You'll probably be a little sore still. But you'll be okay to drive. The thing to remember is, if your pain medicine is effecting you, you might want to switch to Ibprofen the day of the test so you better aware of whats going on.
Reply:This is one of those individual things as everyone heals differently, but I do think you should reschedule the driving test for later in the week. You are not going to have the chance to practice before. For sure you will be on pain pills for 2 days possibly 3 so you wont be able to drive at all.

As for you vacation, you'll be fine 2 weeks after, hope you have a good one
Reply:You won't be driving with your teeth Rebecca. Or at least I hope not. lol See how you feel and if you don't feel well don't go !!!

family nanny

Pulling a tooth?

i have a tooth, a top tooth, that is very loose. i want to try to pull it myself instead of going to the dentist because it doesnt hurt at question is, does anyone know how to properly pull a tooth? do you try to pull it out by pulling straight down, or to one side or the other?


Pulling a tooth?
Pulling your own adult teeth fits right in there with do it yourself appendectomies. It's not as straightforward as you might like to think. Teeth are extensions of the bone of your jaw. Pulling one creates a gap in the bone, much the same as if you made a hole that size in a bone in your arm or leg. Teeth have a blood supply, and the entire area is very well wired with nerves, veins and arteries. While the tooth itself may not hurt, the gums and jaw will complain. And should you start to bleed uncontrollably, do you have a backup plan to stop that? And just in case you don't get it all intact- roots and all, then what? How do you plan to prevent an infection setting in? The mouth is an incredibly dirty place, and the bacteria will love infesting an open wound. From your mouth to your brain- in a short time. Think this one out a little more, and then go see the dentist if you really think it needs to go. Let a professional with the proper tools and training do the job, and find something else to do with your energy.
Reply:I can't tell you the best way to pull your tooth yourself but please remember when you pull it out to put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy. I used to get a dime from her years ago.
Reply:Not sure if there is a science for this but eating apples and other harder fruits help to bring the tooth right out!
Reply:Try to rotate lt. but don`t pull on lt to hard and lf lt won`t come out then take a piece of kleenex and see lf you can get that tooth out but when you go to bed don`t lay on your back in case you end up swallowing your tooth. you can choke yourself really bad. lay on your stomach instead,,
Reply:well from one side to the other hurts.

try the good ol fashon way.

my dad said he used to do em.

but i wuz to scared to.

try tying ur tooth to a doornob. then close ur eyes and slam it.

or ty ur tooth to sumthin heavy and throw it or drop it.

but overall, the dentist does not make it hurt.

i had a tooth pulled once too.

the dentist numbed my mouth sooo much.

i was terrified, but the nurse there comforted me.

it wasnt such a bad experience afterrall

Reply:You really ought to go to a dentist for this... there could already be nerve damage since it doesn't hurt... plus you need to consider if you do pull it you could get an infection in it and you would need antibiotics... you could damage the bone.. break a root off.. there is so many complications you really ought to see a dentist... sorry i know this isn't the answer you wanted...

office supply

If my 12 year old boy has to get 2 molers and 2 wisdom teeth pulled out, would he be allowed to...?

go to an amusement park 2 days after?

because last time they pulled 2 molers and 2 wisdom teeth on the right side (this time left) and the next day he was perfectly fine. will going on rollercoasters and all that start to make it bleed?

If my 12 year old boy has to get 2 molers and 2 wisdom teeth pulled out, would he be allowed to...?
yes, and if you're worried about that , I'd watch out for the pixies that like to kill 12 year old boys with pencial erasers too...

Lol, jk, it shouldn't do anything...
Reply:yeah he could probably go. itll be especially fun for him if hes on percocet! he might look silly though, i had chipmunk cheeks for almost a week after mine were out
Reply:The surgery for getting teeth pulled is rather minor. I'd say he should be fine, but it really should be his call, if he's not feeling it- then that should tell you all you need to know. Have fun!!
Reply:Ask the person pulling the teeth. After all, he IS a professional. He'd know better than any of us... unless one of us happened to be a professional in the field. But judging from the lack of seriousness, I don't think any of the previous responses were.
Reply:If he was fine the next day before, he'll probably be fine the next day this time also.

The only important factors are if his teeth are compacted or different then the right side removal?

Some people just bounce back quick after dental surgery. I know I got my left top wisdom tooth out and was totally fine the next day (and I got my right out the following year and that was fine) but I've heard of others who were out of commission for a week.

If he's one of the lucky one of the people who bounces back quick, let him go!

office stationery

What type of pain should i be ready for after i get my wisdom teeth pulled out?

I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled in two weeks from today. my friend eric said that there wasn't much pain for him, but my other friend said there was a lot. on top of all of this my mom might not let me get any pain killers.

What type of pain should i be ready for after i get my wisdom teeth pulled out?
If they are impacted, there will be some pain and you will need pain meds. If they are not impacted, regular Tylenol/Advil will do. Don't be scared. I had 5 impacted wisdom teeth pulled and was good to go in a few days.
Reply:the dentist will give you pain killers and have him talk to your mom about that. I was very achy after mine were done, and I lived on my tylenol 3s for a week. I also got a gum infection.

Everyone is different - it depends on how deep they have to cut into your gums to grab the teeth and pull them out. Just don't do it at the dental school (like I did).
Reply:Everybody's level of pain is different. I had all four of mine pulled plus two additional teeth at once and i was sore after i woke up but i took the pain medicine every four hours so I didn't feel anything.
Reply:It all depends on the person and the doctor, I had the most awesome doctor, all four of mine were impacted and although the first day I really didn't have any pain, cuz I was sooooo drugged up, the next day I had a little bit ,but to be honest I have felt worse with a regular tooth being pulled. Ask around, getting a great doctor makes all the difference.
Reply:not too bad but no straws or cigarettes
Reply:I had to get all 4 of mine out and I was in pretty bad pain. They gave me vicodin so I was out of it most of the time. Don't plan on doing anything for the next couple days.
Reply:the doc will advise your mom on the painkillers, and that you should definately be given some, but she should watch your intake. Your pain depends on how the teeth are, how good your oral surgeon is, and how you react to the painkillers. Most people experience moderate, dull pain in their jaw for about a week and a half. If it isn't getting better after day 3, call the dentist.

Tell your mom to talk to the dentist about the painkillers. They will probbaly write you a scrip for T3's (low grade perscription painkillers). They are a narcotic, so don't munch them down all at once.
Reply:Mine was soooo painful. If you are just getting them pulled out--it will not be bad at all. It is when they cut them out!! so I had two pulled and two cut. They did not give me any antibiotics --which they were suppose to in case of infection. They did give me painkillers--but I puked all day and all night after taking one. Then my mouth got sooo infected that it swelled up really big on one side and I went back and they gave me antibiotics. My mouth kept bleeding all day the first day. And I swear I tasted the nastiest taste in my mouth for two weeks. I thought I was gonna die --so sick and painful. But I found something to ease my pain and I have been using it ever since---Tylenol Arthritis!! It is the best!!!! It did not make me sick and it kills the pain!! So stock up on that one. The other types of Tylenol are nothing compared to that.
Reply:I had to have all four of my impacted wisdom teeth cut out. I had a mild amount of pain. My biggest issue was by the time I finished eating I was hungry again
Reply:I'm not going to sugar coat it for ya.... The pain is pretty bad, but you will live.
Reply:I had all four of mine pulled at the same time. They weren't compacted or anything. No complications. I followed the directions on rinsing with saltwater carefully. Though I was given pain killers, the first one made me throw up and I really was only having some discomfort, so I didn't use them after that. My face swelled a bit and I had some light-green/yellow bruising. My jaw hurt if I talked to much, so I just tried to stay relaxed and comfortable for the first 3-4 days. Don't push solids or foods that require lots of chewing too soon. Be good to yourself. You'll be fine.
Reply:If your mother doesn't let you take a full pain killer then shame on her if she won't atleast give you half of it NO ONE should have to go thru pain like that at your age I will pray for you so you have little pain and I will also pray that she will find it in her heart to let you take what your dentist gives you for the pain after having your wisdom teeth pulled and hey THIS IS EXTRA just for you . Grab your pen and write this verse down and take it with you to the dentist office for after they pull your tooth it will stop your bleeding EZEKIAL 16:6 make sure it's the KING JAMES VERSION cause watered down bibles don't work to stop the bleeding. after your tooth is pulled read this and your dentist will be amazed that there's just a huge gaping hole and no blood in your sockets and make sure after you read this verse that you put a small amount of water in your mouth and swish 7 times and spit it will wash away the blood and might i add Thank God afterwards cause it's the power of God that makes this verse work
Reply:I removed two of my older daughter's wisdom teeth at 2:00 in the afternoon and told her to go home and lie down until dinner time. Before I got home, she had already left for the mall! I was rather angry, because I figured that she'd be moaning all night long and asking me what to do for the pain. Much to my happy surprise, she seemed just fine. She said that she waited until the numbness started to go away and she felt pretty good, so she decided to get up and go.

Same thing with my son. We were actually headed home from a drum lesson and he asked if we could stop in the office to check out the sore place in his mouth. It turned out to be an erupting wisdom tooth. He asked if I felt like taking it out right then, so I did. (I was afraid he might change his mind if he thought about it overnight.) His mom didn't even know he had a wisdom tooth taken out until he had to take the gauze out of his mouth to eat dinner. His uppers were both kind of difficult and he had trouble healing with one of them (sinus involvement), but that didn't last for more than 3 or 4 days.

With my third child, I took her to the oral surgeon, because the roots were sort of close to the nerve and _I_ didn't want to be the one to cause her any trouble if things got difficult. She had nitrous oxide and little bit of iv sedation and had all four removed at once. I wanted to get her right home, but she asked me to stop off at the mall before we went home. She insisted that she was okay. Instead of going home and lying down, she walked through the mall. Yes, she was biting on her gauze packs (in the mall!), but still she was a lot more active than I would recommend. She had no trouble at all healing. I think she went out that night, too. (It was 1999, so I don't remember the details.)

I'm not saying that they are ALL like this, but there are wisdom teeth and then there are w*!`S^D@m TEETH!!! I always say that wisdom teeth (and root canals, by the way) are like teenagers. At least 90% are no trouble at all, but everybody talks about the bad ones.
Reply:I just got mine pulled less than a week ago %26amp; I'm having some complications. All 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted %26amp; had to be taken out, so of course they said there would be some pain....SOME?! I felt so awful that I couldn't move (I sent my 4 month old son to stay at his gram's for the week, but she's going out of town tomorrow) up until yesterday when the pain actually faded a little %26amp; now I have an awful earache that I think is due to that. Once again, the pain is back. The doc gave me Darvocet %26amp; said I shouldn't need anything more after those were gone %26amp; I was right back in there getting more the hour I ran out. I'm not trying to scare you, but my expirience has been really bad, but some people are different.
Reply:It was really sore for a couple of days or so. My wisdom teeth were very impacted. Other than that I had no problems. I had a prescription for painkillers. It would also be good to take a day or 2 off from work. Follow the instrutcions they give you and take good care of yourself.
Reply:Well lets see i just had 2 wisdom teeth pulled last week both of them on the bottom one on the left one on the right, my right side is okay its healling great, but my left side is doing terrible,i have a dry socket so tommorrow they have to pack it with medication hopefully it well get better, they give you some strong pain medicine and antibiotics, i couldnt take the pain medicine because it made me really sick so they are going to give me motrin, that should work just great..... you should do fine just listen to what the doctor tells you for after surgery, they will give you a list of stuff that you need to do if you dont do that then things will get really bad.... and i hope you are not a smoker!!!!!! I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK.

prada handbags

What to eat?after it has been 12 days since I got my wisdom teeth pulled.?

Ok it has now been 12 days since I got my wisdom teeth pulled. And I am sick of eating pudding and soft foods. When can I eat rice, and normal food before I go crazy. I keep hearing that you have to wait a month or so to eat because of the holes. Is this true??

What to eat?after it has been 12 days since I got my wisdom teeth pulled.?
As long as it doesnt hurt - eat it
Reply:I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time. I was starting solid food by the second week. As long as your swelling is under control and your pain isnt too great, I would give solids a try. Stay away from crunchy foods like chips, tacos, and things like that. You could eat, fries, and a hamburger, just chew slowly and take it slow. I personally went to Lions Choice and ate a roast beef with some fries. Talk about yummy after living off of soup for 2 weeks.
Reply:If you can eat it without pain it is okay. I'd say you should be fine, just flush the solid food out of the sockets after eating.
Reply:If it's been 12 days you should be able to eat anything you want. I had my wisdom teeth cut out about 2 years ago and they didn't tell me anything not to eat. They didn't tell me to wait a certain number of days or anything. Mine were taken out about a week before Thanksgiving. I ate turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes, etc. almost a week after having mine removed. The day he removed my stitches I got a donut. I can tell you that bread (rolls, donut, etc.) didn't go over very well until my gums healed from the incision. Did they tell you to wait before you eat certain foods? If not, then eat what you want. Don't go by what you have heard. Some people don't know what they are talking about.
Reply:The doctor always gives instructions of what to do and when to do it. You should have been able to eat long before now. Can't you tell by the way that you FEEL? If you haven't healed now; you never will.

Haven't you been back to the person who pulled your teeth for a follow up? That's strange.

If not. Call them and ask your questions.
Reply:Scrambled eggs and mashed potatoesIt's sounds gross but it is very good. that is what my doctold me to try after I had dental surgery performed.

Visual Arts

I just tried to eat a p-butter potatoe chip sandwich. OUCH!!! I forgot Teeth were pulled. I want real food?

How long does it take when you have a few teeth pulled at a time, before you can eat solids? Sick of cocoa wheats and malto meal.

I just tried to eat a p-butter potatoe chip sandwich. OUCH!!! I forgot Teeth were pulled. I want real food?
Probably a few days...try a milkshake, protein shake or soup. You could even get a small food processor and mutilate your food, that way you could get the taste you crave.


Do you have any suggestions on what a person who has all of their teeth pulled at once, can eat?

Actually, my top teeth will be pulled and two weeks later, the bottom. Hope to loose weight. However, soup and jellow will probably get boring after a while.

Do you have any suggestions on what a person who has all of their teeth pulled at once, can eat?
How about trying applesauce, soft boiled eggs, oatmeal, puddings, tuna fish, creamed corn, etc? If you get your dentures put in right away, you may be surprised at how many other foods you can eat as well. Good luck to you.
Reply:i can still remember that everytime i go to the dentist and get my tooth or teeth pulled out... i eat ice cream!!
Reply:I had all of mine pulled at once. I ate soup and jello and ice cream. They told me anything soft, so I ate a peanut butter sandwich, wrong thing to do, it pulled my teeth out.
Reply:nothing that uses a vacume (STRAW) -- it causes your holes to not heal properly

exchange rate

Fosamax-I took it over 4 years ago and not much then. After having teeth pulled,how long will it be before you

After having teeth pulled,when will you know if you are going to get jaw death?

Fosamax-I took it over 4 years ago and not much then. After having teeth pulled,how long will it be before you
I am not sure if I can help, but I'll try. To find out all you need to know on oral surgery, dentistry, and maxillofacial surgery in Australia, then you should go to . This website is rich and informatiove on all aspects of gum graft surgery, dental implants, wisdom teeth, costs, cheap or expensive, orthognathic surgery, post operative care, medications, pain control and the like. I hope you find some help here.


My Lhasa Apsos is 13 years old. A few years ago, he had to get his top teeth pulled.?

Now his bottom teeth are loose and the vet said they should come out and to get his back teeth cleaned? If I don't get his teeth pulled he could develop an infection. How safe will it be to put him under for the surgery and how long will it take?

My Lhasa Apsos is 13 years old. A few years ago, he had to get his top teeth pulled.?
Please have your vet run the blood work before the surgery, most good vets won't do any kind of anesthesia without it. It can be costly, but is worth it if they find something wrong. Most vets will be careful and follow a protocol anesthesia that they do on animals 10 years or older, but ask your vet. A tooth infection is can be very expensive and could cost your pet his life if not treated, just in case you were thinking of not doing it.
Reply:Well let's put it this way: if you DON'T get it done he'll have worse problems! Why haven't you provided routine teeth cleanings so he wouldn't lose his bottom teeth? It is his RIGHT by law to receive proper care and to deny it is abuse. You see the result. That poor dog; the pain he's been going through for months and months!

Are you going to make the effort from now on to ensure he has food that he can eat? Without front teeth, it will be difficult and could cause health problems including malnutrition. You'd better start being more observant from now on and get him in every 6 months for regular checkups with your vet. At least the vet can provide the proper care!
Reply:Your vet is really the only one who can answer this. How long the surgery takes would depend on how badly his teeth need cleaning and how many need extracting. And yes, not getting them pulled is dangerous for him.

But your vet's the one who knows your dog and his history. He'd be doing blood work on him because of his age. If your vet feels it's safe, after he gets the results of his blood work, I think you need to trust your vet. Ask all the questions you can think of - your vet should be able to reassure you that your dog will be safe. Best of luck to him.

credit cards

Trying to figure out the most inexpensive way to replace pulled teeth gaps,and roughly what price range and w

and where is the best dentist for replacing missing teeth.

Trying to figure out the most inexpensive way to replace pulled teeth gaps,and roughly what price range and w
The most inexpensive way to replace missing teeth is a removable partial denture or AKA a partial. The fee for a partial is usually flat, in other words it doesn't depend on how many teeth you are replacing. They are usually in the ball park of about 800-1200 per arch(upper or lower). Implants are the most expensive, followed by bridges. Both of those options charge per tooth. If you are replacing only one or two teeth and don't plan on losing some more, it may be a better option in the long run.

Any general dentist can provide a partial. It consists or drilling little seats in a few of the remaining teeth and then taking an impression. then the lab makes your partial. They are many different types of partials so you should go to the dentist and speak to him/her about it.

myspace images

Why do I have a blood clot in the socket where 1 of my wisdom teeth were pulled 4 1/2 yrs. ago?

Last night, I had chicken nuggets. So when I woke up this morning, I thought I had a piece of chicken residue in my mouth. I kept constantly chewing on it with my gums (no teeth back there), thinking it was that leftover piece of chicken roaming around in my mouth. But it didn't %26amp; still doesn't hurt right now. It felt very annoying. I looked in the mirror, %26amp; it was a blood clot.

I'm scared %26amp; worried. I also can't afford to go to the dentist because my Medicaid doesn't cover dental insurance since I'm over 21.

I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled @ the same time back in August 2003. Why is it bothering me NOW? As I said, it's not painful, but I'm worried because many people told me that if a blod clot bursts, you can bleed to death. %26amp; it feels like a stuck little piece of that chicken nugget.

My friend told me to gargle with salt %26amp; water.

Why do I have a blood clot in the socket where 1 of my wisdom teeth were pulled 4 1/2 yrs. ago?
Dental schools have clinics that see patients for free or at a greatly reduced rate. Check with the nearest dental school.
Reply:A blood clot comes from bitting down too hard on a chicken nugget or anything hard. And the hole that the dentist sewed up may have never been closed up well Here is some info for you about open dry socket disorder.

In most patients, blood fills up the open tooth socket left after a dental extraction. The blood hardens and protects the socket while the gums grown over the top of the open hole. With most patients, the gums often completely grow over and close an open extraction socket in a week or so. After six months, the hardened blood is replaced by bone that grows into the socket. This can be seen on a dental x-ray.

In a patient with a dry socket, blood does not fill up the extraction socket or the blood clot is lost. The gums can not grow over the extraction socket because there's nothing to grow over and the hole remains open. This opening causes a constant dull throbbing pain and the patient can often have a foul smelling breath and bad taste in the mouth. The dry socket can sometimes even cause ear pain.

A dry socket begins hurting about three days after oral surgery. It's called a dry socket because the hole, or socket, that the tooth used to fit into becomes dry. Unfortunately, the pain lasts about a week after it begins. The dental name is acute alveolar osteitis. Acute means all of a sudden. Alveolar is the name of the bone that supports teeth. -itis means inflamed and osteo- means bone. Osteitis means bone inflammation. So acute alveolar osteitis means sudden inflammation of the bone that supports a tooth.

Dentists don't know exactly what causes a dry socket. It seems to occur more with lower teeth than upper teeth and more with females than males. The problem occurs more often after difficult extractions. It may be that forceful pushing against the wall of the socket when the tooth is being removed causes the walls of the tooth socket to become crushed. This prevents bleeding into the socket because the blood vessels have been crushed closed. The lack of blood then causes severe pain.

Anything that dislodges the blood clot can cause a dry socket. Forceful spitting or sucking though a straw can pull a blood clot completely out of its socket. Patients should wait at least a day before rinsing with warm salt water to avoid possibly dissolving the new blood clot. When salt water rinsing, spit gently to avoid pressure on the clot. Carbonated beverages should be avoided because they may bubble the clot out. Alcoholic drinks may prematurely dry out the blood clot and prevent healing. Avoid smoking for a few days after dental extractions because smoking can disturb blood clot formation. Patients who have recently had oral surgery should avoid anything that may irritate the extraction socket or anything that may cause the blood clot inside the extraction socket from being dislodged. Follow our oral surgery post operative instructions carefully

I dont think you will die or bleed to death as it is not on a major artery. I would just not eat or suck on it at all until it is naturally disolved by the body in a few weeks. hold salt water in your mouth and let it drain out easily and rinse. Sucking on it will make it bigger. It should get smaller in a week or so, if not then find a dental school or go to the ER, and they will look at it and mabey clean it out. As I say the body will disolve it.

girls myspace

When is it safe to drink coke through a straw after getting two teeth pulled?

I got two teeth pulled yesterday around 3 pm. It is on my top left side of my mouth. Anyways the point of the question is when is it safe to drink coke through a straw? Any feedback would be great. Thank you so much in advance.

When is it safe to drink coke through a straw after getting two teeth pulled?
No, it would still touch the place where your two teeth were pulled and that would prevent the blood clotting of the area.
Reply:you are not supposed to drink through a straw , for s week or so you'll pull out the clots.
Reply:please no sucking through a straw, persing you lips or smoking, you can get dry socket...very painful. if you want to drink use a cup, it's fine. good luck to you and also eat soft foods.

acne scar

I want to have kids, but can't stand the pain of having teeth pulled. does this mean i better not have kids?

does me not being able to handle having my teeth pulled w/o i.v. sedation mean that my threshold for pain is too low to give birth?

I want to have kids, but can't stand the pain of having teeth pulled. does this mean i better not have kids?
if you want kids - you'll find a way...

don't let your fear of pain keep you from being a mommy.

good luck!!
Reply:NO WAY...I didn't think I could handle the pain, but it is all worth it. You will be surprised what you can do!!!
Reply:No, the epidural has wonders. I think 1 day of pain is totally worth having a beautiful baby!
Reply:epidural, cervical block, nubaine..... they are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:No. We are born with a higher pain threshold than you realise. I can't stand any kind of pain. And I had a mostly natural drug free long labour and birth. If I can do it you can! :)
Reply:That's why God made epidurals
Reply:There are so many pain management options out there for delivery. Of course you can have kids with out pain.
Reply:No you will be able now they have something called an epidural that lets you be more comfortable and with out much pain during labor.
Reply:Ultimatly I dont think anyone enjoys getting your teeth pulled at all. Child birth is a different kind of pain. The end result is much more rewarding than having your teeth pulled. Alot of women have what they think is a low pain threshold but when it comes down to it they get through it then forget about all the pain when that little bundle is placed on their chest.
Reply:Nope! It means you should seriously consider labor medications and/or an epidural, that's all! You won't believe how comfortable you will be with an epidural...
Reply:If that's what you are thinking about and it is affecting your decision on having a child - I think you are best not to have one .............

Who gets teeth pulled without anesthetic anyway!!!???
Reply:You don't think you can handle the pain until you are there. I went through a difficult delivery with my son with NO Drugs!!! Boy it was hell but I dont remember the pain now but am greatful for my son. The pain will only last a little while but you will have your child forever.... Dont let the pain put you off having the experience of a life time.
Reply:there is an upside...i heard that after you have kids, nothing ever hurts again! lol! you should be just fine hun! it doesnt last forever!
Reply:I'm a big baby. I hate needles, and I, too, cannot take the pain of having teeth pulled. That said, I have a 3-year-old. The pregnancy was an oops, and a big surprise. I was so scared about child birth. But, the doctors deliver babies every day, several times a day. When I went in, they assessed me, told me how dilated I was and asked me if I wanted the epidural. I said yes. Not long after, an anesthesiologist came in and put it in. I barely felt it, and I never felt a contraction. They shut it off when it was time to push, and that was it. I felt nothing. You'll hear horror stories from some people, but for most individuals, child birth is pretty routine. They even send you home the next day! If you want children, don't let the fear of pain ruin it for you. It's not that bad.
Reply:Get drugs, and possibly a c-section. You'll be fine.
Reply:They ain't going to be taking it out your mouth...

Seriously. Tooth pain is the most extreme of all pains, and they do have drugs you can use, so don't give up on children just because you're afraid of pain... do it because you're afraid of responsibility.
Reply:Giving Birth has nothing to do with pain if you are smart! That is what medicine is for! I was in labor for 12 hours and didn't feel a thing, then had a c-section that was a walk in the park! And after you are on pain pills and meds for at least a week. Pain isn't an issue.
Reply:First you need to figure out how much you want children and whether or not you are willing to miss out on motherhood because you are scared of the birth. Can you not imagine yourself not having children or are you really too afraid to put yourself through it? Having said that... I am freakishly afraid of having my teeth pulled. My dentist has to put me out (under anesthetic) to have a tooth pulled, I shake uncontrollably and cry at the mere mention of being told i need to have a tooth out at a later date! BUT... I did give birth to my son almost 3 years ago without incident... I had an epidural and gave birth to 10p 3ounce bub vaginally! I am now pregnant with number two and am quite calm about the birth, I am not worried about the pain at all... I don't think it matters whether or not you have a low or high threshold for pain, you just do it, and you get through it, it doesn't last forever and at the end you have a beautiful purple screaming baby! LOL! It is worth it, I thought so anyway... we will be trying for a third after this one! I still hate going to the dentist though!

skin care products

Is it normal for the stitches to disappear like this after getting wisdom teeth pulled out?

I got my 2 bottom wisdom teeth pulled out last wednesday. They had to stitch up my gums, and the dentist said that the stitches dissolve. They gradually turned white and got thicker after a while. A couple of hours ago I was looking at them in the mirror, and I just looked again a couple of minutes ago. On one side, the stitches completely disappeared. I'm not sure if the gums totally healed or not...should I be worried?

Also: I chew more on that side...could that be the reason only those stitches disappeared?

Is it normal for the stitches to disappear like this after getting wisdom teeth pulled out?
Yes, that could be the reason. They are meant to dissolve. No worries. Just taking their course.

As long as you don't have any pain then there isn't any problems.
Reply:That's fine--it's exactly what is supposed to happen.

Yes, chewing would probably accelerate their disintegration--as they dissolve, they lose structural integrity, and anything moving against them, like food in your mouth, would just tend to make them come apart more quickly.

You're probably still not fully healed, so try to be a bit careful with your gums for a while(like, don't brush too hard or chew really tough foods). But you're healed to the point that you don't need stitches anymore and your body can heal itself on its own.
Reply:Yes that's normal. That happened to me to and I was like, aren't they suppose to fall out of my mouth? But no they just disappear/dissolve. So yup, really normal, no worries.
Reply:your dentist must have used an absorbable surgical suture, one that is made from material (like those from the intestines of mammals) which are completely "digested" by enzyme activity or by reaction of tissue fluids. there should be nothing to worry about.
Reply:yes you are right!that could be the reason..i work with an oral surgeon so i know for a fact that it is ok that they just disolved and disappeared and the other ones will too, this is totally should be worried:)

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How long before I feel back to normal after getting all my wisdom teeth pulled?

I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled almost a month ago and my mouth is still sore and hurts when I eat/chew or early in the morning? How long will this last?

How long before I feel back to normal after getting all my wisdom teeth pulled?
I had mine pulled several years ago. Mine were completely impacted and were removed surgically, I was put completely out for it. This sounds like what you must have had. I was still a bit uncomfortable for at least a couple months and the holes were not completely closed for at least 6 months or longer. Occasionally I would eat something hard, like potato chips, and bite down on the sore spot and it would kill me for a long time. Fortunately I worked at the dentist office, so the dentist kept an eye on the healing for me.

I would give the dentist a call, explain the soreness and he'll let you know if he thinks you should be seen again or not.
Reply:i would call the dentist. i just had this done and i felt better within a few days but felt totally better in about two weeks. the dentist said it'll take about 6 months for the "holes" to fully close so food doesn't get caught in there.
Reply:I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled a few years ago..... it can take a while before you feel 100% again. Sometimes it can take up to several months (2-4 months).

It's a long healing process.... trust me.
Reply:call the dentist that doesnt seem normal

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Who got into character for his role in Birdy by having his wisdom teeth pulled without Novocain?

Who got into character for his role in Birdy by having his wisdom teeth pulled without Novocain

Who got into character for his role in Birdy by having his wisdom teeth pulled without Novocain?
Nicolas Cage
Reply:Gotta be some stupid amaerican actor, that's for sure.
Reply:Matthew Modine.
Reply:Gummy Gormless
Reply:Nicolas Cage is your man
Reply:Nicolas Cage is the correct answer for the radio station trivia question.
Reply:Nicolas Cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage is the answer for the radio trivia
Reply:Nicolas Cage
Reply:Nic Cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage

Birdy is a movie directed by Alan Parker starring Matthew Modine and Nicolas Cage, released in 1984. It is based on a novel of the same name written by William Wharton about a man who comes back shattered after the Vietnam War.

The film's soundtrack, Birdy, was written and performed by Peter Gabriel.

The film received the Grand Prize of the Jury at the 1985 Cannes Film Festival.
Reply:Nicholas Cage
Reply:nicolas cage
Reply:Nicolas Cage

mens health

What are good foods to get a friend after they have their wisdom teeth pulled?

my friend is having her wisdom teeth pulled and I want to know what to bring her to eat.

What are good foods to get a friend after they have their wisdom teeth pulled?
Jello, mashed potatoes, ice cream, anything soft.

Not soup, because most people slurp their soup and that brings air into her mouth which can effect the clot.

If she's on pain medicine, she may not even want to eat. She'll probably sleep all day.

But she's lucky to have a friend like you!
Reply:I swore by sugar free popsicles when I got mine pulled. Some say soups and stews, but it hurt the site and the heat irritated me. It's kida dicey within the first 24 hours, but yougurt and other "cool" items seem to cause the least amount of irritation.
Reply:Mashed Potato's

Apple Sauce

Just anything soft. Actually, some of the baby foods are really tasty. The sweets at least. I wouldn't go for the vegies! LOL!
Reply:yogurt,but not too cold.
Reply:I would bring her popcicles,ice cream,pudding, soup and anything soft. maybe even some applesauce. Right after I had my wisdom teeth out i was in so much pain i didnt, eat for 3 days. just had broth and tea
Reply:milkshake, fruit smoothie!!

Yummy, healthy drinks like that!
Reply:mac and cheese is good, apple sauce, mashed potatoes, canned pears, canned peaches,canned fruit cocktail, bananas,
Reply:The best way to maintain a normal diet is for your friend to cook normally and blend the food in a blender (as most foods can be blended) similar to babies food, the texture may seem unpleasant at first, but it will taste the same and it is important to maintain a healthy diet, especially if the person is unwell or just had surgery.

Good Luck
Reply:Make sure they DON"T use a STRAW for drinks.

Don't want to risk dry socket!

I always preferred applesauce and pudding.
Reply:Smoothies with protein powder. Make sure that they are thin enough that your friend doesn't have to use a straw to drink. They are great because they give you the protein, dairy, fruit, and carb that you need to heal, if you use the right ingredients! Try using applejuice or applesauce and yogurt as your base. Then, use fresh fruits or thawed frozen ones. The frozen kind might make the smoothie too thick.

Baby pears are actually pretty good, too!

Avoid hot foods like mac n cheese or soups. They can irriate your friend's stitches.

Oatmeal is another good one, if you let it cool some. If your friend was under anesthesia, they might be a bit constipated, so high fiber foods can be particularly great!

I hope that helps!
Reply:i would get anything soft. my sister got hers pulled, and she loved drinking milkshakes. plus, honestly, who doesn't like milkshakes anyway? haha... yeah pretty much anything soft will do the trick- wish her luck!
Reply:I loved chocolate pudding(snack packs!!) (that is so yummy ), orange and strawberry jello, Ice pops, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, egg noodles with butter and salt n pepper,%26amp; yogert. Oh and the manwhich. can't forget the manwhich.


How long are you supposed to be in pain after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled last Wednesday in the morning. It is now the following Wednesday in the evening. The pain has not gone away or even gone down. It goes up and down while hurting, but the max amount doesn't go down.

It goes away for short periods after I take the pain medication the dentist prescribed, but then it comes right back. I've also been keeping ice on it for long periods of time.

I can't even eat soft foods without it hurting, and the pain is starting to drive me crazy.

Is this normal? Should it be taking this long? Should I still hurt this much.

How long are you supposed to be in pain after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
yes, it's normal to have pain after having your wisdom teeth pulled. the pain may last for a couple of days.
Reply:it will take a good week for the pain to go down. but over all about a month. thats how it was for me
Reply:it hurt me about a week and a half. i wasn't able to eat anything. i would throu it up. good luck dude. it sucks!
Reply:If you're still hurting that badly, call your dentist or oral surgeon, and maybe they can check the pain and see if it's dry sockets.

After my wisdom teeth were extracted in October, my lower jaw kept on hurting after a few days, the pain being the same or a bit worse instead of getting better. Called the oral surgeon, then saw him later, turns out I had dry socket. Dry socket usually develops days 3-5 after wisdom teeth extraction.
Reply:If they were pulled-did the dentist half to pack any of them? Since it has been a week you should have been better days ago. Try taking soft or liquid foods with a straw. Have you consulted with your dentist? It is possible you may have a infection or if the teeth had deep roots it could affect the jaw bones. I know the techniques now are alot better than they were when I had mine cut out 29 years ago. My daughter had hers cut out about 5 years ago and wasn't in pain but for a couple of days and could eat anything she wanted the next day after with no swelling at all. Are you running a temperature? If the dentist can't do anything for your pain I would get to the doctor as soon as possible.
Reply:I was 23, and it took less than a week to be able to eat soft foods. But the older you are, the worse it is supposed to be.

If you are concerned, call your dentist in the morning. It is not uncommon for a dry socket to occur, or an infection - better to clear it up fast than to ignore it and face severe complications.
Reply:I had mine out when I was in high school, all four at once. My cheeks and mouth swelled up so bad I couldn't close my mouth, so I constantly drooled blood and had to wear a bib. My mom tried to feed me smoothies, but I mostly just ate to take the pain pills, which were a godsend. I was in pain for quite a while after the surgery, about two weeks. I ended up with dry sockets, though. That freaking hurt like no other. But eventually the swelling and pain subsided. It just takes a while. Keep up with your pain meds and don't drink through a straw and it will heal in time.
Reply:Do you Smoke Cigarettes or have had anything to Drink through a straw? If you have, you may be Suffering from a " Dry Socket" and should Have that Checked out by your Dentist ASAP. This can cause long and lingering pain., as well as, serious damage to you.

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How many days will i be out of school for getting my wisdom teeth pulled?

It's on a wednesday, and its the two top teeth being pulled.

How many days will i be out of school for getting my wisdom teeth pulled?
Maybe none at all. At WORST, you would miss Thursday and Friday, but you should be fine for school by Monday. Maybe you won't be ready for gym class, though, for another week. :-)
Reply:none, deal with the pain and stop skipping out on school =] trust me the pain of having to catch back up on the things you missed is not worth it.
Reply:mm i would say dont go the rest of that weeek and use the rest of the weekend to recover as well. not only because it hurts but because you may swell a lot, and its kinda embarassing.
Reply:Lol?did your dentist advice you to stay outa school? Deal with the pain!
Reply:It's different for everybody -- since you're only having 2 pulled, you might be fine the next day, or you may need a couple of days (especially if you're having a lot of pain and need to be on pain meds). Your oral surgeon will probably advise you how many, if any, days you should stay home based on how things go.

Good luck.


Is it normal to have swelling all of a sudden after having my teeth pulled?

I had 5 teeth pulled 3 weeks ago and everything seemed to heal normally. Then yesterday I noticed under my jaw was sore and today its a little swollen. Is this normal?

Is it normal to have swelling all of a sudden after having my teeth pulled?
Nope. It's not normal. You may have something brand new going on or you might have something residual from your extractions.. I don't mean any left over tooth parts - although "it could happen" - but there may be some remaining infection.
Reply:I'm not exactly sure, but it sounds as if you have an infection. Go back to the dentist or at least call him.
Reply:Should have sweeled sooner to be normal, It sounds like you're developing an abcess (infection). Call you dentist or whoever did the surgery. Sounds like you need some antbiotics
Reply:i am not sure.. because if that was to happen.. i am sure ur doctor would have told u about it. but yea.. i dont know ask ur doctor about it
Reply:Some swelling is normal the first two days which you coud put an ice pack on a few times a day for 20 mins. Your swelling so long after the teeth being pulled may be an abcess in there anyway an infection. contact your dentist so he can have a look. most likely you wil need an antibiotic.You can also rinse your mouth with part water and peroxide mixed
Reply:it depends, how are you eating and doing dental care? I have had teeth taken and even though it is going good stupid me would eat something or do something wrong with brushing and it would cause more swellening

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How long does it take for your mouth to heal after having 5 teeth pulled?

I had 5, actually 5 and a half (don't ask) teeth pulled yesterday morning. My mouth is doing great, but I want to know how long it will take to completely heal.

How long does it take for your mouth to heal after having 5 teeth pulled?
It will take about a week for the soreness, etc to be gone and you are completely comfortable again. But it will take up to 6 months or so for the bone to completely heal. To avoid a dry socket (which is often times more painful than a toothache) avoid things that could potentially disrupt the blood clot formed in the socket such as smoking, drinking through a straw, sucking on hard candies, fiddling with the area with your tongue and spitting forcefully. If you are experience a great deal of pain after about 48-72 hrs post-extraction then make sure to get back in to see the dentist who performed the procedure as it's possible you have a dry socket and it will need to be packed with a special medicated gauze.
Reply:very good everyone should rate it a thumbs up i would if it wasnt my question! Report It

Reply:Usually a few days to a few weeks.
Reply:It depends on how well your body heals and how well you listen to the doctor. It ususally takes between 7-15 days normal time to heal.
Reply:not long 10 days or so teeth heal fast
Reply:thats something i would like to know b/c I'm going to an oral surgen in a month to get 4 wisdom teeth pulled...I have a small mouth.
Reply:Took mine about 8 days or so. Happy healing. Make sure you are careful of smoking and drinking caffeine or you could get a dry socket and they are awful!
Reply:1 WEEK
Reply:depends on how well your body heals but i had my wisdom teeth pulled and it took about 3 dyas cause they had to cut them out...
Reply:The skin remains soft and tender for about a week. after that it'll be allright.
Reply:about 2 weeks give or take your body's own healing process, dont worry, u be good soon
Reply:it depends. to help in healing gargle gently with warm salt h2o.
Reply:Something like this did happen to me, but I had to extract 6 teeth, and it took me 6 weeks (I wonder if it was a coincedence!)
Reply:I had 3 pulled. Took about a week, which I felt seemed quick. Fully healed in 2 weeks.
Reply:It took me two days for it to heal completely and I had four of my back teeth pulled out.
Reply:a few weeks
Reply:two to 3 day to a week. i had my wisdome teeth out and was back to work in 3 days my boss wanted me to take it east for a few days. i was fine with a week or two.
Reply:oh lord

give it a month


How long should you wait to wash your mouth out, after getting teeth pulled?

and what should you wash your mouth out with after getting teeth pulled

How long should you wait to wash your mouth out, after getting teeth pulled?
Reply:You can rinse, but dont spit. Swish the water around slowly and kind of let it run out. You dont want to get a dry socket. Those are very painful. For the first couple of days, use salt water, just mix alittle salt in the water. That will help with healing.
Reply:countrygirl is right. They also make a good periodontal wash. I think its some type of anti bacterial. You can get it at your local pharmacy. Oh and by the definately don't want dry socket. I had it and you have to get tiny gauze packets of clove oil stuffed in the hole where your tooth was. Not only is it disgusting but they taste nasty!
Reply:not hot salt water , plane water would do fine, or A GOOD MOUTH WASH, NOT PEROXIDE ETHER. IN 48 HOURS.

Reply:i think you can rinse with warm salt water the next day

i did


Does any one know how much it would cost to get 3 teeth pulled in Oklahoma city?

I was told by the base dentist that I need to get Three teeth pulled out. But of course they wont do it I have to go off base. My insurance doesn't kick in until November. But I willing to pay for them now to get out that way I can be put on my husbands orders. Well that is if it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. I already have x-rays that the base did so i'm hoping not to have to pay for that. But i do have to pay for everything else. I was just wondering if anyone in the oklahoma city area or midwest city, del city knew a good place to go and about how much they charged.

I have called a couple of place but they would give me a quote over the phone:(

Does any one know how much it would cost to get 3 teeth pulled in Oklahoma city?
Oklahoma has a dental school, I am sure it has an emergency department also (if the oral surgery department doesn't give you an appointment till Dec 2017 - don't be surprised, that happens too!!). The cheapest way to get it done would be to go to the school and get the tooth pulled by a student dentist. They are well supervised and usually provide good care.

Most schools will charge between 50 to 80 per tooth if it is a student case. If an Oral Surgery or Perio resident does it, the charges may be higher. In private practice, the charges are usually twice that of dental school charges. Hope you feel better soon.
Reply:I don't know but you should call a dentistry school. There are several Universities in Ok, so Im sure that you could find a reasonable price.


How long will it take me to recover from getting my widsom teeth pulled?

All of my widsom teeth are fully in and not impacted. They are gonna be pulled. I was wondering how long will it take before I don't feel any pain. I'm in band and I have to do an audition next week. So will it be ok by then?

How long will it take me to recover from getting my widsom teeth pulled?
My teeth were impacted AND infected when I went in to get them pulled. It hurt so bad before they were pulled. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, and I couldn't even run warm water along the sides of my face without pain.

When I went in, the surgery was fast (they put me under, which wasn't bad, either). It lasted about an hour.

I went home to let the anesthesia wear off, and I was back to work that evening. Take Advil. Depending on how your threshold for pain is, that should be enough to curb any discomfort.

Don't smoke or drink through a straw for two weeks, though. You could get a dry socket, which is your mandible exposed to the elements. NOT a pleasant feeling.

Good Luck!

P.S. A little trick to try, though, if you have the audition before it is completely healed: If your audition requires you to blow on an instrument, put wet gauze over the sockets in your mouth and bite to hold them in place. Blow through your teeth. You shouldn't get a dry socket.
Reply:6 weeks
Reply:It depends. I had no impacted teeth either, but a couple days after surgery I got an infection (dry socket.) It was so painful I couldn't move for a few days. But I would say as long as you do EXACTLY as the doctor orders and you clean your holes out really REALLY well, you should be able to audition. But like I said, it really varies.
Reply:I had mine pulled and they were impacted, I felt better after a few days, maybe 3-4, but it really depends on your body and how fast it heals itself.. I hope you are better by your audition. Do lots of icing and get rest.
Reply:I got two of mine pulled (not cut out) and they didn't hurt much at all. But everybody's mouth is different, so I don't know how bad it will be. But mine were feeling OK in just a couple of days--not great, but OK. I think I could have played my clarinet if I had wanted to after a week. Make sure you don't drink through a straw so you don't get dry sockets. Good luck.
Reply:I was fine and ready to go to work that afternoon, but my mother thought it best to wait to the next day to let all the anesthesia get out of my system. I didn't even have any swelling! And I'm usually a big baby when it comes to pain.
Reply:when I had my impacted wisdom teeth pulled I was able to chew food 2 days later!! You should be fine by next weeks but ask your dentist just to make sure.
Reply:If you follow your oral surgeons recommendation, and there were no complication, one week tops, unless you milk it for more.

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