Friday, November 6, 2009

If my wisdom teeth grew in and there is enough room in my mouth, should i still consider pulling them?

If your dentist sees no reason to pull them then by all means leave them alone. My wisdom teeth grew in on the right side of my mouth at the ripe young age of 31. My dentist saw no reason to pull them but he did put a seal over them to protect them from decay. Just be aware that you will have to take extra care to keep them clean. Best wishes to you!

If my wisdom teeth grew in and there is enough room in my mouth, should i still consider pulling them?
yes they can cause decay on the other teeth, unless you have a seriously large mouth
Reply:No, if you don't need to don't. My wife still has her's and does not need to have them pulled. she is 52. But of course a dentist's should be the one telling you if you need to have them pulled or not.
Reply:Yes, when you are older those puppies are going to rot, and can cause some serious pain. It also hurts two times as much getting those out instead of getting them out when your younger.
Reply:No You get them for a reason. Just make sure you reach back there and brush them good...
Reply:Wisdom teeth are weird teeth. They come in very weird sometimes and can cause problems so Yes I would recommend getting them out. We have been seeing more people with wisdom teeth and filling them sucks!

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