Friday, November 6, 2009

How much does it usuallly cost to get all your wisdom teeth pulled?

My wisdom teeth need to get pulled. How much does it usually cost?

How much does it usuallly cost to get all your wisdom teeth pulled?
I just got this done for 4 impacted wisdom teeth. I had IV sedation and the total cost was around 1500 dollars. Insurance covered 1200 and I paid the other 300. My friend is looking into having hers out and she was given the same cost estimate by a different surgeon in a different city.
Reply:Mine was 1700 to 2100. I don't remember my mom paid. But insurance only paid for like 60 of it. If you don't get sedated it is much less, but IT WILL HURT!
Reply:I had 5 wisdom teeth pulled, and 4 molars pulled. That was $3000. But by the grace of God, my insurance paid all but $450. So hopefully you have some insurance, but if not, I wish you the best.


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