Friday, November 6, 2009

Can a Dentist pull 9 teeth w/a shot/didnt work/I cried hysterically/she yelled & made me sit on my hands?

I paid for fillings I didnt get too. I was refused pain meds=9 extractions!!! I was refused nitrous too. She pulled perfectly good teeth too!The nurse questioned it but got punished for it. I was writhing and begging to stop, she just got more rough! My nose was plugged from crying and I choked on alot of blood trying to breathe thru my mouth.She talked me into 4 fillings too...then she made me leave for an hour so she could go somewhere(I live 1.5 hours away from Office!) I could feel the roots beaking loose and hear the cracking of teeth. I begged for more shot...she did, then after 5 seconds...resumed/no time to take effect. I am private pay and I paid for the fillings she didnt even perform! can she get away with the torture she bestowed upon me? Then...the other dentist from the next room came running into my room and attacked me screaming and yelling in my face!As if I wasnt terrified enough...I felt like I was in the old west having 9 teeth yanked and feeling every crack!!!

Can a Dentist pull 9 teeth w/a shot/didnt work/I cried hysterically/she yelled %26amp; made me sit on my hands?
KittyKat get to a Lawyer ASAP.

And while your at it get someone to take photographs and go to your ER for pain medication and a report. Ask for a copy of this report.

Write everything that happens from now down. It makes it so much easier later on.

Keep all your documentation and before you forget write down EXCACTLY what happened and what was said/responses.

She MEDICALLY CAN NOT FOR YOUR SAFTERY AND HEALTH pull 9 teeth at once and without any anaesthetic. And it takes around 5 minutes for Lidocaine to start taking effect.

What she has done is hazardess and she is a Cowboy Dentist who has to be reported.

Has she given you any pain medication now to take for pain occuring after her extractions? Has she told you what to take for pain? Has she told you DO NOT TAKE ASPRIN OR PRODUCTS CONTAING ASPRIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES? It will cause massive uncontrolled bleeding.

How are you supposed to eat? You run the risk of dehydration and shock also. So you really need some medical care as she has not offered it.

Please go to the ER. This is not normal. Especially as you sound as if you are far from well.
Reply:I was shocked by it all..and thought I was being a baby so I didnt leave, I argued with her for pain meds, thats when other DDS attacked me(verbally and violently) I begged her to stop/wait till hurt so bad I can't sleep w/out nightmares. Report It

Reply:I bet her version is a bit different than yours though. The patients version always is different. Report It

Reply:If your story is true... big lawsuit for pulling good teeth.

Generally... the story doesn't sound believable though.
Reply:no, this is NOT normal. you should sue them for this!
Reply:My God, what a nightmare! Call your local medical association and report her for malpractice. Then call a lawyer. If all this is true, you have ample grounds for a lawsuit.
Reply:check with law er their should not of been that much pain, should at least put you asleep.
Reply:How do you know that she pulled perfectly good teeth? Are you a dental professional who knows how to diagnose, and then give advice on what course of treatment should be taken? Hearing cracking of teeth and some noise is common when having extractions performed. Are you sure that you were actually feeling the pain? Or do you think that you were freaking out because of what you heard? Many people have this experience where they think they are in pain, when in fact it is the noises that are really bothering them. If she was telling you to sit on your hands then this tells me that you were prob. grabbing at her hands, which I am sure contained some sharp, dangerous dental instrument. She was trying to protect you and herself from having the instrument slip and cutting you, or herself. The dentist should not have started treatment based your reaction. However once they have started treatment, say extracting a tooth, they have to at least finish that tooth. They can't let you go home with a half-extracted tooth. The pain would be a lot worse in the long run. I know that dental care is unpleasant and scary, however you screaming and carrying on is not going to help anybody. What about other patients that may have been there? You screaming could not have made them feel very good. If you had calmly explained that you were in pain, instead of wigging out than things may have gone differently. Being a Drama queen is not a way to get your-self heard. The dentist pulling perf. good teeth as you say makes no sense and is not to their benefit. Why? With how you acted, I am sure that any sane dentist would have stopped after one extraction. Why torture themselves with you screaming, and why torture you. Obviously these teeth needed to come out. For whatever reason. How old are you is my next question?
Reply:poor girl !

see your solicitor / lawer , see if the nurse will vouch for you , are you in australia , if yes email me offline at :

i know someone in news / current affairs that owes me a favour
Reply:The above answer from "perioligament" sounds comprehensive, but there has been a loss of communication here. I would contact your dentist and mention how you felt. Ask for an explanation. If you are not happy with that then seek a lawyer, but remember the lawyer always wins!
Reply:SHITTTTT! u could sue! go to a diff dentist and get their oppinion and dont go back to the other one! she sounds like a *****!!
Reply:I have been in the dental field and your story has BULLSHI* written all over it!

Sorry but the only part of it that I might believe is you needing another shot. I have NEVER EVER seen a dentist plug someones nose, leave them for an hour so they could go somewhere, or run into a room and attack a patient by screaming and yelling in their face.

If any of it were true, and you didn't get up and walk out immediatly, then your not too wise.


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