I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled in two weeks from today. my friend eric said that there wasn't much pain for him, but my other friend said there was a lot. on top of all of this my mom might not let me get any pain killers.
What type of pain should i be ready for after i get my wisdom teeth pulled out?
If they are impacted, there will be some pain and you will need pain meds. If they are not impacted, regular Tylenol/Advil will do. Don't be scared. I had 5 impacted wisdom teeth pulled and was good to go in a few days.
Reply:the dentist will give you pain killers and have him talk to your mom about that. I was very achy after mine were done, and I lived on my tylenol 3s for a week. I also got a gum infection.
Everyone is different - it depends on how deep they have to cut into your gums to grab the teeth and pull them out. Just don't do it at the dental school (like I did).
Reply:Everybody's level of pain is different. I had all four of mine pulled plus two additional teeth at once and i was sore after i woke up but i took the pain medicine every four hours so I didn't feel anything.
Reply:It all depends on the person and the doctor, I had the most awesome doctor, all four of mine were impacted and although the first day I really didn't have any pain, cuz I was sooooo drugged up, the next day I had a little bit ,but to be honest I have felt worse with a regular tooth being pulled. Ask around, getting a great doctor makes all the difference.
Reply:not too bad but no straws or cigarettes
Reply:I had to get all 4 of mine out and I was in pretty bad pain. They gave me vicodin so I was out of it most of the time. Don't plan on doing anything for the next couple days.
Reply:the doc will advise your mom on the painkillers, and that you should definately be given some, but she should watch your intake. Your pain depends on how the teeth are, how good your oral surgeon is, and how you react to the painkillers. Most people experience moderate, dull pain in their jaw for about a week and a half. If it isn't getting better after day 3, call the dentist.
Tell your mom to talk to the dentist about the painkillers. They will probbaly write you a scrip for T3's (low grade perscription painkillers). They are a narcotic, so don't munch them down all at once.
Reply:Mine was soooo painful. If you are just getting them pulled out--it will not be bad at all. It is when they cut them out!! so I had two pulled and two cut. They did not give me any antibiotics --which they were suppose to in case of infection. They did give me painkillers--but I puked all day and all night after taking one. Then my mouth got sooo infected that it swelled up really big on one side and I went back and they gave me antibiotics. My mouth kept bleeding all day the first day. And I swear I tasted the nastiest taste in my mouth for two weeks. I thought I was gonna die --so sick and painful. But I found something to ease my pain and I have been using it ever since---Tylenol Arthritis!! It is the best!!!! It did not make me sick and it kills the pain!! So stock up on that one. The other types of Tylenol are nothing compared to that.
Reply:I had to have all four of my impacted wisdom teeth cut out. I had a mild amount of pain. My biggest issue was by the time I finished eating I was hungry again
Reply:I'm not going to sugar coat it for ya.... The pain is pretty bad, but you will live.
Reply:I had all four of mine pulled at the same time. They weren't compacted or anything. No complications. I followed the directions on rinsing with saltwater carefully. Though I was given pain killers, the first one made me throw up and I really was only having some discomfort, so I didn't use them after that. My face swelled a bit and I had some light-green/yellow bruising. My jaw hurt if I talked to much, so I just tried to stay relaxed and comfortable for the first 3-4 days. Don't push solids or foods that require lots of chewing too soon. Be good to yourself. You'll be fine.
Reply:If your mother doesn't let you take a full pain killer then shame on her if she won't atleast give you half of it NO ONE should have to go thru pain like that at your age I will pray for you so you have little pain and I will also pray that she will find it in her heart to let you take what your dentist gives you for the pain after having your wisdom teeth pulled and hey THIS IS EXTRA just for you . Grab your pen and write this verse down and take it with you to the dentist office for after they pull your tooth it will stop your bleeding EZEKIAL 16:6 make sure it's the KING JAMES VERSION cause watered down bibles don't work to stop the bleeding. after your tooth is pulled read this and your dentist will be amazed that there's just a huge gaping hole and no blood in your sockets and make sure after you read this verse that you put a small amount of water in your mouth and swish 7 times and spit it will wash away the blood and might i add Thank God afterwards cause it's the power of God that makes this verse work
Reply:I removed two of my older daughter's wisdom teeth at 2:00 in the afternoon and told her to go home and lie down until dinner time. Before I got home, she had already left for the mall! I was rather angry, because I figured that she'd be moaning all night long and asking me what to do for the pain. Much to my happy surprise, she seemed just fine. She said that she waited until the numbness started to go away and she felt pretty good, so she decided to get up and go.
Same thing with my son. We were actually headed home from a drum lesson and he asked if we could stop in the office to check out the sore place in his mouth. It turned out to be an erupting wisdom tooth. He asked if I felt like taking it out right then, so I did. (I was afraid he might change his mind if he thought about it overnight.) His mom didn't even know he had a wisdom tooth taken out until he had to take the gauze out of his mouth to eat dinner. His uppers were both kind of difficult and he had trouble healing with one of them (sinus involvement), but that didn't last for more than 3 or 4 days.
With my third child, I took her to the oral surgeon, because the roots were sort of close to the nerve and _I_ didn't want to be the one to cause her any trouble if things got difficult. She had nitrous oxide and little bit of iv sedation and had all four removed at once. I wanted to get her right home, but she asked me to stop off at the mall before we went home. She insisted that she was okay. Instead of going home and lying down, she walked through the mall. Yes, she was biting on her gauze packs (in the mall!), but still she was a lot more active than I would recommend. She had no trouble at all healing. I think she went out that night, too. (It was 1999, so I don't remember the details.)
I'm not saying that they are ALL like this, but there are wisdom teeth and then there are w*!`S^D@m TEETH!!! I always say that wisdom teeth (and root canals, by the way) are like teenagers. At least 90% are no trouble at all, but everybody talks about the bad ones.
Reply:I just got mine pulled less than a week ago %26amp; I'm having some complications. All 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted %26amp; had to be taken out, so of course they said there would be some pain....SOME?! I felt so awful that I couldn't move (I sent my 4 month old son to stay at his gram's for the week, but she's going out of town tomorrow) up until yesterday when the pain actually faded a little %26amp; now I have an awful earache that I think is due to that. Once again, the pain is back. The doc gave me Darvocet %26amp; said I shouldn't need anything more after those were gone %26amp; I was right back in there getting more the hour I ran out. I'm not trying to scare you, but my expirience has been really bad, but some people are different.
Reply:It was really sore for a couple of days or so. My wisdom teeth were very impacted. Other than that I had no problems. I had a prescription for painkillers. It would also be good to take a day or 2 off from work. Follow the instrutcions they give you and take good care of yourself.
Reply:Well lets see i just had 2 wisdom teeth pulled last week both of them on the bottom one on the left one on the right, my right side is okay its healling great, but my left side is doing terrible,i have a dry socket so tommorrow they have to pack it with medication hopefully it well get better, they give you some strong pain medicine and antibiotics, i couldnt take the pain medicine because it made me really sick so they are going to give me motrin, that should work just great..... you should do fine just listen to what the doctor tells you for after surgery, they will give you a list of stuff that you need to do if you dont do that then things will get really bad.... and i hope you are not a smoker!!!!!! I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK.
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