Friday, October 23, 2009

How long can it take to heal from having all wisdom teeth pulled?

i had all my wisdom teeth pulled and had to go back for dry sockets, still havent figured out how i got them, but i think that the stitches just dissolved, i was wondering how much longer does it take to be able to eat, i had them taken out on the 17th went back 3 days ago for the dry sockets. just curious as i am kind of hungry. haha

How long can it take to heal from having all wisdom teeth pulled?
I had my wisdom teeth out on a Thursday and was back to school on Monday. I had dry sockets on Tuesday and was eating within two weeks. . . though it hurt a lot. I ate a lot of soft foods and even found that if you over cook ramen noodles (so they are slighly mushy) it's edible. I did all the stuff the surgen told me to do to avoid dry sockets. The only thing I can figure is that I was drinking out of 20oz bottles and that slight "sucking" to get a drink caused the dry sockets. I also found that sucking on hard candy helped with the taste from the packings for the dry sockets.

safari browser

Is it a bad idea to get my lip pierced before I get my wisdom teeth pulled out?

I really want to get my lower left lip pierced but my wisdom teeth are growing in and I need to get it pulled out soon. Are there any complications or side effects if I do choose to get it pierced? or should I just wait to get my teeth pulled out first?

Is it a bad idea to get my lip pierced before I get my wisdom teeth pulled out?
Actually I believe getting pierced any where is wrong and it doesn't make you look cool.
Reply:You will have to take the piercing out when they pull your teeth. You need to wait so the holes don't close.
Reply:yes! because #1. it would make it hurt when the dentist pulls that stuff out and #2. it could give you an infection, and if not, the pain will interfier with your pierced lip or toungue and you will have a miserable day, days, or weeks. good luck ; )

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How long will it take me to recover from having my teeth pulled and dentures put in?

I am 31 years old and will have all of my top teeth pulled this coming April. I am really nervous about the recovery part and how much time I should be out of work. The line of work I am in also requires alot of talking too and I know that learning to talk will be a challenge. Any advise is helpful. Thanks

How long will it take me to recover from having my teeth pulled and dentures put in?
generally, boon needs about three months to get it's final shape after extraction... but this is too long to wait for a denture.. so u can have a temporary denture after extraction, then after three months u can have a permanent one of relining for the one u already have.
Reply:It will not take to long.
Reply:Two weeks maybe.I am not sure.

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What would be the best thing to do if your getting teeth pulled and your afraid of needles??? need help BAD :[

ok, I'm getting teeth pulled by an oral surgeon which means they actually knock you out. I'm deathly afraid of needles and i need help. i've tried alternatives and everything. what can i do???

What would be the best thing to do if your getting teeth pulled and your afraid of needles??? need help BAD :[
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I asked the oral surgeon to put me under with IV Sedation (that way I would be completely out) If they gas you you're still able to hear everything going on around you (Talking, drilling, crunching as they pull your teeth...ugh *shudders*)

I'm terrified of needles so I ALWAYS ask for numbing solutions to be applied wherever they are going to stick me. They use a Benzocaine solution to numb your mouth, and ice or freezing spray to numb the skin before injection. They usually have this available for children and needle-phobic patients. Just ask and they should be more than happy to make you feel comfortable. You are that one that's paying them after all. Hope this helps.
Reply:hmmm... can you ask them to gas you to sleep? i think you still need an IV for that though :-/ have you talked to the oral surgeon?
Reply:Explain the situation to your dentist or go to an oral surgeon where they can put you under.
Reply:Just let them do their thing. I had all 4 of my wisdome teeth pulled on Friday. The needle was the least of my fears, I didn't even remeber having the needle until you just said something. They'll probably give you some laughing gas first. The needle didn't even hurt. You are being silly. :o)

family nanny

When can I go back to normal after my wisdom teeth have been pulled?

I had all four wisdom teeth pulled 3 days ago and everything is going very well. My biggest concern is about potential dry sockets and infections. I was told not to drink through a straw, spit, use hydrogen peroxide, brush around the surgical site, drink anything carbonated, eat anything with seeds, pulp, etc.

But when can I start again? Basically when can I have a bagel and orange juice or popcorn and soda without the fears of dry sockets and oral infections looming over me???

When can I go back to normal after my wisdom teeth have been pulled?
For everyone it's different. I was able to eat pretty normally about three days after I had mine out. I even flew form Seattle to Toronto two days after I had mine pulled. You can drink orange juice if you get the pulp free kind. The trick with eating the things you want, is to eat slowly.... Take small bites, and be sure to rinse your mouth out really well after. I would stay away from nuts and seeds until your dentist tells you it's ok. It really all depends on how well you heal.
Reply:it'll take between a week and 2 weeks for you to be able to eat normal foods. i waited until there weren't gaping holes in the back of my mouth before i started using straws again. but, for the most part, wait until your follow up appointment to find out if you're ready.

hope you're not in too much pain!
Reply:actually u can now eat whatever u want to and whatever u r comfortable with but u have to keep the surgical site clean like always rinse with at least water after u eat anything. all other precautions are actually meant for the 1st 24hrs to prevent dry socket. if the surgery has been done properly by a good doctor and u take proper care then no way can u land up with a dry socket.
Reply:start slow. When i started eating solid foods, I chewed them with my front teeth and took small bites. Gradually work up to chewing with your molars and remeber, eat semi-solids first.

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When you get braces as an adult, is it normal to have to pull out teeth?

I went to an ortho to fix an overbite and he says that in order for my teeth to be pushed back, there needs to be space and I'd have to have all my end teeth pulled out. That's 4 teeth. I wasn't expecting to go thru all that especially for Invisalign or invisible braces. Is this norm?

When you get braces as an adult, is it normal to have to pull out teeth?
I got my braces on at 19, and they had to pull out all 3 (didn't have a 4th lol) wisdom teeth PLUS 2 of my back molars so that there would be enough room. Initially they were thinking of pulling out 2 in the top front then just letting my wisdoms grow in but nope they pulled the wisdoms and the molars! They needed LOTS of space because of my severe overbite and my high eye teeth. I still have them on (it's been a year) and they SUCK (especially when pregnant haha) but it's gonna be worth it in the end!!!!
Reply:Not everyone needs to, but I think it's pretty common at any age. I was 14 when I got braces and had to have 4 teeth removed. So did my 3 siblings who had braces.
Reply:Yes it is normal. When I got braces I had two teeth pulled. It was because my mouth was to small for all my teeth and for the braces to pull my teeth to where they needed to be. So yes it is normal.

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Is it ok to drink alcohol a week after getting my wisdom teeth pulled?

I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled on December 19th and I was wondering if it's bad for the healing process if I drank alcohol or beer on New Years??? I wont be taking the pain medicines anymore, I just wonder if the alcohol or beer would do something to the tooth holes??

Is it ok to drink alcohol a week after getting my wisdom teeth pulled?
hey reply back at you (thanks). If you're not taking any painkillers, it should be fine. Just don't drink so much that you get sick and split your stitches! have fun.
Reply:you can have a drink but not on pain medication
Reply:of course!
Reply:The alchohol won't do anything to the tooth scockets. it might sting a bit, depends on how healed they are.
Reply:No, it's not going to hurt the healing process of the holes. You can go out and chit faced and have no worries of your mouth getting infected or anything else like that. Go out and have a good time.
Reply:hell yeah it ok alcohol is a natural antiseptic ant it aid in the effect of your other pain killers within moderation of coarse. drink up it fights the flu and kills most germs.
Reply:no dats badddd
Reply:hell I went out and got blind stinkin drunk the same day I had some wisdom teeth removed, excellent painkiller
Reply:Probably not. But I did.
Reply:heck no, i had three cut out and stopped at the local pub and drank my self silly only twenty mins later, heck you will be fine , just dont use a strraw its the sucking action that undoes the clots, drink to your hearts delight.
Reply:Would have probably done you more good if you had drunk alcohol WHILE you were getting your wisdom teeth pulled.
Reply:Make sure you take the pain pills with it!!!!!

It makes it more fun that way!!!
Reply:It will be okay to drink. Like they said alcohol is a natural antiseptic. It may burn a little bit. Just make sure that you don't drink enough to get sick. That could be really bad!
Reply:you should be fine. just don't drink anything with a straw. suction with the straw will give you problems with the holes and your stiches could come out.

i was fine the same night i had them out. had pasta for dinner.

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Is it bad to smoke cigarettes after getting my wisdom teeth pulled?

i Got my wisdom teeth pulled out (all 4) friday, and today is saturday. is it bad to smoke cigs after it? When is it safe too

Is it bad to smoke cigarettes after getting my wisdom teeth pulled?
YES and drinking alcohol is bad too. It affects the blood clotting and can end up with a very sore mouth or a dry socket. I was told no alcohol or cigs for 24hrs. Hope this helps.
Reply:Yes, It is best to wait 24 hours but preferrably 48-72 hours. It is different for everyone how long healing takes. Smoking prevents proper healing and dries out the clot. The longer you wait to smoke the less chance of getting a dry socket which is very painful. Wear a tobacco patch if necessary.
Reply:Yes, it is bad. Because of the suction, it might cause you to get what is called a dry socket and then you will really hurt. I would wait until tomorrow if you can to smoke, although if you are like me, you will take your chances and smoke anyhow. Just don't pull so hard when you draw on them and be easy. Take special care. I can't feel right about asking you to wait till tomorrow to smoke since I know I wouldn't, but it really is the best thing to do. Hang in there!
Reply:Since it is bad to smoke cigarettes anyway, it doesn't make a difference if your wisdom teeth are just pulled out. You'll just provide a shortcut for the cancer to get into your mouth.
Reply:3 reasons why it is bad to smoke within 24 hours of ANY tooth extraction:

1. Smoking causes suction on your whole mouth and within the first 24 to 48 hours the blood clot that forms, or is supposed to form, is very weak and has not had enough time to bind itself to the site's tissue making it very easy to dislodge the clot. This is believed to be one of the main reasons that lead to 'Dry Socket'. A painful infection where the blod clot is no longer in the socket, exposing the jaw bone to air and bacteria in the mouth.

2. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood flow. Oxygen is neccessary to help the clot harden as well as carry nutrients to the site to promote healing. Also, if a blood clot has not had enough oxygen in it when forming, the tissue around the site may reject the clot causing it to not bind to the tissue and remains loose for days, even weeks after the clot has formed. This makes it almost inevitable to dislodge. Leading to 'Dry Socket' and possibly other infections as the gum tissue will not receive the proper nutrients, the tissue may ( or most likely will) suffer necrosis (Dying of surrounding tissue) causing another infection.

3. If you smoke during the first 24 hours, the clot may have not bound itself to the tissue, or even completely hardened yet, which can allow the many toxins in cigarettes to slip between the clot into the underlying tissue and bone, leading to infection caused possibly by the premature drying of the edges of the clot before the gum tissues have the chance to bind to it, leading to dislodgement of the clot. 'Dry Socket' again.

Sorry don't mean to sound long winded, I thought it would be best to KNOW the information entirely, to help you make an informed decision.

However, although it is not completely known yet what may cause a dry socket, these reasons commonly lead to the cause and show evidence of playing a major role in the promotion of 'Dry Socket'.

After 24 hours, if you choose to smoke, like I have, it is best to only use mild half mouthful suctions on the cigarette and make sure that you do not suck hard enough that your cheeks suck in when smoking, nor should you feel any suction ANYWHERE in your mouth at all.
Reply:Oh man, I had mine done yesterday (Friday the 15th) as well. I had a horrible experience, as they didn't put me under, but only gave me Novocaine. I would like to smoke as well, this is why I even searched for this, but am finding that it's probably best to wait. I am in enough pain...they spent over an hour and 20 minutes just on one tooth! It was actually the most tramatizing thing I've ever been through, and I see now why they put people out for something like that. Just hold out if you can, you're probably wanting to smoke because you're bored and can't eat properly, I know that's why I want to. I think it'll be best to just hold out though.
Reply:smoking is bad period. same with drinking


How much did it cost you to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

I have to go to an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth pull, all four. Do they usually do them all in session in this case? I know that the prices vary depending on the oral surgeon, but I'm trying to get an estimate and a few clues onto what will go on. I tried to ask the lady in the front where I'm recommended to go, but all she would tell me is it depends on the surgeon. Thanks for your help!!!

How much did it cost you to get your wisdom teeth pulled?
they should pull them all at once, i had just one and it cost me 180 with insurance( my dental plan sucked). if you have to get all for you might want the iv seditive sometimes they have to crack them. also dont suck (shutup and dont laugh) anything with your mouth it can cause drysocket and that sucks, lot of pain
Reply:if u dont waqnt to pay, u can always do it ur self
Reply:I had two wisdom teeth pulled at my dentist office last Monday (6 days ago) and a filling. The cost for the two teeth extracted and a filling was about $500. I did not need to go to an oral surgeon so I am not sure how much more it may be. I was scared but the dentist assured me I would only feel pressure and that was what I felt. I did not experience any pain or swelling and was only under local anesthsia.
Reply:I had all 4 of my rear wisdom teeth removed years ago because I had braces and the wisdom teeth can cause your other teeth to go crooked. All 4 of my wisdom teeth had not fully come out, and they could not be pulled but had to be surgically removed. This would determine the price, and your oral surgeon, or dentist should be able to give you a general price, which can vary greatly depending upon the doctor, and the manner in which it needs to be done. Good luck. I did not regret having mine removed.


Can you eat chocolate ice cream after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

My boyfriend is getting his wisdom teeth pulled soon and I wanted to bring him some chocolate ice cream. :)

Can you eat chocolate ice cream after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
Sure, just no sucking through a in a choc. shake. He probably won't want it to quickly after getting home especially if he is being sedated for the extractions.
Reply:Yes, he can eat ice cream if he feels up to it. He may want to wait until his numbness wears off and his bleeding has stopped.

Ice cream won't hurt him.
Reply:There are several rules to follow in this situation, including the temperature of foods. Remember: "cool, soft, nutritious". No straws, no hot foods or drinks, nothing crunchy because they can get stuck or poke the wounds (like chips, pretzels) So, yes, he can have chocolate ice cream, or any flavor that doesn't contain hard pieces.
Reply:Well sure you can, but as my opinion, i really would't during that very time. i would wait a couple of days or weeks before i go bac to munch. You can take my advice or leave it.
Reply:he should be able to but after gettin messed up at the dentist i dont think he will want to put anything in his mouth for the rest of the day
Reply:Yes as long as he eats with a spoon.
Reply:What the ***** is wrong with you?

That **** is why your teeth are ****** up already!


How long will I be in Pain after having 3 teeth pulled?

I had 3 teeth pulled on Friday. This is day 3 and im sore! I have not had to take the Lortab Elixir since the pain is not that strong. Ibuprofen has helped control that but eating is such a pain. Opening my jaw for food or talking is very uncomfortable. Im freaking myself out about it, but im sure its normal. I guess I just need some reassuarnce. I have one more day at home before I have to go back to work so Im really hoping that im better by then.

How long will I be in Pain after having 3 teeth pulled?
about a week it will not be so severe.

I had 5 teeth pulled and it took a while but I was young.

It should be all gone soon. I say 2 weeks tops!

Best of luck!

Feel better!
Reply:I think everyone is different, but it also depends on how well you take care of yourself as the Dentist instructs and just how your body heals. My boyfriend had his wisdom teeth out and it took him 3-4 days to heal, while my mom just had hers out and was only in real pain for about a day. Everyone is different!
Reply:i had 4 pulled nd it lasted like 3 days but the shots they gave you turn into blisters and that will probably last 1-2 weeks
Reply:Three teeth is alot to be pulled at once. Give yourself a couple of more days. If the pain persistes, go back to the dentist. You may have an infection.
Reply:my daughter had six pulled and she was all better in a week
Reply:I would say you shouldn't be in any pain for too much longer. It's normal for it to hurt a bit for as much as a week, but I'd say in your case you shouldn't have to put up with it for more than a day or so more.
Reply:Ive had 2 teeth pulled at time and ts hurt only two days...

the teeth were not wiggly at al so ya..


How bad will it feel after I get my wisdom teeth pulled? And How will I look?

My girlfriend gets back from Hawaii the same day my wisdom teeth are pulled.....So, will I be able to kiss her,.. and after looking at me..will she want to kiss me? :)

How bad will it feel after I get my wisdom teeth pulled? And How will I look?
It depends on how many you are having pulled and if they are impacted or not. I had four impacted wisdom teeth pulled at once and it was very painful. I had to take double the dosage of pain medication. And my cheeks were very swollen for two to three days. But I have heard that is is not as bad when you have less to pull and if they have already come through the gum. Good luck!
Reply:it won't feel to bad and it will look normal.
Reply:well you'll probably be numb for a few hours; and have gauze on gums where the teeth were pulled; tell her she will understand she will have to wait for that kiss because of ;;;;;blood taste yuck!
Reply:just a lil swelling but i would try and stay away from using luck!
Reply:i had 4 pulled all at the same time.piece of cake.just don't slobber on her depending when you see her.
Reply:When I got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled, it was an "itchy" kind of pain. My cheeks kind of looked like a chipmunk for a day or two, but nobody could really tell that I had them removed. It was hard to talk though with the stitches.
Reply:It's not going to affect how you look in the longterm, but for the first few days your face will be swollen and very sore to touch. You'd probably be better off staying away from the airport that day! Good luck.
Reply:You are not going to feel up to much, but maybe you could kiss her. You will feel numb, if you get good treatment. It seems to me that they give you pain killer in prescription form.
Reply:Trust me you will not even feel like kissing her. I was in a lot of pain and the medicine only helped me to a certain extent. I'm sorry that you have to go through this because I went through it over the summer and it was not fun at all and I know how you are going to feel. As far as looks, your cheeks will be really swollen, well mine were, and it actually took mine about a week to get back to normal. So, I hope you get through with it and you are okay and your surgery is successful.
Reply:I just had 1 wisdom tooth pulled on monday,

Dude, I was sweating it so much, But you you know It wasn't that bad,

They gave me two shots and ten minutes later he cam in and it took like 8 minutes to do it and i felt virtually nothing. I only took one pain pill therafter, As opposed to all of the pain tha ti had been in, I felt better the next day than i did three days before because of the pain, cause it was going into the root.

you"ll be fine man, I'm glad that i had it done,

If your having like all four done probably no kising for a few days

family nanny

Can i have a hug? I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday?

Yesterday i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled so im in pain and grumpy. I got "happy pills" but they only work for so long. i need a hug or something.

Can i have a hug? I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday?
Oh, heck, yea. I remember when that happened to me, and it is definetly no fun! Here is your hug, and I will throw in a star. Rock On! you go *HUGS*.........
Reply:NO! because you probably have horrible breath by now!
Reply:Heres a big HUG. I know what you are going thru. I had mine pulled last year.
Reply:Firm Squeezes dahling! I do hope you feel better soon!
Reply:ahhh yes you can definitely have a hug but you'll have to give me one back when i get mine taken out, it's coming up, not sure when, ave blotted it from my mind.
Reply:oh poor baby...."BIG HUGS" I had 3 pulled at one fun...take your pills and rest.......

I hated that! The pills made me sick so I couldn't take them. Hope they work ok for you.
Reply:here you go lots of hugs(ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

feel better soon.
Reply:Sending a hug right a way! I remember when I had that done be good to yourself and get some rest!
Reply:aww I'm sorry! I got mine out last December so I know exactly how you feel! I couldn't take the drugs though...I hope you can to dull the pain! *hugs* I hope you feel better!!! =)
Reply:I'll give you a hug and get icecream for ya.
Reply:Awww man, I really feel for you. I had that done 2 years ago and know exactly what you are going through. Here's your hug and a star. Hope you get better quick!
Reply:auwww I feel for you. I had mine out last year and the pain was a *****. for the first couple of days, get more sleep, later take a hot bath, and listen to relaxing music. it helps!

office supply

Is sun exposure bad for you after getting your wisdom teeth pulled out?

I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out on Monday and I was wondering if going to the beach this Saturday is a bad idea?

I don't have that much swelling and I stopped feeling pain the second day. Should I stay in a couple more days or is it ok to go to the beach by Saturday morning (5 days later)?

Is sun exposure bad for you after getting your wisdom teeth pulled out?
Shouldn't be any problem. Have fun at the beach.
Reply:you can go wont harm you

office stationery

Its been 31 hours since i got my top wisdom teeth pulled. is it ok for me to smoke. will i get dry socket.?

if i smoke 31 hours after getting my top two wisdom teeth pulled what are the chances of me getting a dry socket?

Its been 31 hours since i got my top wisdom teeth pulled. is it ok for me to smoke. will i get dry socket.?
As a dentist I can tell you that I usually recommend that my patients always wait to smoke for AT LEAST 72 hours after extraction. It is best to wait longer (ie: a week), but after the first 72 hours the chance of a dry socket does decrease considerably. If you MUST smoke, cover the extraction site with moist gauze and take small puffs, avoid taking deep puffs as this can dislodge the clot. Continue to take any prescribed antibiotics and pain medication (as needed) and after 24 hours following extraction you should begin GENTLE warm salt water rinses to help prevent any infection. Cold compresses will also help reduce swelling and will also help remove minor aches/pain you may have after your extraction. Good luck!!
Reply:I would not smoke if I was you. Obviously because of the health concerns but at this moment becuase if you have NOT experienced dry socket yet, then that is great. Dry socket is extremely wait a bit longer before you light up.
Reply:This is the perfect time in your life to stop smoking!

Smoking is terrible for you all together...

This is where I am going to tell you that if you smoke you may get dry socket... and you will have a 50% chance of dieing.
Reply:i don't know about dry socket but it's a really bad idea to have a cigarette right now. infection is #1 and the act of sucking as you do when smoking can cause pain and cause you to lose your stitches.
Reply:Smoke away.
Reply:I don't think smoking will really affect your chances of dry socket one way or the other. But if you are going to smoke, gargle with salt water afterwards.
Reply:I smoked five minutes after getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I never got dry socket. Dry socket is rare. It's like side effects posted on medications. you normally don't have any major ones. It's just a possibility.
Reply:Yes you can smoke without getting a dry socket.
Reply:It inhibits healing. Recommended to withhold for 7 days!
Reply:you could get dry socket yeah.

dont smoke tell you can eat solids again.

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Can a play baseball a week after getting two wisdom teeth pulled and a dry socket in one of them??

I had my bottom two wisdom teeth pulled on friday and everything was going perfect, then i woke up on sunday and found a loose blood clot in my mouth. oh no.. i had a dry socket. Man did it hurt. two days later i went to my dentist and got it packeted really good. she put alot in it. that was on Tuesday. It is now Thursday and i feel better but still kind of aches. I called and asked my dentist today to see if i could play and take it easy and she said that would be ok as long as i felt comfortable with it. i was just wondering if anyone has played sports with a dry socket. does it make it hurt more or what happens. Thank you for reading this.

josh h

Can a play baseball a week after getting two wisdom teeth pulled and a dry socket in one of them??
Just try to avoid getting hit in the mouth and you will be OK!
Reply:You can play!

I don't know if I can help you, but here goes. To find out everything you need to know about orthognathic (jaw correction) surgery, wisdom teeth surgery, implant dentistry, TMJ problems and anything really to do with facial and jaw surgery generally, you should go to The site is an Australian one, and deals with oral and maxillofacial surgery, and also with dentistry and orthodontics. Good luck! I hope that helps you.

Visual Arts

Can my son go to practice after having a few teeth pulled?

He had two of his baby teeth pulled using a sedative, which didn't put him asleep. There were no problems, but the dentist told me to have him take it easy because his balance would be off. Now he is begging me to go to wrestling practice tonight. Is it ok for him to still go or not? It seems as if everything has worn off, and he has no pain at all.

Can my son go to practice after having a few teeth pulled?
I'd have him sit out 1 day. If he is still even the least bit off from the sedative he could be injured wrestling. I don't think it's worth the risk. Take it easy one day and go back to it tomorrow.
Reply:If he feels fine, why not? I mean, he'll already be on the floor!
Reply:I played soccer the day after my wisdom teeth were pulled and I was fine. If he is a little off balance it could result in a different injury. If he's in high school I'd trust him to make the decision.
Reply:I wouldn't let him go. The body needs a little time to heal. Tell him to kick back and watch a movie instead.
Reply:I don't think he should go, because all the action may cause bleeding and I'm sure no one wants anyone blood on them.
Reply:Wrestling... I don't know. One of my friends came to water polo after getting her wisdom teeth out - I think even two days after getting them out. She got kicked in the face and reopened her wounds! Wrestling sounds like maybe something similar could happen - I'd be leary.
Reply:Since the dentist said his balance will be a little off, I would keep him home. No since in risking letting him injure himself in another way.
Reply:If he is feeling fine I would let him go. My son had 9 of his baby teeth pulled and he was heavily sedated they told me he would sleep the rest of the day but he didn't he ran around like nothing ever happened.
Reply:NO!! The extraction sites could start to bleed again. I not sure what sedative was used but for the first 24 hours it remains in your system.
Reply:I would rather see him wait an extra day. He will not be missing much. I don't think you would want to see him get injured for wrestling. No pain is a good sign, keep it that way.
Reply:Depends on how the extractions go %26amp; how he feels afterwards. Don't make no plans until you see.


Is Putting gauze in ok while smoking after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday and I'm terrified of getting dry socket. I'm a smoker and can't help but smoke. I haven't been smoking alot and when I do I put gauze over my "holes" when I do then immediately brush my teeth gently and rinse my mouth with warm salt water. They aren't bleeding and they don't hurt. They feel soar but not hurt. I'm scared of getting dry socket and I understand I can't smoke. But yet I still can't help but do it. Will I know if I'm getting it? And will I know if my blood clot comes out?

Is Putting gauze in ok while smoking after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
just dont suck real hard
Reply:you are taking a risk even though you're covering the socket. dry socket hurts. if the pain doesn't go away in a few days, and it aches throughout your WHOLE jaw, you know you have dry socket.
Reply:So far you're doing about everything to purposely GET DRY SOCKET. Keep the gauze, toothbrush and rinses out of your mouth!!! The first day is uncomfortable, the second day is about the same, and the third day after having them pulled is the absolutely most miserable day with swelling and pain........from there it gets better quickly.........unless you have lost your blood clots in your holes. That's called "dry socket"

The only reason to be putting gauze into your holes is WHEN they are BLEEDING. Otherwise, you are risking dislodging the blood clots. And...remember DO NOT DRINK WITH A STRAW, as the suction can dislodge it too.

exchange rate

Is it more difficult when you're older to have wisdom teeth pulled?

I'm over 40 and need my wisdom teeth pulled. Will they be harder to pull, and will the after effects be any different than if I were 20 years younger? Will it take longer to heal?

Is it more difficult when you're older to have wisdom teeth pulled?
Yes, it is harder on you to be older when you have them removed, when you are younger the roots are not completely formed that makes them easier to extract. I am sorry to say as we get older we don't bounce back as easily. If you are going to a good oral surgeon that will make things better, I would ask for some references and make sure other people have had good experiences with the surgeon. If he comes highly recommended you should be just fine.
Reply:Yes but as long as your dentist gives you the good vicotin or kodine, and you have time off from work, it doesn't matter.



Getting wisdom at 40 !! God bless you. Best of luck.
Reply:does it matter? you have to get it done regardless!
Reply:I had 3 pulled when I was 18 and the fourth one pulled when I was 28. I noticed no difference in the difficulty or healing time.

Here is some unsolicited advise, I hope you don't mind.

The doctor gave me a prescription for vicodine but I never filled it. I only took 800mg Ibuprophen. That took care of the swelling and the pain for me. No matter what narcotic pain killers you choose to take, I suggest you also take 800mg Ibuprophen every 8 hours for a few days. You can get a prescription from you dentist.
Reply:Yes, I had mine pulled at the local dentist office with just novacain and they have had an additional timwe to take root-{no pun intended] I healed fast and the pain was minamal. Probably because of the horror storys I heard about getting them cut out by an oral surgeon and the age thing. Best part ICE CREAM
Reply:Nobody heals like they do when they are younger, but as mouseears says, you gotta do what you gotta do. The teeth won't be any harder to remove, but your healing might be a little more difficult than it would for a 20 year old. Then again, you're only 40 and not 80, so as long as you are in good health, there would barely be any difference. Just follow your post-op directions (especially the one about not smoking, if you are a smoker) and you'll do fine.
Reply:oh yes,can be painful
Reply:no it should be the same as it will be for me when i go next week. im not sure about it taking longer to heal though
Reply:i dont know


How long do you have to wait to kiss after getting teeth pulled?

I got 1 wisdom tooth and 2 other teeth pulled yesterday at like 3PM. I have stitches but I was wondering how long do you have to wait to be able to start kissing and stuff like that or do you have to wait ?

How long do you have to wait to kiss after getting teeth pulled?
What is your ability to withstand pain?

How bad would it be to bleed in their mouth?

Good questions all...........
Reply:Till the Novicane wears off!

or till it doesn't hurt to kiss
Reply:I'd wait until your mouth was heeled.
Reply:i would wait until healed for your own safety ie germs and bacteria
Reply:well you might want to wait a day or two because your mouth could hurt after you get your teeth pulled.

right after i got 2 of mine pulled, it hurt to touch the gums around just wait about a day or so!
Reply:I'm guessing until it heals or when the stitches start to dissolve.
Reply:you might wanna wait until it at least stops bleeding and the hole closes up, at least a week
Reply:I'd wait a few days to a week. You don't want extra germs in there! You can get an infection. Plus you should take it easy on your mouth. Your gums need to heal!
Reply:okay. I'd say until you stop hurting...? or you know, until you grow a brain.
Reply:You can always kiss a peck on the lips, you do not have to really get into it. What did your dentist say? You shouldn't suck through straws, so you shouldn't do anything that would create a suction that would mess your mouth up.

Kisses on the cheeks are fine. You can hug, nothing wrong with hugging. I would wait to use a straw until your mouth is healed. Ask your dentist. Are your stitches going to dissolve? Or do you have to have them taken out? Either way wait until they are gone. No sucking anything for a couple of weeks or until you are healed.
Reply:this is the most stupidest ?





Reply:The awfull truth..... your breath might smell a bit. Sometimes the healing process involves a bit of a "pong". It is normal. Give your gums time to heal. Rinse your mouth with lightly salted water. It is a great antiseptic and will help speed up the healing process.
Reply:Kat i had two teeth filled today and i ain't kissing no one today
Reply:A light peck with light puckering might be okay. Depends on how much pain your are or how much bleeding. Open mouth kissing or anything else might have to wait for at least 3 days. Because you don't want to suck out the stitches or the clots. Then you'll be in pain and really won't want to or can kiss. =) Have your love one kiss you instead everywhere else and you take some time off. Good luck!

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Is it normal to have craters in your gums after teeth have been pulled?

I just had 5 teeth pulled and had stitches in my mouth for a week. Today I noticed my gums still have huge holes in them where the teeth used to be and deep in the holes it looks like I can see bone. Is this normal?

Is it normal to have craters in your gums after teeth have been pulled?
Yes, that is completely normal after an extraction. It will take a few weeks for the tissue to heal in that area. It will take approximately 6-9 months for the bone in the area to completely heal.
Reply:yes u will have holes for awhile
Reply:yes, its not bone, but a scab. the craters will probably take a few months to heal properly and get smooth
Reply:"Holes" yes, you will need to give your gums some time to heal properly. Seeing bone, no. If you are worried go back to the Dentist or Surgeon who took your teeth out and get them to have a look.
Reply:Yes, but they will close up over time. Be carefull of infections though, rince often with hydrogen peroxide. (Listeine will cause pain)
Reply:Yes, it's normal. Don't worry the holes with your tongue or try to suck the blood out.

Tissue will "knit" itself across the gap and the holes will close, but that takes considerable time. "Pretend to be patient."
Reply:Yes. I had a molar pulled 6 years ago, and the hole still shows a slight depression with slight ridges.
Reply:It would not be uncommon to see bone after an extraction. But it would not be a problem unless it was very painful.

Usually after a week the bone will be covered up by some whitish/ reddy mucousy looking area.

It will probalby take at least 2 weeks before gum starts growing over your moon crater.
Reply:yes, that goes away after a while

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Is it okay to have no stitches after having 4 wisdom teeth pulled out?

I just got 4 wisdom teeth pulled out. My oral surgeon didn't give me any stitches. He already has instructed me to use the irrigating syringe to squirt water into my sockets so I can clean them. Most people who have gotten their wisdom teeth extracted were given stitches or dissolving stitches. I didn't get any so now I have big holes in my mouth and it gets annoying to clean. Won't it be a problem if my gums start closing up and food is still inside?

Is it okay to have no stitches after having 4 wisdom teeth pulled out?
I didn't have any stitches. It depends on whatever the doctor thinks I guess. I did fine without stitches. bitches get stitches. lol.
Reply:u dont need stitches,its more common to not have stitches after getting wisdom teeth removed. it may take a while but they will completely close up. they wont close with food in there, its a very slow process. took mine about 6 months to completely close up
Reply:I had all four out at the same time when I was 17. I didn't get any stitches either. I didn't have any problems with stuff getting closed up in there. Just keep it clean like you're supposed to and it'll be just fine. I'm 34 now, so I'm pretty sure that if something bad was gonna happen, it would have happened by now.
Reply:As long as you keep those holes relatively clean, don't worry about your gums closing up with food inside. I had 2 wisdom teeth pulled %26amp; I didn't get any stitches either. Just follow the post op instructions %26amp; you'll be fine in a couple of wks. It's been 18mo since mine were pulled %26amp; I survived. You can too.
Reply:sometimes wisdom teeth are stitched because it is a big hole, but when other teeth are extracted, there are no stitches. as long as you maintained a good blood clot for a few days, you will be ok. later, you should have the cavitations done. the non-biologic dentists and oral surgeons do not know to pull out the periodontal ligament and it creates a cavitation and eats away your jawbone over time.


Extractions have to be done well. Normally they pull a tooth out, stick a piece of gauze in there and say bite on it. After the tooth is removed, the socket has to be completely cleaned so that complete healing can occur. If tissue such as torn pieces of ligaments or periosteum is left in the socket and covers the bone, the bone will tend to heal over the top, leaving a hole in the bone, and new bone cannot form. This hole can persist for the rest of the patient's life. It is a chronic infection that is called an alveolar cavitational osteopathosis or cavitation. This means that there is an infected cavity in the bone. These bone infections are only now being seriously researched. If they are fairly easy to prevent by proper socket cleaning, why is this not being done? But many if not most dentists have never heard of cavitations.


A cavitation is an unhealed hole in the jawbone caused by an extracted tooth [or a root canal or an injury to a tooth]. Since wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, most cavitations are found in the wisdom tooth sites. Please see the graphic and photo below to get a glimpse of what may be in your mouth and the effects it is having. The photo and diagram demonstrate the destructive and pathologic consequence of a routine tooth extraction. Dentists are taught in dental school that once they pull a tooth, the patient's body heals the resulting hole in the jawbone. However, approximately 95% of all tooth extractions result in a pathologic defect called a cavitation. The tooth is attached to the jawbone by a periodontal ligament which is comprised of "jillions" of microscopic fibers. One end of each fiber is attached to the jawbone and the other end of the fiber is attached to the tooth root. When a tooth is extracted, the fibers break midway between the root and the bone. This leaves the socket (the area where the root was anchored in the bone) coated with periodontal ligament fibers.

There are specialized cells in the bone called osteoblasts. Osteoblasts make new bone. The word "osteoblast" means bone former. They are active during growth and maintenance. However, the periodontal ligament prevents the osteoblasts from filling in the tooth socket with bone since the periodontal ligament fibers lining the socket act as a barrier beyond which the osteoblasts cannot form bone. In other words, an osteoblast "sees" a tooth when it "sees" periodontal ligament fibers. Since there are billions of bacteria in the mouth, they easily get into the open tooth socket. Since the bone is unable to fill in the defect of the socket, the newly formed "cavitation" is now infected. Since there is no blood supply to the "cavitation" it is called "ischemic" or "avascular" (without a blood supply). This results in necrosis (tissue death). Hence we call a cavitation an unhealed, chronically infected, avascular, necrotic hole in the bone. The defect acts to an acupuncture meridian the same way a dead tooth (or root canal tooth) acts. It causes an interference field on the meridian which can impair the function and health of other tissues, organs and structures on the meridian. Significantly, the bacteria in the cavitation also produce the same deadly toxins that are produced by the bacteria in root canals (see Root Canals). These toxins are thio-ethers (most toxic organic substance known to man), thio-ethanols, and mercaptans. They have been found in the tumors in women with breast cancer.

girls myspace

Do cows only have a bottom row of teeth - no top ones? Just the one row for pulling up the grass??

no theres 2

Do cows only have a bottom row of teeth - no top ones? Just the one row for pulling up the grass??
Haven't you ever been out West and seen a cow's skull?

They have teeth on both upper and lower jaws.

How else could they chew grass?

Chewing vegetation requires upper and lower molars to grind with.

Incisors (the front teeth) are used to cut the grass so it can be chewed.
Reply:Not sure about cows, but deer only have front teeth on the bottom. They both have molars or grinding teeth top and bottom.
Reply:in the front of the cows mouth they only have teeth on the bottom but in the back of their mouth they have teeth on the top and bottom. they use their tong for pulling up the grass

acne scar

Does it hurt to have braces in and your teeth pulled out?

Does it hurt to have braces put in and your teeth pulled out because they put a needle in your mouth and im terrified of needles and some friends say it really hurts while others say it dosent you hardly notice it. What do i belive?

10 Points

Does it hurt to have braces in and your teeth pulled out?

Usually it doesnt hurt much while putting the braces it does not involve any extensive wear and tear and you might just feel a little pressure more than pain.

While pulling the tooth out the area in anesthesied with the local anesthesia.

You will feel the needle going inside your gums into the nerve and within few mins say just 1 or 2 the area will go numb and you wont feel any pain at all.

When the needle is inserted there mild pain rather its like a pinch, there is nothing to worry about and its not a scary procedure.

You can ask for topical application of anasthetic gel and you wont even feel the needle going in,it will numb the gums.

Reply:I don't know. My son has to get braces and I'm more scared than he is lol The same here..some people say it's really painful and others say it's nothing.

as for pulling teeth, it's the same thing. For some it really hurts, for others it doesnt. I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled out and went to work the day after. .... for others, they are home for a few days in pain.

Good luck :)
Reply:Yes and yes, there is no way of going through this without some pain. You will get used to the discomfort of braces, they will hurt for a week or so after they have been put on. But after that there is only pain if a wire breaks, and when they are tightened. In the end braces are worth it. Remember no pain no gain. As for the needles there is a small pinch nothing to bad.I survived having 8 teeth pulled(Over a period of a few years thankfully)

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Am I ok I just had all my wisdom teeth pulled?


Am I ok I just had all my wisdom teeth pulled?
Call the Dentist/Oral Surgeon that took them out! Now!

You can use a cold compress to help with the swelling, but your doctor will want to know that your tongue is still numb and that you are throwing up. It could be a reaction to your pain meds or ANYTHING. Just call them asap - usually offices at least leave an emergency contact number on their answering machines. It could be just something minor, but either way doctors are always willing to help their patients.
Reply:Load up on your pain meds. I recently had all my mollars removed due to teeth cracking. My jaw was swolen for a week and a half.
Reply:do you know what 2+2 =?? because if you dont you might want to get some new wisdom teeth. (joking)
Reply:The swelling is normal- the worst is about 48- 72 hours after extraction. The nausea is fairly normal (most likely from the pain medication). The numb tongue may not be normal. You should call your dentist and schedule a follow up appointment SOON. Hope you feel better...

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How much does it cost to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

i think one of my wisdom teeth is growing in and i think that i need to get it pulled out? How much does it hurt and how much does it cost?

How much does it cost to get your wisdom teeth pulled?
It cost over $2,000 to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled and for me to be completely knocked out. Insurance covered most of it. I think I paid around 300 out of pocket. I have Aetna insurance. It doesn't hurt at all because you are sleeping but usually the next day it starts to hurt. And you have to keep your mouth full of gauze. But ya know, I took about 4 days off of work (not really necessary) and enjoyed it. I watched tv all day and had my boyfriend getting me anything and everything I wanted. (I'm a big baby) You also get Viccadine (sp) but be careful. I could definitly see myself getting addicted to that stuff. I actually refused to have the doctor write me out another prescription even though I was in pain.
Reply:It really dosn't hurt that bad. You're on drugs the whole time and you don't feel it. Plus, You get to drink as much Cherry LImade as you want. I had all four pulled.

The cost was about 450, with anesthisa and all. Insurance covered most of it though.
Reply:It costs quite a bit but maybe you could work out a trade with a dentist if you cannot afford it. Write a letter to a few of them and offer office cleaning services or something. It does not hurt.....they take care of that. Don't worry.
Reply:Well I don't know where you live exactly but in the Houston, Texas area it can cost around 2,000 dollars at least for all 4 teeth to get pulled. So where you live it can cost more or less and also depending on if the teeth are infected or impacted....hope this helps!
Reply:cheap back in my day in 1970. guessing $45 but now it would cost $200 unless you have insurance like delta which prevents them from charging anywhere near that. they charge whatever they can get. no exceptions. just like lawyers and docs, they are all ripoffs. they rate right up there with the auto garage people. ripoff guaranteed. try dental school, get ins., pay partial and split. rip them off before they rip you off. they have made their bed, the so-called professionals. they are right up their with politicians and carnie workers. another kind of pick pocket. rats

Reply:i had one pulled recently and it was $500. the dentist numbed it up and all i felt was pressure. the next day i was a bit sore but it was nothing extraordinary. you'll be fine.
Reply:My brother is an oral surgeon. The cost depends on the extent of the surgery because sometimes the wisdom tooth is deeply inbedded in the bone. I believe the cost starts at $500 to $750
Reply:It really depends on the dentist. Prices vary a great deal. Best to get the phonebook out %26amp; just call around %26amp; ask the price of the procedure. In my experience it's been anywhere from $85-$110. As far as the pain, it's not pleasant, but it's really not that bad.

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How much would it cost to have all my teeth pulled?

I have a full set of teeth :) just wondering how much it would cost to have all the ugly things pulled out? so i can have dentures? Is it really painfull? will they put you to sleep like in sugery?

How much would it cost to have all my teeth pulled?
If you have any alternative to extracting all your teeth take it. Dentures have a whole new set of problems ranging from difficulty keeping them clean and bad breath issues to the major one of bone resorption and changing the shape of your jaw until such time as the dentures themselves no longer fit and just float around in your mouth. The bone resorption makes you look older and gives you a sunken sort of face.
Reply:It all depends on the insurance. With my insurance, it is costing me $105 to have 4 teeth pulled. You should consult with your dentist. If money is a problem, you should see if there is a dental school nearby.
Reply:You are beautiful as god made you. Why waste your money. Accept yourself as you are coz god made you. Just remember that you are great the way you are. Pulling out teeth and fixing new ones are painful and unnatural. I hope you can know that there are many people in poor countries that can benefit with a great education and life leave alone worrying about their looks. Best of luck and dont do it. Bye
Reply:If you really need them pulled, they can put you to sleep if you want. Most dentists charge anywhere from $85 to $100 a tooth. It is painful, yes, but not that bad for someone who can handle lots of pain. I think that they usually will only do so many at a time. Hope you have good insurance.

mens health

What can i eat when i get my wisdom teeth pulled out?

i had both of my bottom wisdom teeth pulled out 5 days ago and im just wondering what kind of foods I can eat.

What can i eat when i get my wisdom teeth pulled out?
In the beginning, I stuck to a soft diet. But 5 days later, I built up to harder foods. Like rice, noodles, soft tacos, potatoes, beans but not a lot of meat yet. If I did, I cut them up into tiny pieces and chewed with the front teeth. Fully back to reg diet about a week and half later. Good luck!
Reply:anything u dont have to chew. pudding, broth, yogurt, jello, and plain ice cream with no chunks or anything. and i hope ur teeth felel better soon!
Reply:little late to be asking now 5 days later. but you can have anything except hard and crunchy foods like chips, peanuts etc. after a week, you should be able to return to a normal diet.
Reply:i just had my tooth out and ive been eating sherbert, ice cream, pudding, jello, and so on. anything soft or liquidy. If you're still uncomfortable eating, i suggest nutrition drinks so you get nutrients.


If you have an infection after getting your wisdom teeth pulled, how long does it take to heal?

My dentist says that the best way to go is for him to numb the area up, make an incision, and clean up the infected site. I'm all up for it (well, not really, but y'know, you gotta do what you gotta do).

But how long does it take for it to heal -- a few days, or a few weeks? Will it be like my teeth have been pulled out all over again? Will I need to repeat the whole soft foods diet thing? Will I be able to talk and eat normally?

It'd be great if you tell me about your experiences. Thanks so much. :]

If you have an infection after getting your wisdom teeth pulled, how long does it take to heal?
Opening the abscess is the best way (and quickest) to heal. Healing will be about a week. Soft foods are up to you for comfort...but I would say regular diet is OK. Talk/eat normally...yes.
Reply:I got what's called "dry sockets" after I had mine pulled. Although it was pretty painful it was better in about a week. It only felt like it lasted forever!
Reply:I am having tooth issues Right now. I have an infection in my bone and I can't see my dentist until APRIL! I am in PAIN and I know how you feel I am on day 4 and the pain is down to a dull pain and doesn't really hurt unless I put pressure on it. Make sure he gives you antibiotics and take them all! Good luck sweetie! I hope you feel better soon!
Reply:I am wondering if you are taking antibiotics. It seems you should be. Cleaning the wound site is considered a minor surgery. If it is necessary, do grin and bear it and yes, you will have the same problem and soreness that you had before. Not too pleasant, but wish you the best. I would think that a couple of weeks you will be back to normal.

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I'm still in pain after getting my wisdom teeth pulled, is this normal?

I got my teeth pulled yesterday morning, and my jaw is still in quite a bit of pain. I'm still taking the Vicodin and putting ice on it, anything else I can do to help the pain subside? How much longer until it doesn't hurt anymore??

I'm still in pain after getting my wisdom teeth pulled, is this normal?
it gets less as the days go by. wait about 4 more days. don't forget that is like you had an operation. most of the times they have to make incisions to pulled them out, but unless you see redness, and get fever, there is no infection. perhaps they had to stitch you up, most of the times they do. ease up on the vicodin, perhaps ibuprofen would help you, in case there is inflammation. there are 800 mg of ibuprofen, ask the pharmacist.

good luck.
Reply:been there, done that! It sucks! It will go away in a couple of days. The worst part for me was the not being able to eat! And I was starving! Also it will take some time for you to be able to open your jaw all the way. Good Luck!
Reply:Ouch.*wince* Yeah, that can happen. . .for me, it stopped two or three days after the surgery. I hope you feel better soon, and be sure to follow the surgeon's directions to the TEE so you don't get dry socket, because that hurts even worse.
Reply:Give it a couple more days. Sometimes the jaw itself gets very sore from being pryed open for so long. Massage it from the outside (in front of your ears) and open and close it a lot to get the muscles moving again.
Reply:I believe this is normal - the pain will probably last around a few days. That's what it was like for my friend. I don't think there's much else you can do for the pain you just have to be tough and put up with it! I hope you feel better soon - dental pain is so horrible : (
Reply:It all depends on how deep the teeth were imbedded in your jaw. I would quit using the ice now. If it starts hurting all the time it could be a dry socket. It should be better within 3 days from removal if all goes good but I have seen it last a week if the teeth were hard to remove or had to be cut out. But it will get less painful daily.
Reply:It will ease out of pain in a few days. Hang in there. If it does hurt longer than 3 days or what ever your dentist says if it continues to hurt for so many days he mentions then you should consult your dentist to fix the problem.
Reply:Mine hurt a couple of days. My jaw also swelled and got black and blue. This went away after about a week. You will feel better tomorow :)


My six year old needs to get 2 baby teeth pulled. He has a cold and cough, and is taking medication...?

...would it be unsafe for him to have his teeth pulled now, since the dentist would be administering anaesthesia, and he's on cough and cold medication? Should we wait til he's better? Thanks.

My six year old needs to get 2 baby teeth pulled. He has a cold and cough, and is taking medication...?
It would probably be best to reschedule your child's appointment. Since your child already isn't feeling well, the last thing you want to do is add more discomfort. It would be best for everyone to do it at a time when he/she is feeling better again. Atleast that would be our recommendation at our office.
Reply:Yes, anytime someone has an upper respiratory infection/ cough/cold and are planned for anesthesia the procedure should be delayed, unless it is an urgency.

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Best foods to eat when you've just gotten teeth pulled?

i got 4 teeth pulled that were like exactly wheee i chewed my food, and so ive tried apple sauce cottage cheese, ice cream, pudding, any ideas??

Best foods to eat when you've just gotten teeth pulled?
Chicken or Beef broth with no noodles or vegetables

Pureed fruits such as peaches,pears,etc..

Scrambled eggs

Jello that has no fruit in it

Mashed potatoes


Cream of Wheat

A frosty from Wendy's

Reply:Yogurt is good, so is oatmeal, cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, milk shakes, etc. Anything smooth that goes down easy.
Reply:1. Any kind of soups without chewable pieces

2. apple sauce

3. Pudding

4. Jello

5. Ice cream

6. Oatmeal

7. Juices

8. Milk or Soymilk

9. Mashed potatoes

Basically any food that there is no need to chew
Reply:you can try milkshakes with yogurt and milk and fruit (don't use raspberries, cuz the seeds will irritate the gums). also chicken soup is good.

when i had my jaws wired shot from jaw surgery, my orthodontist recommended eating foods that are pureed or blended. things like celery soup, minestrone soup, other soups, etc, put in blender with some water and enjoy through a straw so food doesnt touch your swollen gums.

i was also told that you can blend pizza, for a pizza shake. i never did explore that route.
Reply:Pintos and cheese from Taco Bell
Reply:Do not use a straw after having teeth pulled. You will get a dry socket, and that does not feel good. I suggest anything soft that you don't have to chew.

Jello, mashed potatoes, cream style corn. Carnation breakfast drink.
Reply:Pureed thick shakes/milkshakes. Try visiting the baby food section of your supermarket for variety!

Don't forget to rinse your mouth well after eating and drinking to reduce inflammation and risk of infection. Salt water is really good for this.

Merry Christmas!
Reply:eat anything which is cold and pls avoid hot food.


If i get braces will i need my wisdom teeth pulled out?

im getting braces soon and my wisdom teeth are just starting to come through- will i have to wait for them to come throgh before i get my braces? will i have to have them pulled out before or after braces?

im 12 year old girl and im geting top and bottom traintracks plz help thnx

If i get braces will i need my wisdom teeth pulled out?
I had braces, but my wisdom teeth were pulled out much later in life because they were impacted (underneath the gums). You have to wait and see how your teeth will shift with the braces and your dentist and orthodontist will keep an eye on things for you.
Reply:i got mine pulled after i got my braces off

and your to young to be on here you have to be 13 or older

and shouldn't you be in school
Reply:you're not suppose to be on here, but to answer your question, you more than likely will need them pulled
Reply:definately not
Reply:Twleve years old is very young for wisdom teeth to come in, most of the time your wisdom teeth don't begin to come in until your through with teenage years. The wisdom teeth are slow to come all the way through so chances are there is plenty of time for them. I would say that you will get your braces on for the full duration and your wisdom teeth if needed will be cut out once your older and they have come in enough. Only in extreme cases do they extract them from in the gums.
Reply:12 years old, you already have your wisdom teeth? Mines are only starting to come out and I'm almost 20... I would say that removing them sooner is a good idea, so it won't impact with your neighbor teeth.


Is there anyway to "unnumb" yourself after getting wisdom teeth pulled?

I got my 4 widom teeth pulled 9 hours ago (from post) and from my lower lip to chin (including tongue) is still numb. At the dentist I had an IV and the K.O gas before the operation, though I never fully loss conscience, if i was supposed to. I'm jus wondering if there's anyway I could stop the numbness or speed up the process of being "unnumbed". I've allready taked 3 naps, eaten hot soup, and cold ice cream.

Is there anyway to "unnumb" yourself after getting wisdom teeth pulled?
Sorry, but you have to wait for the local anesthetic he/she used to wear off. How long depends on what he used.
Reply:i got a very sensitive tooth pulled out when i was only 9 yrs. old.try just rest and ignoring the tooth and it will be better before you know it.
Reply:i was in the same situation as you about a year ago.

i'm sorry but you just half to wait for it to wear off.

have fun with that
Reply:Try some mild exercise. This will move your blood, and cause the anesthetic to move through your system at a more rapid pace.
Reply:The reason you will be numb for so long is so that it will help with your recovery and lack of pain. If you were to 'unnumb' yourself straight after having 4 wisdom teeth extracted you would be in extreme pain. Anaesthetic is just not for the numbness - it has other properties which help with pain control. It also will help with swelling etc.

Also - a bit of advice for you - go easy with the hot %26amp; cold food - while you are so numb you can't feel temperature %26amp; you don't want to scald yourself with hot food. Cold food will do a great deal of damge too. Please be aware that you have open wounds in your mouth and you need to take care of them. Maybe to try to survive on a liquid diet for the first few days?


Can you smoke 48 hours after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

i got my wisdom teeth pulled friday morning at 11am. its no sunday morning. is it alright for me to smoke now?

Can you smoke 48 hours after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
As a dentist I can tell you that I usually recommend that my patients always wait to smoke for AT LEAST 72 hours after extraction. It is best to wait longer (ie: a week), but after the first 72 hours the chance of a dry socket does decrease considerably. If you MUST smoke, cover the extraction site with moist gauze and take small puffs, avoid taking deep puffs as this can dislodge the clot. Continue to take any prescribed antibiotics and pain medication (as needed) and after 24 hours following extraction you should begin GENTLE warm salt water rinses to help prevent any infection. Cold compresses will also help reduce swelling and will also help remove minor aches/pain you may have after your extraction. Good luck!
Reply:yes u can.
Reply:yes, but rinse with salt water to keep the areas clean.
Reply:My dentist told me not smoke or drink through a straw for 24 hours, but I only had two molars pulled. I would bite gently on some gauze or something to try and keep the clots from being sucked out.
Reply:You should wait the recommended 72 hours before smoking since you are still at risk of a dry socket developing from doing the sucking type action. The clot is set, but not so firmly that it can't be dislodged yet. So, if you do smoke, be careful and don't draw or suck on the cigarette really deep. Good luck and follow all your instructions for a full and uncomplicated recovery.
Reply:you can smoke 5 minutes after ward and it will irritate the gums.

if the dr said not to, there is a reason but if you must, go out and have a but
Reply:I even think 72 hours is too soon for a cigarette. I just had all my teeth pulled and I was told not to smoke for an entire week, or just quit all together. Although, I did smoke 4 days later, gums were still healing over but I rinsed right after with this special rinse I was given and I never recieved dry socket. Maybe it was longer for me because I had more holes to heal. I guess it just depends on how fast you heal but smoking will slow down the healing process.. for sure..

city opera

I have developed a dry socket after having wisdom teeth pulled. Is anbesol ok to use.?

I had my wisdom teeth pulled four days ago and now I am on vacation. Before I left my dentist packed one of my extractions because of a dry socket with some gause with clove oil and other medicated stuff on it. I have run out of the extra dressings that he gave me. Someone told me to use gause mositened with a little water and some anbesol. The anbesol contains medicines that are for pain, swelling, and bacteria. Does this sound o.k. I have also been rinsing my mouth with warm salt water three times a day. Does anyone know how long it takes for a dry socket to go away.

I have developed a dry socket after having wisdom teeth pulled. Is anbesol ok to use.?
About 3-4 weeks sometimes longer. Don't smoke
Reply:it will take away the pain temporarily

you need to go back to the dentist for dry socket treatment, it does not go away on its own!
Reply:Go to the dentist as soon as possible because you need treatment. Once you get the treatment, the dry socket will feel better immediately.

Don't suffer. You don't have to!
Reply:it could have dry socketed because you are rinsing, yes ambesol is safe to use, Honestly when I got mine pulled one of them dry socketed and I returned to the dentist they did nothing but give me more pain killers I think it was tylenol 3 and he said it would heal. The pain went away about a week later. Technically it healed but I still have the hole there 7 years later.
Reply:You need to return to the dentist that removed the wisdom teeth... a special medicated gauze will need to be packed into the socket in order for it to heal.

nanny agency

How do i reduce discomfort with these rubber bands to pull my teeth into place after getting teeth removed?

I had 2 teeth pulled on my lower jaw( premolars) and my orthodontist put in these bands from my molars where the braces start, to my canine, since there is now a gap between these...and it feels really uncomfortable, not a pain, but like a feeling that i must bite down furiously, how do i alleviate this and how long does this discomfort last?

How do i reduce discomfort with these rubber bands to pull my teeth into place after getting teeth removed?
There is an oral product called Anbesol that numbs the gums.

I would dab some on the area that is causing the discomfort to numb it so you can get some relief. It numbs the sensitivity of the nerves, so hopefully the feeling you have of having to bite down lessens/goes away.

Tylenol or Advil might help, also.

The bulk of the discomfort should go away in about 48 to 36 hours. Hopefully the anbesol will help until it subsides.
Reply:will hurt a lot and get better. It hurts every time you get the braces adjusted. Persevere and you'll end up with lovely teeth.
Reply:Take 2 ibuprofen every 6 hours.

You know those little pop-ice things? They have syrup in a long plastic envelope. You buy them and put them in the freezer. Those make excellent ice packs. You insert it into your mouth wherever it hurts and it reduces swelling and pain.

I would be tempted to get some oragel or numzit and rub it all over the spot where the premolars came out.

Take care.

TX Mom

opera sheet music

Could you explain what they do when they pull your wisdom teeth out?

I have to get my Wisdom teeth pulled and I was wondering what the procedures are, do they use that numbing shot, does it hurt, tips for after it happens.

Could you explain what they do when they pull your wisdom teeth out?
I had my wisdom teeth out last October. They removed all four, upper and lower.

I was placed under sedation, so I wasn't awake for the procedure. When I woke up, I had a lot of gauze in my mouth to stop the bleeding, and was given extra gauze to pack the area later.

You will be groggy for the rest of the day and more than likely won't feel your lips or jaw for a while. My wisdom teeth were pretty impacted (meaning they hadn't come in straight) so there was a lot of chiseling and removing of bone and tooth to prevent damaging the nerves that run through my lower jaw.

The next couple of days are the most uncomfortable. I ate soup and other soft foods because eating was difficult. I used icepacks for the swelling in my cheeks, but it took a week or two for the swelling to go down completely.

Rinsing your mouth after eating with warm salty water helps to dislodge anything that might have gotten into the empty sockets after they remove the internal packing (usually in a couple of days) but don't do it too often or too hard or you can wash away the blood clots that help to protect the nerves that are now exposed.

Your oral surgeon will give you plenty of advice as to what to do after your teeth come out... but it's over before you know it and you're back to your old routine pretty quickly.

Eventually the sockets where your teeth were will fill with tissue and bone, until you can't even feel the difference (aside from being short 4 teeth! :).

Good luck!
Reply:Most people do not feel the pain while it's beeing done because of novacaine shots. Typically it is a pretty primative procedure. They numb the area and literally yank them out with dental pliers.
Reply:Upper teeth or lower or both?

The upper teeth are relatively easy to extract and involves novocaine and usually no other anesthetic is necessary. The lower teeth are another story. In addition to novocaine, you would likely also be given a sedative intravenously, such as Versed. You would not remember the procedure. The procedures for removing upper teeth are generally confined to what you would call pulling with pliers. With regard to lower teeth, other techniques will likely be necessary, such as sectioning the tooth, drilling out the bone around the tooth and the like.
Reply:You need wisdom, they don't grow back. Difficult question.
Reply:They will put you on an IV which will keep you awake, but not fully aware of whats going on. Then they will use Novocain on your mouth.

As far as the procedure goes, it is easy and painless... much more so than a root canal or even a cavity filling. The difference is that you will have a few days of soreness and swelling after the extraction, but it really is nothing to worry about.

Good luck!
Reply:I recently had my wisdom teeth out. I went to an oral surgeon. He put me completely out, so I was asleep during the process. It was worth the extra money for that.

When I woke up, I was groggy and had a mouth full of cotton. After about two days, I was feeling better.

I had "dry socket" in two of the extraction sites. (I had all four pulled at once.) I could finally eat normally about a month later.

It was the best diet ever though! But an expensive and fairly painful one at that.
Reply:After adequate anesthesia (novacaine) and/or sedation. If the wisdom teeth are erupted the dentist will first detach the gingiva from the tooth by inserting a sharp instrument to cut through the periodontal ligaments. He will then insert a larger instrument betweent the tooth and and the tooth socket and apply a controlled leverage to lift the tooth out of the socket. once the tooth is elevated or loosed he will then take a forcep to grap onto the tooth and remove it. If the teeth are not erupted . the dentist will make a incision in the gingiva to expose the bone that the tooth is underneath. he will then take a handpiece and remove the bone above and to the side of the tooth to expose it. after it is sufficiently exposed, he will apply the previous described technique. After the tooth is removed the gingiva is placed back and secured with sutures to control bleeding and to promote proper healing.
Reply:I am sure you've visited the oral surgeon already and been given instructions etc. since an examination is necessary prior to the removal of your wisdom teeth due to different ways the wisdom teeth have "grown in". When you go to the oral surgeon to have these teeth removed, hopefully the teeth are not what is called, "impacted" but even if they are, you'll be absolutely fine AS LONG AS YOU FOLLOW THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO YOU AFTER YOU HAVE THE TEETH REMOVED. Following the instructions will just about guarantee that you won't develop any of the common complications associated with this "surgery". What the oral surgeon will generally do is give you an IV sedation which will put you to sleep. This is the best way to go and you'll never know that you're having anything done. When they awaken you, be sure you have someone to help you to your car and of course, someone to drive you home and see after you for awhile. Be sure, if you smoke, that you don't smoke ANY while healing and do NOT drink from a straw. Also, you need to be aware that you could possibly develop "dry socket" which is quite painful but treatable. You will know if you have this after a couple of days. The dentist will inform you of this possibility but if you follow the instructions the dentist/oral surgeon gives you, most likely you won't develop any problems. GOOD LUCK!!!!!


Anyone know of some ways to make someone getting teeth pulled feel better?

My father is getting three teeth pulled tomorrow and has anyone had this done and know what they would have wanted while recovering. Plus it is a couple days before his birthday so I wanted to get him his presents early that would be nice for him.

Anyone know of some ways to make someone getting teeth pulled feel better?
here i have idea because the hardest thing for him will be eating because his teeth will be sore, so i think you should take him out for ice-cream afterward and then go into the store and help him find tasty soups that he will enjoy. :]

but the gift. well you sound like a nice person that knows their father well so give whatever that is!

Reply:A few shots of whiskey should help out with that.
Reply:I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once years ago--I put ice packs to my face and tied them to my head by wrapping a scarf around them and the top of my head. I also had a great prescription for Vicadin and this took away a lot of the pain. Something that also helps to take down the swelling is to eat a lot of ice cream--this puts the cold, anti-swelling stuff right onto the swollen areas. The dentist said that you can get the same benefits from drinking ice water a lot.

I hope that this helps! Getting teeth pulled is no walk in the park, especially so near one's birthday. I pray that he will feel okay! :)
Reply:get tasty soups for the sore recovery time, an ice pack will help with the swelling and allow him plenty of rest time in the few days after the extraction.

opera mobile

How bad does it hurt to get your wisdom teeth pulled compared to getting your braces on/ having them?

I'm like 99% sure I have wisdom teeth already and am going to have to get them pulled when I get my braces off. How bad does it hurt? Whats the process like? How long does it hurt afterwards?And how much does it cost?

How bad does it hurt to get your wisdom teeth pulled compared to getting your braces on/ having them?
Not any more pain than when they make an adjustment on your braces. Just make sure after the teeth are pulled that you rinse with salt water ALOT. That is what will prevent dry sockets. I have had both braces and teeth pulled and the dry sockets that can occur after the removal of teeth are more painful than either.
Reply:Actually, rinsing immediately after having teeth pulled is a prime cause of dry sockets; it can dislodge the clots. Rinsing with salt water is to prevent infection, and to simply clean the sockets. It also feels good, and speeds healing. But give it a day or two before you start rinsing, truly. Report It

Reply:You should have the choice of anesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. You won't remember a thing until the dentist wakes you up afterwords.

Shouldn't hurt for very long - the mouth heals very quickly.

Cost varies, but it ain't cheap.
Reply:Costs will vary. To pull the teeth they numb the gums and you will feel pressure as the pliers surround the tooth then "pop" it's out. It really doesn't hurt that bad. When they remove your braces they will use this same instrument and literally pry the braces off your teeth. For me the pressure was the same. Having your teeth pulled is worse because there is blood involved and you have to constantly be rinsing your mouth. Whatever you do don't swallow any blood because it will make you really sick. Your mouth will feel sore but it's not unbearable.
Reply:Depends on your threshold for pain. I played golf the next day. Nothing that a couple of hydrocodine cant handle.
Reply:I have had both done too. Braces were totally worse because the pain lasts for years! When you have your wisdom teeth pulled, they put you out. I have trouble staying under, and have had a history of waking up during surgeries and dental work, so I was scared. But I fell asleep quick and stayed that way. I woke up and it was all over. I only had 2 on one side, so it was easy for me to continue chewing normally, but really it was no big deal. And considering how much I hate dentists, that says a lot. You get this little syringe with a soft tip to squirt water in the canal to clean it out (which doesn't hurt) and it heals fast. It's been one year, and the holes are totally grown over now. I don't know how much it costs because mine was free since I was in the military.
Reply:I had braces when I was quite younger. I don't recall any pain at all during that gradual straightening and retaining process.

Just had my widsom teeth extracted under local anesthetic, awake. Not any pain at all. Just the interesting snapping noises of the teeth coming out of the ligaments. My layman's sense tells me that pain, bodily ability to withstand trauma, and ability to recover quickly, depend on general physical fitness and dietary health. If true, it likely makes sense to be in good physical shape beforehand. I felt a general swelling sensation for a week. No stinging pain.

My guess is that if the teeth are impacted (remaining under the gums, or growing in against other teeth, thus calling for more surgical techniques to get them out of the gums), then likely general anesthetic will be easier for you (asleep). This will cost considerably more, but shouldn't be a concern at all if you or your family has dental insurance.

If the teeth are coming in straight, then just ask the dentist whether he or she advocates a preventive extraction (to prevent future problems with the teeth) in your case. If so, ask whether local or general anesthetic (oral surgeon referral), and just take their advice. They'll give you leeway, but just take their advice. If you're uncertain about their experience or competence, visit another dentist for another opinion.

Local anesthetic extraction for my three teeth cost about $425. That's no insurance. And in a more sparsely populated area (which I presume raises the cost, since rural dentists are generally in short supply and high demand). One tooth required drilling in half. I don't know much about dental insurance, but I assume the full costs for people without insurance are probably higher (no discounted rate via the patient and dentist being a member of an HMO or dental PPO [i.e., the discounted rate before the insurance company pays for most of that discounted amount]).
Reply:It depends on how you feel the pain in your mouth, i got 4 premolars pulled out, and it hurt me like hell, my braces haven't hurt me, i had 5 shots of anesthesia and still i felt how they were pulled, i didn't stop bledding after like 6 hours then i couldn't eat anything but ice cream, it was horrible for me, it costed me $120 for the 4 premolars because the dentist is a cousin of my dad, you have wisdom teeth so they don't hurt that much, actually these are the ones that aren't supposed to hurt, i think you are going to be fine, when i was younger i didn't want my wisdom teeth to be taken out and because of that i have to wear braces and i had to get my premolars pulled out, better do it now because if you don't the pain is going to increase later, again my braces don't hurt, i don't feel any pain with them, good luck
Reply:To me, getting my wisdom teeth pulled hurt a lot worse then when I got my braces put on/having them on. at first the pain in minimal

But once the numbing medicne they give you wears off, be prepared for pain. i iced my cheeks a lot. I could barley open my mouth

They should prescribe you with pain medication though. I was prescribed Vikodin


Does anyone have any ideas on how to pull your own teeth? ouch?

I know that sounds crazy, but can it really be done? I have a very high tolerance to pain, but I can't afford to have 3 teeth pulled. Any ideas? and hold the sarcasm please ... I'm in a bind here. :) thanks

Does anyone have any ideas on how to pull your own teeth? ouch?
I very seriously recommend talking to a dentist.

You can cause long term damage to yourself. (Damages to your sinus cavity, nerves running through the jaw, breakage of bone around the tooth itself, and infection, just to name a few)

Chances are, a dentist can work out a payment schedule with you.
Reply:well i really am afried of pain and sorry about your teeth
Reply:Holy crap!

Call a couple of dentists and tell them about your situation. They will give you referals to low cost or even free places. Get on the phone.
Reply:Yes, it is possible. (But requires alcohol) If the tooth is semi loose, you need to take a shot of whisky and try and hold as much as you can in to sterilize for when you yank out the tooth. Get some pliers and hold on tight and yank. It may take a few tries. Please do not try this on your wisdom teeth... It only works incisor through molar.
Reply:I would advise you against this.. If there's a dental school near you, I've heard that dental students will do work cheap or even free. If money is really a problem, I'd consider that over pulling them yourself.
Reply:I wouldn't recommend it. There are so many bacterias and infections that can be associated with a tooth being pulled, even when a dentist does it. If you take that chance a get a bad infection it may end up costing you alot more that to have them professionally pulled. Good Luck!
Reply:A dentist could pull his own tooth, but he has the tools and knows how to do it. I doubt that you could pull your own tooth, but if you did,you probably would do alot of damage to the bone and gums near that tooth. If you got 1 tooth out there maybe someone at the emergency room who can extract the other 2.
Reply:are you kidding me?dont even think about doing that. if yoiu are in a major city, go to the medical center school, and they may be able to hook you up cheaply. btw, thanks for the berry in the ice cube trick. guaranteed, huh? if it works, ill pull them for you.

NEW TO THIS FORUM...but i posted a min ago ABOUT GETTING 17 teeth pulled?

to the people that answer it thanks again, but this is a oral surgeon this is what he does its more like a denture place, iam getting partials for the person that said get something back there, and i will have someone drive me, and the only reason i asked if anyone ever had alot of teeth pulled just under gas and the numbing is because even though i have aniexty and i just dont like to feel like that and the pills they give you are one like a sleeping pill and two like a valum, i just dont see taking both of those, and iam sure he will give me pain meds when i leave, and he said he does alot of FULL MOUTH extractions with only gas and numb, but i have never had a tooth pulled or been under gas SO YES IAM STRESSING.....and iam having it march 26, but GOSHHH even though iam nervous iam sick of a TOOTH ACHE you know..

NEW TO THIS FORUM...but i posted a min ago ABOUT GETTING 17 teeth pulled?
Hi I am going to have 23 teeth pullout in April, and me too is so scare. I am so worry that I will lost a lot of blood and i am anaemia. please let me know how you went and good luck!
Reply:hi is me the one that posted about having 23 teeth pull out, you are still there? Report It

Reply:it is ok for you to be nervous! =) It is something unknown for you, and thats ok (don't let anyone tell you any different). Good for you for trying to be informed of what is going to happen. The more you know, the less the anticipation will bother you. Good Luck on the 24th! =)
Reply:You have every right to be nervous about something like this!

But don't stress too much, it can make you sick. You should be fine with nitrous oxide and the local anesthetic. You will feel 'pressure' during the extractions, but shouldn't feel any pain. If you do, let the dentist and his staff know by raising your left hand... they'll see it and stop, and possibly give you more local anesthetic.

Don't forget NOT to eat or drink anything for at least four hours before your appointment if you're going to have nitrous oxide.

If you think you're going to stress alot and possibly have an anxiety attack, maybe it would be best if you took one the of pre-med pills they gave you.

You should leave with written-out post-op instructions (make sure you follow them), some extra gauze and possibly some more meds to take when you're at home..........

But you'll be just fine!
Reply:Why do you need 17 teeth pulled? That is more of a concern to me than anything. How old are you? Why are they recommending partials? I'm just curious.... seems very elaborate.

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