Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How long does the pain after getting wisdom teeth pulled out last afterwards?

im getting 2 wisdom teeth pulled out in 2 weeks =o/ how long should i expect pain afterwards? what are foods you usually eat afterwards cuz i can imagine itd be hard to eat certain foods and you must be starving for days. just wanna know from you people that have had them taken out so i know how long to request off work, etc. thanks

How long does the pain after getting wisdom teeth pulled out last afterwards?

The swelling will be maximal 24 to 48 hours after the surgery, and will then slowly resorb. In some cases, a little bluish coloration can be visible, but it

disappears rapidly.

Normally, the pain will last for 5 days, but will already be much bearable by the third day.The procedure is totally painless. The recovery is eased with light analgesics, and normally uneventful. For the first days, you have to chew only simple food (soups, omelets, things like that) but you'll come back to normal within few days.

For your work, if you're job is answering the phone, 5 days of break might not be too much. If you are working as an auto mechanics, 3 days shall be sufficient!!!

Close your eyes, relax and get it done!
Reply:Usually it's over within 3 days. The second day is the worst pain. There really aren't any foods to avoid, if you want them. It would be difficult with popcorn hulls or whatever in your mouth with stitches. If you have to get stitches, your dentist will give you a list of do's and don'ts. It really varies from person to person, but usually the end of the 3rd day you are better.
Reply:I had my wisdom tooth taken out (it was partially impacted). I had no pain, and really needed very little pain medication afterwards. I did not lose anytime at work. In retrospect, I wish I had done it years earlier!
Reply:Mine didn't hurt at all. If you experience pain, it shouldn't last long.
Reply:It lasted about a week for me ,Took off 5 days. Only had one removed surgically pulled was impacted. for the 1st day don't worry about not eating. 2nd day not as bad,Drink Lots of Liquid, make sure the doc prescribes antibiotics %26amp; pain killers. Then stay with soft, lukewarm food..warm jello
Reply:the pain usually lasts about three days, the third day having noticeably less pain. with only having two taken out and not all four at once you should be able to eat just about anything within a few hours (after the bleeding stops) but I probably wouldn't try chips unless both teeth are on one side of the mouth then you can eat anything on the opposite side.
Reply:it depends on several factors, like are the teeth impacted. But for me, it hurt a lot the first 2 days, and then it started feeling sort of like a bruise. I barely knew it happened a week later. Your dentist will tell you what is good ( and bad) to eat in the first 24 hours. Personally, i would avoid salty stuff for the first 2 days; and avoid "sharp" things like taco chips, fritos, potato chips, etc. for about a week. but really, your dentist can answer that better than i can.
Reply:The big pain lasts a few days. You should expect your jaw to be sore for a week or two (maybe longer) after the surgery. But, the Dr. will give you something for the pain. But, be careful with the meds. Take them only when you have to. They can be highly addictive.
Reply:i had two pulled and could of worked the rest of the day.all depends on if there impacked or not.have it done on a friday,and eat soft should get some good pain pills so you won't care.good luck!
Reply:I had all of mine out at once from both sides, upper and lower. I have a small face and they had to knock me out and place retractors in my mouth to access the teeth adequately. Later I got what they call dry socket and it was worse than the initial pain, also I ended up with nerve damage in my lower left lip and chin, and they dislocated my jaw. I was on heavy pain medication and off work for 3 days.

I ate mashed potatoes, soup, pudding, jello, anything I did not have to chew too much. Mostly liquids. I was off all pain meds within 7-10 days.

This was July 1999, have almost 100% sensation back where the nerve was damaged now, although my jaw still pops on occasion and has to be adjusted at the chiropracter, overall I am fine. I have known a lot of people who have gotten them out and have been back to work in 24-48 hrs with minimal pain meds and able to eat fairly normal in that time frame however.

My case was highly unusual. I am glad I got them all out at once rather than having to had gone through it again for the others later on.
Reply:only about a week or so, but the emotional pain knowing that your dentist fondled you, that last a lifetime.
Reply:couple of days,,,do soft food jello is good
Reply:i wish i could say the same that it did not hurt but i had my wisdom ta kin out on Wednesday its now Saturday and i still cant eat a thing my hole throat is infected they did not tell me that it was infected before they took it out so now I'm in the worst pain i ever felt in my life if i could i would take it back my advice is make sure the dentist knows what there doing I'm in NY and the hospital is also a university so u may get a doc or get a intern like i did so be careful and don't end up like me

p.s. hope u got some vicidian
Reply:my husband got all four of his wisdom teeth removed just 5 days ago. the top ones dont hurt anymore but the bottom ones impacted and they still throb him, but its not severe. you need to eat soft foods like soup, mashed potatoes, ice cream, pudding, milk, milkshakes, just anything soft, but NO carbonated beverages for about 3 days afterwards, because the carbonation can cause a suction that can give you dry socket. after the first 24 hours, you can drink alcohol like liquor but no beer.
Reply:I'm a dentist.

I remove impacted wisdom teeth (properly known as third molars) all the time, and I tell my patients the following:

Extraction of third molars is a very routine procedure, and risks are generally low--especially if you're in your teens.

Pain and swelling typically increase for the first few days, peaking at about the third day after surgery. After that time, the pain and swelling will start to taper off and by a week's time you shouldn't have discomfort other than a little soreness.

After about four or five days, however, a complication called "dry-socket" can occur, which is basically bone at the base of the socket that is exposed to the oral environment and inflamed. It is very painful and not helped much by pain medications. Your dentist (or oral surgeon) has materials to alleviate the pain until healing occurs.

After your surgery, you will be given instructions (verbal and/or on paper) to follow. Follow them carefully! I cannot tell you how many times I get patients complaining of complications after third molar extractions that occurred specifically because they didn't follow our instructions.

Generally I prescribe a week's suppply of a medication called Tylox (it contains 5mg oxycodone and 500mg acetaminophen, i.e. the same thing as Percocet 5/500), which is more than adequate when taken every six hours. Some dentists prescribe Vicodin or Lortab, which is weaker. I may also prescribe an antiemetic like Phenergan if patients report nausea with narcotic pain meds.

As far as eating goes, it's going to be cold and soft for the first day. Beyond that, whatever you can tolerate as long as you keep the extraction sites clean.

Keep in mind, though, that oral tissues heal quickly and surely, and you would have to majorly undermine your body's healing efforts to prevent the extraction sites from healing properly. Follow the instructions and you will be fine.

family nanny

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