Friday, October 23, 2009

What can I do to feel better after having wisdom teeth pulled out?

Had all 4 wisdom teeth and one other bad tooth pulled.

That was Friday morning. I still have pain in gums.

Is a sandwich from Subway good to eat?

Have anyone else had pain and swelling last this long after?

What can I do to feel better after having wisdom teeth pulled out?
keep guaze on your gums, if you are hungry drink! buy slim fast or something so you will be filled up, but i wouldn't recommend eating much until the swelling is down. and most importantly, DO NOT SMOKE!! This will cause dry sockets and lots of pain in the future.

If you are still having problems on wednesday give your dentist a call and ask for advice. Phone calls to dentists are free.
Reply:No way! The sandwich is way too chewy to eat after having teeth pulled. Stick with softer things. Pain often lasts a few weeks! If you still have pain after 2 weeks, call the doctor because it could be infected. Good luck!!
Reply:Sandwich is a bad idea. Ice cream is much better. It'll feel so good in your aching mouth. I had quite a bit of sherbet after my wisdom teeth surgery. I also used heat and ice packs on my cheeks. The pain lasts about a week, the swelling last about a month.
Reply:Three days after the extractions will be the most painful, it's all part of the healing. Take ibuprofen to help with the discomfort and any swelling. You can eat a subway sandwich but I would avoid anything that will be acidic/spicy and may irritate the area. Just remember that this a surgery and your jaw will be sore, you probably won't be able to open or chew well enough without stressing the sore jaw and muscles. I would stick to a softer, high calorie diet for a few more days. Remember to use a monoject syringe to keep the extraction sites clean. If you didn't get one request one from your dentist or pick one up at the drugstore.

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