At the beginning of next month I have to have all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out, and I would really like to know what I can expect from it. Will it hurt or what?
What can I expect from having my Wisdom Teeth pulled out?
I just got mine out yesterday and really wasn't bad at all! I'm not very pain tolerant so i expected to be quite uncomfortable but the whole thing was really easy. When you arrive at the oral surgeon they will take you into the room where the preform the surgery and hook you up to a few monitors simply to keep an eye on your pulse and blood pressure. They then place a mask over your nose which at first is just pure oxygen, and then they start to turn on the medicine that makes you drowsy. Before you are put to sleep they will give you an IV, but I didn't really feel it and i fell asleep right after. When you wake up your pretty drowsy and out of it but not in any pain because your still numb. Your lips do feel kinda tingly and weird though. As soon as you get home make sure to take ibuprofen and keep the ice on as much as possible. By doing this my cheeks didn't swell at all and there wasn't really any pain. The worst part is that your mouth is a little bloody and few hours after the surgery but it goes away and it helps to have a smoothie or something to drink. As long as you stay on top of medicine and ice you'll be fine! Good luck = )
By the way I thought braces were worse
Reply:it will be extremely painful yes it hurts bad, and it can cause gaps between your teeth...
Reply:I was sedated when I got mine pulled. I had swelling for about 4-7 days and had to take antibiotics %26amp; pain relievers. I really didn't have too much pain because when I went back home, I went to sleep some more %26amp; then it was required for me to take pain relievers. Since I was at school, I took a pain reliever in the morning %26amp; one at night an hour or two before bed. I didn't really need any in between (meaning there wasn't a lot of pain), except for maybe once or twice.
Anyway, what I'm saying is, you'll have swelling %26amp; I don't think it'll be that painful after.
Best of luck!
Reply:It really depends on how much the tooth has already formed in your mouth. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, my wisdom teeth were not completely fused into my gums. I had an IV and I didn't feel a thing during the surgery or for many hours afterwards. Plus, I slept for most of the day I had my surgery, because the IV and the medication they give you puts you to sleep. After the first day, I had some pain in my mouth, but I took my medications when I was supposed to and had only minor discomfort. I know everyone says that it hurts when you get your wisdom teeth pulled, but in my experience, it wasn't bad at all. The worst part is having to worry about what you eat and making sure that no food gets into the holes in your mouth. Don't stress!!
Reply:pain...discomfort...prescription drugs
watch for the dry socket, it's the worst
Reply:All 4 of mine were compacted. They knocked me out, but I don't remember that it was that bad. I was back to work in 2 days (I took and extra day off for fun!). It will hurt, but how bad depends on what they have to do and your pain tolorence. Just follow what the doctor says and don't hesitate to call them if you have any questions or concerns. But for me, even with them all compacted, it was not bad.
Reply:It does not cause gaps in your teeth and not everyone experiences swelling. Sometimes it can be done in the dentists office without going to the oral surgeon.
My children went to the oral surgeon because theirs were impacted (covered by gums or bone). They were given an IV which put them out for a short time. When I was able to wake them up, I drove them home. They got a pain pill before the numbness wore off. I fed them light foods such as noodle soup, yogurt and ice cream.
They did take a few more pain pills but didn't suffer alot with swelling, it was minimal.
Everyone has a different story, don't let everyone scare you. Some people just have a low pain tolerate and cannot handle pain. That is what the pills are for...
You will do fine..
Reply:you'll probably be put out and you won't remember a thing. just follow your dentists instructions and it won't be bad at all. you'll be sore afterwards, but its not all that bad....try to sleep alot for a day or two....
Reply:when i got mine out, many years ago, they were impacted, it was very painful, for about 2 weeks as i recall. the first one i had out didn't hurt at all, but than i waited too long hoping they would come in and they didn't. the longer u wait to have them out the more painful it is. i do recall lots of swelling and pain with the other three, the first one was easy.
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