Friday, October 23, 2009

Does it hurt to have braces in and your teeth pulled out?

Does it hurt to have braces put in and your teeth pulled out because they put a needle in your mouth and im terrified of needles and some friends say it really hurts while others say it dosent you hardly notice it. What do i belive?

10 Points

Does it hurt to have braces in and your teeth pulled out?

Usually it doesnt hurt much while putting the braces it does not involve any extensive wear and tear and you might just feel a little pressure more than pain.

While pulling the tooth out the area in anesthesied with the local anesthesia.

You will feel the needle going inside your gums into the nerve and within few mins say just 1 or 2 the area will go numb and you wont feel any pain at all.

When the needle is inserted there mild pain rather its like a pinch, there is nothing to worry about and its not a scary procedure.

You can ask for topical application of anasthetic gel and you wont even feel the needle going in,it will numb the gums.

Reply:I don't know. My son has to get braces and I'm more scared than he is lol The same here..some people say it's really painful and others say it's nothing.

as for pulling teeth, it's the same thing. For some it really hurts, for others it doesnt. I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled out and went to work the day after. .... for others, they are home for a few days in pain.

Good luck :)
Reply:Yes and yes, there is no way of going through this without some pain. You will get used to the discomfort of braces, they will hurt for a week or so after they have been put on. But after that there is only pain if a wire breaks, and when they are tightened. In the end braces are worth it. Remember no pain no gain. As for the needles there is a small pinch nothing to bad.I survived having 8 teeth pulled(Over a period of a few years thankfully)

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