Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Taking care of the holes after getting wisdom teeth pulled out...?

Well I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth pull out tomorrow just want to know what I should do afterwards to keep the open socket cleaned.

Taking care of the holes after getting wisdom teeth pulled out...?
First of all, do what your dentist/oral surgeon tells you to do! They may have a video to watch and they'll give you instructions to take home with you because you'll forget what they tell you anyway. Rule #1, don't suck on anything for awhile. You don't want to dislodge the clot... they'll tell you that too. Just do what they tell you to do and you'll be fine. And the holes... they'll slowly fill in with new bone and tissue. In 3 months they'll look like nothing was ever there!

Dr. J
Reply:you're insane to get all four done at once. You're supposed to get one side done then the other.

The dentist will tell you how to keep the holes clean. He should give you an angled syringe thing to put water in and then you place it in the hole to clean out the holes.

I also used one of the things like the dentist scraps your teeth with to dig out bigger things that'd get stuck like lettuce, but only after the stitches were gone. And even then you have to be careful cause you'll poke yourself and it'll hurt.
Reply:If the dentist does not give you a mouth wash solution to use, then use salt water (glass of water with salt) and rinse three times a day. The sockets will heal before you know it, they close up naturally, as an opened wound. Your mouth is going to be very sore, so again, if the dentist does not give you any medication, prescription to fill, which would surprise me, then take Motrin or similar. He will probably give you something stronger, which you will take no more than a few days when the pain will subside. You will have swelling, but that will also go away in a few days. Just keep your mouth clean with rinsing.
Reply:The Dentist will give you all the info you need after he pulls the teeth.

When I got mine done, I had to rinse my mouth out with salt water, keep those cotton 2x4's on it and change them out when they get saturated with blood. Um...take pain meds he prescribed if I'm in any pain...

The send you home iwth a detailed instruction list anyway.

And you're getting all 4 out at once???


I only got two out at a time. It's annoying caring for all 4 sockets and having all that blood in your mouth. Not to mention it was the most uncomfortable procedure ever...
Reply:Your dentist should give you post-op instructions to follow. Here is what I know from working as a dental assistant: If you smoke, it is VERY important that you refrain from smoking as long as possible after the procedure! Avoid carbonated beverages, sucking through a straw, swishing forcefully, or anything that would cause enough pressure to dislodge the blood clot that is forming in the socket. Plan on eating soft foods like soup, applesauce, pudding for a few days. Rinse gently with warm salt water twice a day. Warm salt water has a soothing effect and will help speed healing by keeping the socket clean. Go back to brushing your teeth twice a day A.S. A.P. just be careful to avoid the extraction sites. To help with the swelling, wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold on cheek for 30min on, 30 min off. If your pain gets progressively worse over the next few days, or you notice pus, or develop a fever, return to the dentist for a check-up. Good luck.
Reply:Ill be getting all four of mine out at the end of the week. And to everyone saying that you aren't supposed to get all four taken out at once, technology has advanced and it also depends on your dentist and ability to take care of your mouth after surgery. My Uncle is a Dentist and we've discussed this with other people as well. Also, its hard to get an appointment and it really puts a damper on your schedule, especially if you're a full time student and have a part time job.

Just take care of yourself like everyone else said, avoid spicy foods, anything hard.

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