Friday, October 23, 2009

Is it a bad idea to get my lip pierced before I get my wisdom teeth pulled out?

I really want to get my lower left lip pierced but my wisdom teeth are growing in and I need to get it pulled out soon. Are there any complications or side effects if I do choose to get it pierced? or should I just wait to get my teeth pulled out first?

Is it a bad idea to get my lip pierced before I get my wisdom teeth pulled out?
Actually I believe getting pierced any where is wrong and it doesn't make you look cool.
Reply:You will have to take the piercing out when they pull your teeth. You need to wait so the holes don't close.
Reply:yes! because #1. it would make it hurt when the dentist pulls that stuff out and #2. it could give you an infection, and if not, the pain will interfier with your pierced lip or toungue and you will have a miserable day, days, or weeks. good luck ; )

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