Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So is anyone scared of Dentists and Do you think getting teeth pulled is PAIN!! Why am i scared I need HELP!?

Well next week i am going to the dentist to get my teeth checked out but i know they need to be pulled.My wisdom teeth are fully through but one has a really big hole in the middle and food gets stuck in the and the other bottom wisdom tooth is fully through but is on an angle and has cracked my other molar beside it the wisdom tooth also has a little hole in it too.I think to myself gees ive givin birth why am i soo BLOODY scared of dentist but i guess its because of when i was a child.I just need to here peoples advice as it helps me to be not soo scared ..How long does it take cos im going to be awake through the procedure,I'm 22 years old so i hope it will go smoothly plus did anyone smoke afterwards did it matter?? Okay well i hope for advice thanks heaps :)

So is anyone scared of Dentists and Do you think getting teeth pulled is PAIN!! Why am i scared I need HELP!?
When I was little, my adnoids didn't work right. That meant I was a "mouth breather". I couldn't breath in properly through my nose. The reason wasn't found until I was in 6th grade.

In the mean time, I had dentist appointments to keep, but they would give me gas instead of novacain. That, of course, wasn't breathed in properly, so it didn't do much to affect me.

The end cause is a deep seeded fear of dentists. Those visits were highly uncomfortable, and painful. I couldn't breath the gas, but I also couldn't breath well through my mouth, so I was panicked, on top of in pain.

They started giving me valium before dentist appointments when I was little to dope me up before hand.

I finally got my adnoids removed, and at the same time, we found a dentist who suggested novacain instead of gas. From there, the appointments were a LOT less horrifying, BUT- by then, the problem was just set in my head.

I am terrified of dentists, and only go when I absolutely need to.

I have had teeth pulled, so here's what I can tell you. There are 2 ways to pull a tooth- surgical and non-surgical. Neither was especially painful at all while it happened, BUT, I think I would prefer a surgical removal over a non-surgical any day. You can request one or the other, but, surgical will cost more than non.

By surgical, I mean that they cut into your gums, and remove it that way. By non-surgical, they put a tool in your mouth, and wedge it into the gum line, and sort of pry the tooth out. You don't feel pain neccessarily, but it is a lot of pressure on your jaw. To equate it to something understandable, if you set a heavy box on your foot, it doesn't neccessarily hurt, but it feels very heavy, right? It's like that- something pushing on your jaw constantly.

You should ask if they can get you a perscripition and explain your problem. They can write you out a perscription for valium or something similiar that will calm you down and kind of dope you up just before the procedure. It's a LOT easier to handle.

Having the teeth pulled surgically will take about 20 minutes. Having it done non-surgically will take far less time, about 2-3 minutes per tooth.
Reply:Ask your dentist for nitious oxide (laughing gas) and novacaine and even some dentist will provide you with a sedation pill, with the sedation pill make sure that you have some to drive you. I am scared of the denist as well but I use some of these thing and it does help. Also, I have found that the noise of the drill etc scares me more than the actualyy procedures so I asked my dentist for headphones this way I can listine to music and turn up the volumne to drown out the sounds.
Reply:dont worry ask for laughing gas, it will take all the pain away
Reply:Ask your dentist if he/she can give you an IV of Valium. That is what mine did when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and it worked like a dream.
Reply:I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at the same time, because they were all "impacted", which means they were coming in at an angle and would damage my other teeth. Generally, they do local anesthesia around the tooth before they remove it. However, I was not awake for mine.

As for smoking, I've never smoked, but I would suggest you wait until your mouth is healed before smoking again.

Hope this helps.
Reply:They stick you with a novacaine before they pull it, you don't even feel anything. The needle only piches a little, just close your eyes, because that's a mother of a needle right there. Afterwards just drink something really cold and slushy, I recommend a milkshake but an Icee will do, then it might be uncomfortable for a while but nothing big. It will be 100% better in a few days.

There's nothing to be scared about, your dentist will probably talk you through every step, so you shouldn't be frightened.
Reply:DON'T PANIC!!! They'll make it as painless as possible for you. If you can, get a referral to an oral surgeon. My wisdom teeth were impacting on my rear molars so they had to cut them out. Hey, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds because the oral surgeon used anesthesia (sodium pentathol/valium combination) and lidocaine. Didn't hurt at all taking them out since I was basically asleep, and he gave me Tylenol with codeine for the pain afterward -- did a darn good job of taking away the pain, but you'll know when you need to take more. P.S.: Don't smoke for at least three days after you get them removed, and your dentist may tell you to wait longer -- you need to let those holes in your gums heal before you smoke or you risk infection, which hurts a HECK of a lot worse than getting the teeth pulled.
Reply:You dont need to be scared. you wont feel anything they will put anesthetic gel in your gums and you wont feel any pain. A good thing to do after is to eat an ice cream (ice lollies) are best.

Trust me im a medicine student. good luck
Reply:the dentist is the one of the few things that i resort to being 5 is a huge fear for me and always has been since i've been a young girl and i'm 46!!! so that should tell you how much fear i have and never got over it. i shudder knowing that the dentist is around the corner and so is my appointment. i've tried relaxation and everything you can imagine to relax - NOPE - its not happening!!! i'm not the best one to look for advice on this, i had to share with you that your not alone in your fear. I had my molar taken out surgically when i was 15, when i woke up i had a face like a chipmunk!!!! i would not smoke after wards because of how open your mouth will be and the smoke could irritate your gums and prevent healthy healing. I just quit smoking after 33 years and i'm very grateful that my mouth/gums/teeth were not damaged badly.......or cancer...... take a Valium before the dentist ask your doctor and explain to them your fear. i just ask the dentist to make sure i'm frozen good.......i have to go now because i'm getting the chills thinking about the dentist....why did i answer this question!!!!ha he ha nervous laughter.......good luck
Reply:make sure that your dentist numbs you well and feel free to express your feelings cause they need to know of your situation and maybe you'll be put under general anesthia. if they have a tv or head phones that you could listen to is great just remember to let them know if you are in any pain cause they can stop and minister more anesthic. Mine was the best I had my top two wisdom teeth taken out and they were impacted so they had to cut them out greatest thing i was given general anesthia for this and had no pain cause they will prescribe you med.'s to take after procdure.. best of wishes and keep smiling:)
Reply:Ask your dentist if he can reccomend a " IV Sedation Dentist" to you, it costs a little more ((your dental and or medical insurance should cover some of it))to be knocked out while your teeth are being pulled but you won't feel a thing!!

I've gone through 3 IV sedations,(for my wisdom teeth) and its wonderful, painless, and quick!!! all you need is a ride home! (((its best not to drive afterward))).it only took my IV sedation dentistry 20 minutes bring a close freind or family member for moral support, theres nothing to be affraid of!

Im a non-smoker, but i cant imagine the sting of tar and nicotine getting into the sockets of where your teeth used to be, that sounds painful to me......... sorry......

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