Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm worried about getting all four wisdom teeth pulled?

I am scheduled to get all four of my wisdom teeth pulled next month and I am a little uneasy. All four wisdom teeth are impacted (completely hidden in my gums). I heard it was a bit more complicated and painful. Anyone else had this experience? How long before I can get back to work?

I'm worried about getting all four wisdom teeth pulled?
Actually Its not that bad. However, if your tolerance to pain is low you may want to consider the dentist to extract one by one or side by side. The problem you will incurr is trying to eat or drink.. you can forget about that for about 24 hours. If you are presrcribed Oxycotin ,Percoset, Tylenol 4..It will relieve the pain for awhile but you will have to keep the drug in your system in a timely fashion .. the major pain will be gone in a day and the discomfort last about 36-72 hours. Keep the gauze in your mouth over the holes because you can cause your sinuses to act uneasy.
Reply:Well, I had three.

Not bad at all while they do it.

But later, well, it feels like you have have beaten up. Bad headaches. Then in a few days, you're OK. But it will be bad for the first day. Really bad. Sorry.
Reply:I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled when I was in high school. I was back in school the next day. You'll have some swelling and some pain, but it's not incapacitating. My biggest problem was that I was bleeding so much from the mouth that I looked like Dracula after an all-blood buffet. Instead of taking the bus home, I walked, as I was a bit embarrassed.
Reply:It's much better to get it all done at one time.

1. you don't suffer the risks of anesthesia twice

2. you don't suffer the healing process twice. healing time is the same whether for four or two

3. it's much less expensive

I had all four done at once, was off work for the day of and the day after. Was fine after that.
Reply:I just had my wisdom teeth removed less than a week ago. I was nervous too so I asked my coworkers and customers. What I was told was that ones that have not come through the gums yet are less painful than ones that have. Get the IV sedation if they offer it. You'll want it. And take the pain killers and antobotic. DO NOT SMOKE for at least 2 days. And do salt water rinses. Trust me, I'm the biggest wimp and I did fine. Stock up on yogurt, pudding, and Jell-O for at least one day worth of food however I was eating solid food the next day.
Reply:My son had it done not too long ago and only experienced mild discomfort.

Trust me when I say It's a great thing that you're getting them all done at once. You won't regret it, I promise you.
Reply:The effects of getting wisdom teeth removed varies from person to person. Last summer I had my wisdom teeth removed and I was pretty worried. When my sister had her's out, she was is a lot of pain and her cheeks looked like a chipmunk's. I had all four teeth taken out, and only one was impacted. I was a little woozie after the surgery, but i never got the chipmunk cheeks, and was never really in any serious pain. If I never told anyone that I had my wisdom teeth out, no one would have ever known.

My experience was unusual, but typically I'd say you could be sore for 3-5 days.
Reply:ok, here we go - I had all 4 pulled at once and I wish I would have been put under for it because even though there is no pain, the pressure you feel in your mouth is unreal - I had cuts in the corners of my mouth from having my mouth open so wide for a long time - as soon as you are done, get your prescription filled right away and pop a pain pill immediately - when the Novocaine wears off, you are going to be in some pain - do not plan on eating anything except for mashed potatoes or soup for at least 2 days - you should be ready to go to work in 3 days, 4 days worst case - good luck


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