Sunday, October 11, 2009

Can I drive after wisdom teeth get pulled / same day.?

Please help, I'm having all four wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow and I do not have a driver to take me so I was wondering if I will be able to drive after surgery it will be about an hour drive, the surgery is at 7am how long do I wait to drive back home or will I be to drug up to drive how long will it take for the drugs to ware out so I could drive.

Please honest anwers only

Can I drive after wisdom teeth get pulled / same day.?
Get a lift, better safe than sorry.
Reply:Depends on what pain meds your Punisher uses and how your system reacts. I drove home just fine after getting my 4 yanked. Of course, I used advanced mental imaging to block the pain, so the effects of gas, novocaine, etc. were not in the equation. Whatever you do, just be careful.
Reply:I would not recommend driving yourself home. Find someone to go with you and drive you back, or ask the doctor if there is a recovery area where you can rest for several hours until you are able to drive. He may not like the idea, though - so be prepared to pay for a cab home just in case.
Reply:I did. They numb you when it's done so that lasts awhile. I just waited until I was actually home to take any pain meds that may of impaired my judgement driving. As long as you aren't on pain killers you should be fine driving.
Reply:Everyone reacts differently to that type of medication. It is definitely not recommended to drive right afterwards. You will very likely be groggy and slightly disoriented. Especially on such a long drive, you should really reacess the situation prior to deciding what you are going to do. I would say that the risk is not worth it.
Reply:You would only be able to drive after the surgery if you just plan on being numbed (local anesthetic) up for the procedure. However, if you plan on going to sleep (general anesthesia) then you will not be able to drive for 24 hours. Either way I would recommend that you try to find someone that could drive you. Best of luck!
Reply:If you have IV sedation planned but no driver present, your dr may refuse the surgery altogether tomorrow. If you only have injections, you can drive. Depending on how impacted your teeth are, using only injections may not be advised for your comfort.
Reply:You should have had a consult appointment before this appointment was scheduled.

If you have local anesthetic, you should be able to drive immediately after the procedure. You should not consider driving if you have IV sedation.
Reply:Well, are they putting you out or are they just using a local anesthetic? If they're putting you out, absolutely not. My friend's brother had all four of his wisdom teeth taken out, he got put out, and right afterward he was like "Ooh, that was fun, lets do that again!" - out of his mind delirious. You'd probably kill somebody trying to drive. But if they're just using local, you probably could handle it. It wouldn't be the most pleasant experience of your life, but it would certainly be doable.

But I'd drag somebody along anyway, just to be safe. After I got three teeth pulled, I probably could have driven, but I certainly didn't want to, especially not an hour-long drive.

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