Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do people with braces need to get their wisdom teeth pulled out?

One of my friend got his wisdom teeth pulled out, but i think they took his braces off. I have braces right now, and i was wondering if i'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled out or not. They already grew. Thanks!

Do people with braces need to get their wisdom teeth pulled out?
Wisdom teeth and braces are unrelated.

Contrary to popular myth (even among some dentists), the presence of wisdom teeth will not cause your teeth to become crooked after the braces are removed.

But it so happens that at about the time your braces are due to come off, the wisdom teeth start to move in. If you don't have enough room to fit them in fully, which is about 95% of us, then you will most likely have to have the wisdoms removed due to infection of the surrounding gum (pericoronitis), or the risk of future decay in either the wisdom or the tooth in front of it.

Wisdom teeth (3rd molars) don't come thru until you are at least 15yo. You may have just have your 2nd molars come thru.
Reply:LOL no =)

I mean, if you have braces, that doesn't mean you will get them pulled, no. But almost everyone gets those teeth pulled. I had braces, yet I never had any teeth pulled, and I'm 23.
Reply:If they already grew you should talk with your orthodontist. Your friends wisdom teeth were probably making his teeth shift so they had to removed asap. I had braces but no wisdom they started coming in right around before / after i got them off i have two more to remove bcuz it seems they are ever so slighly or not but could be moving my other teeth. Wisdom teeth should be removed bcuz later in life they can cause problems but since yours already grew in u should also talk with your dentsist.
Reply:The orthodontist will take DPT xrays of your face which show all the teeth and the surrounding structures from which they can decide if there is enough space for the teeth to move into appropriate spaces.

If space is limited, it might be the premolars or molars which they extract.

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