Sunday, October 11, 2009

Does it hurt getting your wisdom teeth pulled? What about your molars?

Does everyone have to get those type of teeth pulled and what not? If so, around what age? And....what are your molars?



Does it hurt getting your wisdom teeth pulled? What about your molars?
I just had my wisdom teeth taken out. It hurts. I had a different tooth extracted a couple years ago and it wasn't so bad, but it wasn't a molar either. Your molars are the teeth at the back of your mouth that have 4 mountains on the outside that you use to chew things with (mostly).

Almost everybody needs to get their wisdom teeth out, and it's better to do it in your teens or early 20s so they don't become impacted or get too big and strong.
Reply:Yeah it hurts really bad. Like having a baby out of a vagina with open sores x 10

good luck

Also, everyone who posts after me is a liar
Reply:Angel... don't listen to the fool who posted it hurts really bad. It's different for everyone. My boyfriend had his out, totally awake, and went back to work the same day and had no problems. My sis in law had all 4 of hers out, totally awake, and her's were fully impacted under the skin, and she was fine as well other then some swelling. My other sis in law had hers out and other than some jaw tenderness, she was fine. My brother just had one pulled and he was just fine. What you do want to do is take an advil or obuprofen about an hour before you go in,.. or take a few of them (read the label for doses). When you are done, read all of the information they give you on care afterwords. So out of all the people I just told you about, none were bad... what does that tell you? I know it's scary. I'm 32 and still have mine but one day, they could get too decayed and they'll need to come out too. Good luck, breathe and it will all be ok.
Reply:YEAH! i had my wisdom teeth taken out some time last year when i was 17 i was laying in the chair and the dentist put a mask thing over my face and told me to count backwards from 99 i got to like 92 and i was out next thing i know the nurse and my mom was helping me walk to the car and when i got back in the car i slept all the way home which was like a 2 hour drive but after that it hurt for like 2 weeks i looked like a chipmunk but my dentist was FINE!! he looks like Mathew Maconahay!! lol anyway ull be fine just make sure you got some pain killers afterwards they really help if i would not have had them i would have DIED
Reply:Yeah it does my brother got his wisdom's out and slept for 3 days straight
Reply:Everybody will react to having it done differently. For some it hurts really bad, for others it barely hurts at all.

I had all 4 of mine taken out and had very little trouble.

Not everybody has to get them out, not everybody even has them. But if you do have them, it's often advised that you do get them out. If they grow in they can cause pain and sometimes make all your other teeth go crooked. If you're getting braces it's especially a good thing to get them out because if they grow in, they can ruin all the work that was done.

Your molars are your far back teeth.

Here's a picture if it helps.

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