Sunday, October 11, 2009

How can I tell when I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled out?

I'm 16 and my parents never got wisdom teeth or pulled out any of their teeth and I hear people getting their wisdom teeth out these days at my school. I don't know if I have them or not and does everyone get them? How can I tell that I need them pulled out? Is it possible for me not to get them?

How can I tell when I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled out?
I got mine removed probably around age 22, brother late 20s. When I was younger, the dentist didn't think I had any because they weren't showing up on the x-rays and my mouth just didn't seem big enough (hard to believe for those that know me personally). I discovered they were starting to poke through when I went to the dentist after weeks having this pain in one of my upper gums. Through it was a popcorn kernel was actually a tooth coming through. Basically, to answer your actual questions...I hope you have a dentist that you have been going to regularly. Not every does get them, and not every needs to have them pulled out...but really, talk to your dentist.
Reply:you'll probably get them but sometimes not until later in life. I am 22 and am just getting them now, but since they don't hurt or pose any other problem, I don't need them removed. Check and see if you have them. It'll be the last tooth on both rows, both sides. In some cases, people do not get wisdom teeth, but most people do.
Reply:LOL Does anyone ever think that we DON'T need out wisdom teeth taken out? Very few humans ever need them taken out, but in our money-making heath "care" today, everyone is told that they should. It costs a LOT of money to do, so the dentists get rich off it. I'm 21 and I have never had a tooth pulled, it's not natural to have wisdom teeth taken out. They're part of growing up and being human--would you take your eyes out, or your fingers off?

Unless you're in some discomfort after they grow in (as they grow in they might bother you a bit, much like when a baby's teeth grow in) you don't need them taken out. It's a painful surgery, and all surgery is with its risks. Why worry about it?
Reply:For one thing I completly disagree with Mathaowny. This isn't a way for dentists to just make money, that is a very stupid statement. Research your answer before you say something like that.Wisdom teeth do not always have to be removed, it's when the wisdow teeth become impacted, they need to be removed. When teeth come in impacted it means they come in to the side and will eventually crown the other teeth and make them crooked. Most people's wisdom teeth come in when they are 16-18 years old, but it depends on the person and just beceause your parents still have theirs doesn't mean you will be able to keep yours. And once again, this is not a way for dentists to make money. You can be 34 yrs old and still have yours, that's b/c they aren't impacted. But not everyone is the same. If you don't like dentists don't get on here just to bad mouth them so you can get points. The people asking the questions want real answers that are going to help them, not waste their time.
Reply:I was told that I needed my out, my dont show so I would need a oral surgeon. When I asked why I need them removed they said wisdom teeth sometimes cause problems later on. I am 34 and still have them no problems. Why have major surgery and take a week off work(major pain and bleeding) just so dentist can make money.


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