Sunday, October 11, 2009

What happens if I don't get my wisdom teeth pulled?

Ok, well I can feel like a millimeter of one of my wisdom teeth starting to come in. i don't have dental insurance, so it would cost thousands of dollars to get them taken out. Well, I don't have that at this moment.

What happens if I don't get them pulled right away? Anything? Will they ruin my almost perfect teeth?

Also, I'm FREAKED OUT of getting them pulled. I would probably have a heart attack.

What happens if I don't get my wisdom teeth pulled?
Bad things that can happen from wisdom teeth are infections, pain, and making other teeth crooked. Also wisdom teeth are very far back and hard to brush, so you could easily get cavities in them. So often, the dentist will recommend that you get them removed.

So, before you are freaked out too much, make an appointment to see your dentist. He/she will look at the wisdom teeth and tell you what to expect. Ask the dentist what your options are and also about how you can pay for the wisdom teeth. Many dentists and oral surgeons offer payment plans to patients.

What to expect if you get your wisdom teeth removed: you may have to fast the morning of or evening before the surgery. You will either get a local anesthesia or full anesthesia depending on what you and your dentist decide is best for you. This means that you will either be "asleep" for the entire procedure or that you will get a small shot that will numb your mouth but you will stay awake. For either option, you will not feel pain when the wisdom teeth are removed.

When they have finished the surgery, they will put stitches on your gums and make sure you are ok and everything. You will be given directions on how to care for your teeth for the next few days. Your mouth might be a little bit sore, and they will tell you which painkillers will be good to take. You should also follow the directions about eating soft foods and drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough rest and avoiding strenuous activity for a few days. (Cuz the body needs to heal.)

Overall, getting the teeth removed is 100 times better than the pain and problems you could have if you don't. Ask the dentist any questions you have about the whole thing and you will be fine.
Reply:It depends on whether your jaw has room for them or not. If it does, you should be okay. If you have a small jaw, it could cause some nasty problems with crowding and pain (i.e. they will ruin your almost perfect teeth).
Reply:well im 19 and have a big piece of my wisdom teeth there and yea ur teeth are going to get a lilttle bit crooked ....
Reply:I am 36 years old and just had two of my wisdom teeth taken out. I, like you, was terrified. They had been partially exposed for years, probably 10 years. The other two are completely impacted and will never see the light of day, but the doctor said they too need to come out. I chose to do only the 2 on my left side. I cancelled appointments because I was to scared, but when I finally did it they put me to sleep (which I was really scared of) and it was much easier than I could have ever imagined. It wasn't even that sore, I think I only took pain pills twice and the even had to chisel away bone to get them out.
Reply:unless they are infected or impacted then theres nothing to worry about. the reason people get them out now days is that we really don't need them and alot of times they become impacted or infected. Others are lucky enough to not experience that.
Reply:once they come in there's usually not enough room for them which will cause your other teeth to move.
Reply:Why remove a wisdom tooth? Now I have not seen YOUR wisdom teeth, so maybe they are coming in just fine. Don't panic unless you have had an x-ray so someone can tell you if that is the case or not. shows one reason. This is what can happen by the time you are 40 or 50 if you leave a wisdom tooth in place when it is impacted. The red arrows on the x-ray show the grey area that has decayed due to the wisdom tooth being present under the gum. The tooth shown is the exact same tooth shown in the x-ray, but turned so you can see the cavity. Food and bacteria can get down there and you can't clean it out. Eventually, it makes a cavity in the tooth next to the wisdom tooth and makes it so you have to have BOTH teeth removed.

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