Sunday, March 14, 2010

I got 4 teeth pulled Tuesday and 5 teeth filled yesterday. My sore tongue won't let me eat right. Help!?

The only thing that hurts in my mouth is my tongue. I believe that either my top or bottom teeth are biting my tongue. How can I fix my tongue so that I can eat a regular meal without being in pain?

I got 4 teeth pulled Tuesday and 5 teeth filled yesterday. My sore tongue won't let me eat right. Help!?
WOW! You have a junky mouth! And a high tolerance for pain! Did it hurt? To get your four teeth pulled? B/C i have to get 4 pulled as well for braces.
Reply:Did this person really answer your question? I don't see an answer anywhere so I'm a little confused why you picked this answer as best. Report It

Reply:The only thing you could really do it get some numbing meds for your tongue and wait until it kicks in and eat.
Reply:I am not sure why your tongue is hurting. You might have bitten it during the couple of hours after the work was being done, but not enough that it should keep you from eating. I have had extensive dental work done and can't figure out what is causing you pain. I would say go to the emergency room or back to the doctor because something serious must be wrong.
Reply:I'm a dentist.

After you had your dental work performed, you were probably instructed not to eat for a couple of hours. We tell you this so that you don't inadvertently and unknowingly bite the soft tissues in your mouth.

Next time, listen to the instructions we give you!
Reply:Well, first of all, OH MY GOODNESS! Why did you have that many teeth pulled and filled??? And drink like 8 medium sized malts a day for about a week or 2. The pain will be gone by then. And also try taking an over the counter pain reliever like Advil. But if it gets bad enough, you might be able to get perscription pain relievers.
Reply:You are probably sore from having so much work done in such a short time. Your tongue had to be held away during all of these procedures. My guess is you've got a strong tongue muscle and they had to really fight with it to keep it out of the way for the extractions and then again for the restorations. Let's face it, you had a lot of work done!

You could have also bit it while being numb causing some swelling and now you keep re-biting it, because it's swollen only making it worse. You're in a shape aren't you? I know it hurts, but never get this much work done so close together again.

To give you some relief the best thing to do is rinse with warm salt water to sooth the soreness in the tongue muscle and the bite area. This will be good for the extractions areas also. Take Advil or Motrin 600 mg for the inflammation of the tongue and also for the extractions. Eat ice cold things like ice cream, smoothies, yogurt, cold pudding and popsicles all of which will help to numb the area and give you something to eat as well. These will be helpful for the extractions also. Just be very careful not to continue biting your tongue keeping it irritated.

It's going to take a few days to get your tongue back to normal. You probably bit it pretty hard along with having so much work that's caused the swelling and soreness. So, Advil or Motrin 600 mg, ice cold foods, warm salt water rinses and try not to bite it any more! Hope I've been of some help and remember next time not to do so much work on your teeth all in one week.
Reply:It is likely that you accidentally chewed your tongue whilst it was numb. Don't aggravate it by using a numbing mouthwash as suggested above.

Your tongue is a muscle and has been bruised, so treat it as you would any bruised muscle. You can't expect to run with a bruised calf muscle, so don't try and eat regular meals if your tongue hurts. A few days on a soft diet will see things right. Take simple painkillers as necessary.
Reply:All sorts of damage can happen to soft tissues in your mouth when you're numb because you don't know what you're doing to yourself! You may have unintentionally chewed on it or played with it or it could have just dried out and cracked. Rinse with warm salt water and get some over the counter topical medications that help with numbing (anything that helps with canker sore pain, etc.) It's going to be the only thing that helps immediately. You should be fine shortly though, your mouth heals really quickly.

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