we have been married 11 years and we are happy in all other respects i would love it all the time and he happy 1 or twice a month we are still in our mid to late 30's. i am looking for ideas to get him more motivsted or is this part of being almost 40
What can i do to help my husband get in the mood it feels like i pull teeth to have sex?
They say that men reach their sexual peak earlier than we do, so he may have had his already, and you're just getting to yours. Your life sounds just like mine!!! (Hubby %26amp; I are 37)
I personally think my husband should get a physical and make sure there's nothing wrong physically. If not, then he needs to get some viagra. So even if he doesn't get motivated, I can still get my "cookies".
Reply:um..........did you say sex ??????????????
Reply:its not his teeth you need to be pulling
Reply:Rent movies that are sexy or have racy scenes - not porn, but "fade to black" type and have movie night once or twice a week.
Reply:share your answer with me if you find a good one, lol.
Reply:Dress a little provocative and try some interesting things to take the boredom out of your sexual activity
Reply:Hmm diff one, if you can get him exercising might get him generally more physically active?
Reply:Leave him and come to me. I am always available.
Reply:no mine is 38 and he's the opposite to the point where its annoying...we could trade for a while!! ok so thats not a good idea, have you talked to him about why he isn't interetsed? is he having any of those guy problems? or are all the ED commercials scaring him? maybe try something different, if that doesn't interest him you could always say 'i'm having sex tonight, do you plan to be there?'
Reply:Actually, it is because of his age and him approaching the age of 40. He prolly thinks he isnt attractive as he once was, having doubts, penial disfunction, etc. My hubby went thru the same thing.
An interesting note: We women will reach our sexual peak in our mid 30's - mid 40's while men reach their sexual peak in their late teens--late 20's.
Be prepared for a 'mid life' crisis as well.
Good Luck!
Reply:Walk around the house naked that would work for me and i'm 58 and would love the chance but i guese i have the same problem you with my wife !
Reply:Take Control. Don't try to be sweet or goofy. Be assertive. Talk dirty and do it with a straight face. Let him know what you want. After eleven years, the same old thing doesn't produce the same turn on. It doesn't mean your man doesn't think you are sexy. He probably just wants you to give him something new. Beg. Look in his eyes. Remember, try not to be sweet or funny. Be serious. Take control
Reply:Depends on his reasons why he is not motivated. I have a friend that stopped having relations with his wife simply because he was afraid of accidental pregnancy. Try making a game of it put both of your deepest fantasies in a hat and each try one for each other with no judgment and see if that works preform for him. don't be a wife or mother to his kids be his mistress.
Reply:dang, u must be really horny......just tell him if he don't start accomodating you, you will find someone else who will
Reply:amazing. so many of us! Its the same with my hubby. I want more, it seems he wants none. It is always the same. I tried all sort of stuff, it still feels boring. He does not share my excitement to try new things. I felt bitter. We recently talked and Pandora's box opened. He is not interested any more in me I guess, he says he's become some sort of asexual cause of stress and work load but I feel it is just me. He told me it would be OK to find a boyfriend cause it is not fair to me...He just does not want to know...I rest my case!!!
Reply:wow bummer
Reply:I'd say the hel! with it and find someone else who would give me pleasure. Why is it when men hit a certain age, they do that. (experience)!! It's very irritating. And it's getting to the point where we could have more fun with ourselves.
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