Sunday, March 14, 2010

Keeping wisdom teeth?

Today I'm going to the dentist for a checkup, but I'm a little concerned about something. My wisdom teeth are coming in with no problems (I have over half an inch of space in each place, plus my teeth are really similar to my dad's, and at 47 he still has his wisdom teeth), and the dentist even said before that they probably wouldn't have to be pulled. However, that was a while ago, and now I'm thinking he might see them coming in and just want to pull them out of greed. If that happens, can I (or my parents, since I'm only 17) refuse it if he can't give a legitimate reason for pulling them? I once had two teeth pulled when I was 6 and the dentist didn't really give us a reason, so I don't want to do that again...

Keeping wisdom teeth?
The other poster is correct--no one can force you. And if you have space for them and they are erupting normally, there is no reason in the world he would advise you to take them out.

If you have any reason to believe he's operating out of "greed" you should find another dentist immediately.

Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Reply:You can refuse ANY dental treatment. No matter what the reason. They're your teeth! Did you seriously believe a dentist can force you to have treatment? Come on..........
Reply:Most dentist likes to take them out while you are young because it is easier to get them before the roots really take hold. My dentist told me he almost always suggest getting them out because they are hard to properly clean and usually end up with cavities or worse and will at some point have to come out. I can see how they would be hard to brush and floss. I have one that is coming in and it is a pain to clean and really hard to ge the floss there.

I am getting all 4 out in Feb. It is costing a fortune, but luckily insurance is picking up 80% of it and I am only have to pay about $500 out of pocket.

Still, if you have room, and they are not bothering you, they can't force you to get them out. It can only be suggested.

EDIT: I did read the details. Did you read my answer? They can't pull them if you don't want them pulled. I was informing you that it is easier to remove them now than later though. The complications rise as you age. Only a dentist can be a good judge on how your mouth will handle them. If you don't trust your dentist to be a good judge of that, then you should be looking for a different dentist. Your parents insurance company can direct them to other dentists that are covered in your area.

UPDATE: While at my dentist today, he offered to pull a wisdom tooth for me that I had coming in. I declined and said I would just get them all out in feb. when I am unconscious at an oral surgeon. So you can say no....
Reply:I would get a new dentist if I were you the dentist should always give you a reason as to why they are pulling your teeth

you or your parents can refuse both if you do not want them pulled

and if you have enough space for them to grow in then I would say just keep them

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