Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rubber band pulling down tooth... braces?!?!?!?

I got my tooth on the top pulled out and it didn't grow back. So I had to get some of my gum removed so they can unvcover the tooth. Now, I have to wear a rubberband to pull down the tooth. It is supposed to make it grow faster...

Has anyone over done this? If so, how long did it take for the tooth to grow?

I want to get my braces off soon... I've had them for two years, but the can't take them off till the tooth grows.

Rubber band pulling down tooth... braces?!?!?!?
Well i had rubber band for about mounth. Some teeth move faster than others, and if u want your braces off sooner follow the rules and directions they give you. I was suppose to have braces for two years as well, and i got my braces off after eight mounths.

girls myspace

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