Thursday, March 11, 2010

Should I be Wearing my Dental flipper after I just had teeth pulled?

I just had a front tooth and the 2 next to it pulled and after he pulled them he stuck my new flipper in my mouth. My concern is it kinda sucks on the wond area once and a while and I thought that would cause a dry socket... So I have had it in for about 24 houres now since they were pulled.

Should I be Wearing my Dental flipper after I just had teeth pulled?
If you are concerned, call the dentist and ask him. He will give you the best answer.
Reply:Because the wound area is covered by the Flipper there is less chance of dry socket. It takes 24-72 hours for dry socket to form if the blood clot is dislodged. You did the right thing keeping it in for 24 hrs.

Remember no straws, no smoking no carbonated beverages. do nothing that will cause a sucking action. Rinse often with warm salt water.
Reply:If the doctor put it on he obviously has no concerns. Always wear your flipper unless told otherwise.


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