Sunday, March 14, 2010

My wisdom were teeth pulled out 5 months ago, should I still be experiencing pain?

In June of this year I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted. I healed fine and did not have any problems. Since then, I've felt a little pain on the right sides of my mouth (where my teeth used to be). My left side has never hurt. It was never too much pain until recently. Now my sockets (if that is what you call them) hurt just as bad as when my wisdom teeth were there. I called my oral surgeon and I'm going to set up an appointment.

Is this kind of thing normal? Even after 5 months?

My wisdom were teeth pulled out 5 months ago, should I still be experiencing pain?
Mine hurt for like six months I think the doctor pulled some bone out with the tooth
Reply:Well thats what i would do, call the dr. but to tell you the truth, I had mine taken out 7 yrs ago and once in a while they still hurt. I think its because now there is space at the back of your mouth and your teeth slowly move a little. I don't know for sure. My doctor says mine is from clenching my Jaw when i sleep.
Reply:Now, I don't know if this is your problem, but when my grandmother had hers out, she started having pain again and eventually a small piece of bone stuck through her gums, and she pulled it out. Obviously, when the tooth was pulled out, it broke off a piece of her bone.
Reply:nope. it is not normal at all. good idea calling your dentist. you might have an infection. it might appear fine to the bare eye but inside, it can be all (not to be gross, but...) filled with infectous puss. i only say this because it happened to someone i know.
Reply:It shouldn't be hurting anymore if they were pulled out properly. Pain should subside within a few days. Otherwise, it can mean that certain nerves within your gums were damaged or were not denervated ("disconnected" from the area where they function), or remnants of your teeth still remain and are thus causing the pain.
Reply:Go to the dentist. You may have dry sockets.
Reply:There is nothing worse than tooth-related pain.

It's a good thing to see your oral surgeon. I think that he/she will be able to diagnose why you are having problems.

I would say that pain after five months is abnormal.
Reply:Definately not dry socket... This would subside within a month or two max. You might want to get another xray of your teeth to see if your other molars are the source of the pain or if there was damage to your jaw in some way. There could also be a small piece of sharp bone left sticking into your gums and irritating them. The only person that can tell you for sure is your dentist.
Reply:It is possible that your other teeth are starting to shift into the new space where your wisdom teeth were. I hardly have any of the space left where mine were. Your mouth may hurt if your teeth are shifting. I would go see your dentist anyway. It might be something else.
Reply:I'm glad you made an appointment, because this is "not normal." It might be just something coincidental and not related to your wisdom teeth, but that would need diagnosis and treatment also.



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