Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wisdom teeth always need to be pulled?

Because of a problem with a filling, will have to have the lower left wisdom tooth pulled. Doc also says upper left wisdom tooth will have to come out too, although nothing is wrong with that. Why? And is it really necessary?

Wisdom teeth always need to be pulled?
Your dentist is most likely concerned about something called "supraeruption."

Back molars, to maintain their positions, require regular chewing stimulation. When your lower molar is extracted, there's nothing for the upper molar to contact against during chewing. The upper molar, over several months or years, drops down (supraerupts), looking for the now-missing lower opposing molar to chew against.

How much and how often supraeruption occurs is a hotly debated topic among dentists.
Reply:If your wisdom teeth aren't bothering you, then you don't have to have them removed. Some people never get them removed.
Reply:they don't always need to be pulled, but your doctor is the one to decide, unless you want to go for a second opinion, or to dental school

it depends on how they're coming in, or if they're coming in. If they're pushing on your other teeth then it will not only cause pain but it will disfigure your face, better to get them out. And besides, they give you super good pain killers afterwards
Reply:They crowd your other teeth when they come son is in the next wave of evolution, he doesn't have wisdom teeth buds!

Hopefully he will be saved that pain!
Reply:Of course not! However, there are a fist-full of reasons why you sometimes do.

There are those wisdom teeth that insist on coming in horizontally, for example, resulting in teeth that crowd towards the front of the mouth. This makes orthodonture much more difficult than it might otherwise be. I had to have all four wisdom teeth out for exactly this reason.

This crowding obviously puts horizontal stress on the tooth (teeth....), and this stress can crack or break the tooth, and/or the filling inside.

And, secondly, you have to decide just "who your dentist is"... meaning, is he or she the kind of person who could actually perform an unnecessary but billable procedure for their own benefit. I've seen that too.

Get a second opinion is the rule, not the exception. Go to someone who gets recommended to you and see what they say, not telling them the first dentist's recommendation.
Reply:I went to the dentist because my wisdom teeth at the top were ginving me trouble but the ones on the bottom were not. He told me he was going to pull them anyway. He ended up pulling all 4 of my wisdom teeth and a baby tooth that was still in my mouth and I was 21 at the time.

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