Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does having teeth pulled out hurt?

My tooth is sort of split and I'll probably have to have it pulled out, so does it hurt? I've never had a tooth pulled, but I've had the needle, and it's ok...sort of... btw its a baby tooth (a back one)

Does having teeth pulled out hurt?
Hi.. I've had lots of dental work over the years. Also a number of extractions too.

If you are given Novocain ( pain Killer) no it should not really be painful. And I'm sure if you go to a dentist he will give you some kind of pain killer.

The thing here is to wait long enough for the pain killer to take effect.

Some dentists are in a big rush and don't wait long enough for the pain killer to really become effective.

If you still feel discomfort or if you feel pain when the dentist starts to remove the tooth say something.

It is very easy to get another shot or to at least wait a few moments for the area to become totally numb.

If you do need another shot to achieve total numbness you will not feel the second shot at all. No pain what so ever from it.

Then you will feel nothing at all. It should be totally painless.

There is a certain amount of fear and apprehension that always goes with going to the dentist. These can actually be worse for some people than the actual work that is done.

As you mention it is a baby tooth this will come right out. Very little effort will be necessary to remove this as the root of the tooth is very shallow.

It will be over before you know it.
Reply:yes very much ~~~~main~~~~
Reply:no not really they usually give you codeine to numb the pain, but then you can't feel your mouth and you have a droopy face for a couple of hours after the operation and you spit when you talk
Reply:it sounds worse than it feels
Reply:Oh its soo painful.. and it stays sore for long as well
Reply:No they use numming stuff and all that. You hear a noise but you don't feel a thing. I had 3 teeth pulled out one after the other. Don't worry it's fine.

Don't listen to these idiots telling you it hurts. YOU DONT FEEL ANYTHING!
Reply:yeah alot
Reply:It shouldn't hurt. They will numb you up really good with Novocaine. If you don't get Novocaine, it'll hurt like hell.
Reply:Not if they use laughing gas to put you under.
Reply:no not if you are numbed which you will be...the shot is worse.
Reply:No, they give you something that makes not feel anything.
Reply:not if they give you the injections.
Reply:yes, having a teeth pull does hurt until the dental give you enjoy med.
Reply:No not that much if you have novacane. the novacane makes it feel as though you have no cheeks after it's done.
Reply:let me tell you i just had four wisdom teeth pulled and i didn't feel a thing it was like a dream because they put me to sleep, my recovery was like 5-6 days and there was lots of bleeding and swelling at first and then i was allergic to my medication it was horrible and i was drooling and it was kind of funny but it was difficult for me to sleep at night because of the throbbing and sharp pain when i ran out of meds, i know you're only getting one tooth pulled, but it shouldn't be as bad as this experience
Reply:Not until after the novocaine wears off, then its not even that bad. I've had at least 3 pulled. It only feels like when you pull the last bit of a loose tooth out when you were a kid. People will fill your head full of bull crap. I am telling the truth. I will just warn you, Don't try to eat until the novocaine fully wears off. Other wise you'll bite the s*** out of your tounge, and not even know it!!!! lol, Trust me!!!
Reply:no not really they will numb it and you don't even feel it

and it will make your jaw feel better
Reply:A baby tooth, you'll be fine. The worst part is sometimes you hear exaggerated noises due to echoing in your mouth. You'll be amazed how well it goes.
Reply:Last year, I had a molar pulled.

In my case, I had a wonderful dentist. Well, actually he was an oral surgeon.

I was given an intravenous drip to put me out, so obviously the extraction was painless, so you may want to request being put out completely rather than having just a local anesthetic.

There is, however, soreness afterwards.

The most intense discomfort generally lasts about 3 days or so, but it does take time for your gum to heal, so ther can be tenderness for several weeks or longer.

They usually prescribe codeine or some pain killer to help you get through the first 3 days or so.

But, really, it's not that bad.

You just want to make sure you follow the post-operative instructions they give you such as using a prescribed rinse, eatinng soft foods etc.

You'll be fine.
Reply:Tell your dentist to give you a double dose of the needle.

Take a portable CD player and favorite CD with. Put head phones on and BLAST your favorite tunes.

That's what I do, even if it's just for a filling. Dentist is not my favorite place to be.

You should be alright, especially since it's a "baby" tooth. Tell your dentist since he has the tooth, it's now his/her job to play "tooth fairy" with a $5.00 or $10.00 bill.

BLAST the tunes and relax. Everything will be OK.
Reply:No it doesn't hurt when they pull it out... you won't feel a thing because of the needle. Trust me- I had to get 4 teeth pulled out on the same day (baby teeth) and 2 pulled out a different day (adult teeth- one hadn't even come up yet). It may hurt a little bit later, like later that day and the next few days... but you can take advil or something. It may get annoying because you are not supposed to spit, and the blood in your mouth may bother you a little bit, but this gets better after several hours. you might not want to go back to school that day. hope this helps!

Happy Valentines Day, by the way!
Reply:It sure does hurt a lot.

Take lot's of pain relievers ever 4 to 6 hours.

Don't wait for it to hurt again. Stay out of the sun and stay home and rest basically.


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